Taxing people differently based religion is discrimination. The taxes are not used for the same purpose. Jiyza covers soldiers wages while zakat does not. Zakat supports the poor of any religion while Jizya does not support non-Muslims. Where as a unifed tax system based solely on income is within the same treasury which supports anyone in need.
Look up what discrimination and religious discrimination actually is. Again rights are granted by the tax code in Islam rather than citizen level in secular nations.
Look, the zakat covers for the care of ALL poor, not jus tmuslims.
The Jizyah also has a part to play in that but yes, as I said and you repeated, the jizyah also covers military expenses, the same military which protects the non-muslims. In Islam, a muslim, when living in a true islamic state, MUST answer the call for war, whether it is to defend their borders or to fight against an oppressive regime. A non-muslim is under no such obligation, also the jizya covers the costs of the police force as does other revenues of funds by the government, the same police force, which, you guessed it, must look after both muslim and non-muslim citizens.
Now, you have a non-Muslim, living in an islamic state, under a social welfare system, free health care, help with benefits and jobs if unemployed or disabled, all of this funded by the muslims and those non-muslims who can afford it (this is key) are expected to give nothing back to the system? That's unfair on the muslims lol
But seriously, this isn't difficult to understand, if you lot keep disagreeing with it, it's up to you. I have done my bit to try and help you to understand, it is up to you to accept what is right.