As a brazilian, one thing I find reallllly weird about American culture is the concept of paying rent to your parents once you hit 18 years old. How commonplace is this?
Does anybody else also find this weird?
Of course one should help paying the bills, but literally paying a monthly rent to keep living with your parents is completely alien to Brazilian culture.
Rent discourages living rent-free forever, and forces kids to be responsible, get jobs, not stay up drinking, and prepares for the real world. Parents could save the money for the kids when they really need it.
As parents grow very old or need a great deal of care, it is a good idea to take the financial burden off of kids who help them.
Obamacare charges for medical care based on the income of the entire household. So, if there is a child caregiver, they have to pay according to the income of themselves and their parents, even if they don't get support or free rent. This puts a huge burden on taking care of the elderly.
California probate law was recently changed to avoid undue influence (child caregivers might get a larger inheritance), so now child caregivers are aced out of inheritances if siblings file probate cases. This means that if you take care of aging parents, you could lose your entire inheritance. That's odd, since the child caregiver is usually more attentive than the other siblings.
More and more, child caregivers are discouraged from helping their parents, which forces parents into long term skilled nursing facilities which don't really care about their care. For example, it is standard practice at some facilities to not change diapers or sheets for 24 hours, so patients languish in their own poop for 24 hours. But, they do abide by Federal and state guidelines of treatment, which is essentially to sit up (in a chair) for 15 minutes per day. So long term care facilities have all of their patients sitting up in the hallway for 15 minutes per day. If you go to a long term care facility, you will hear patients screaming for nurses, complaining of heart attacks, etc. This is quite normal since the nursing staff refuses to come when called. This does not violate Federal or state guidelines.
Often parents and children take care of each other. They each have special needs. Government interference is geared to prevent that.