Sure - I don't dispute that patriarchal gender roles arose from economic and biological conditions, if that's what you're saying. That still doesn't make staying at home wiping bums and baking pies an interesting, exciting, important, stimulating or meaningful full-time profession, and it sure doesn't elevate women in general beyond the status of household servants.
Honestly, has it ever been any man's childhood ambition to look after children all day and do household chores for the rest of their lives? Why would women in general have ever felt differently? I expect that for most women in history, there was a childhood moment of "AHA - I get it, I'm actually not allowed to do anything at all with my life because I don't have a penis", and that moment was disappointing and sad.
I think what Freud termed "penis envy", although ridiculous, is not too far from the truth. What his German clients had was man envy - envy of the ability to make your mark on the world, live independently, earn an income, do something meaningful, etc.