Surprising as it may seem - there are rational explanations to why Ahmadiyas are being persecuted
These religions are Master/Slave religions born when Kings ruled - there was no democracy, you got down on your knees, swore undying loyalty and begged for his mercy and protection. The King's word was law - see Abraham ready to murder his own child - the Slave must obey the Master. Recently in Church two teenage kids were brutally beaten by members but what was unusual was some of the members were their own family! One of the kids died as a result of this beating. In Pakistan, i beleive, a woman was sentenced to death by these primitive courts - death by stone-throwing - one of the throwers who killed her was her own son! Again you see the Slave mentality. Why go so far - here in the US - with its educated and intelligent people - at least 2 TV shows where a child draws a cartoon showing her Father, who doesn't attend Church - burning in Hell! This is her own father, one who loves her, protects her, would give his life for her - but Master above all - Master must be obeyed, even own father must be tossed into Hell!
The likes of Bobby Jindal and Nikkie Haley - coming from religions that do not teach this hate and division(Hinduism and Sikhism) converting to religions that preach this division - highly educated people ready to throw their own parents, siblings and relatives into hell
Remember these religions constantly stress that Heaven can only be given, it cannot be earned, that puts you in their power - the greed for the good easy life blinding people - once you think your well-being rests with X, he now has you in his power, he can make you do anything and in the above cases even kill and murder your own loved ones
And so now you see why Ahmadiyas must be punished - they are not obeying the master - they are doing something different that Master does not like that is how the Mullahs preach. Slaves fighting over which one Master likes his best and whom he will reward, fighting over who gets the reward. Now you see why in these religions Heavens are segregated by religion - if you are not one of them, there is no place for you in heaven - see the word Kingdom being used - well in a Kingdom, if you do not profess loyalty to the King, out you go, there is no place for you in the kingdom
Amazing such primitive and backward ideas are the dominant religions of the day