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Photogallery: Lebanon now


There's been a surge in the number of weddings in Lebanon because many couples chose to wait until the end of the war to hold their weddings as a show of defiance. Christians in Lebanon have been holding their weddings on Saturdays as a sign of solidarity with their Muslim, Orthodox Christian, and Jewish compatriots.


And holding weddings is big business, especially for Lebanese fashion designers.





A bride applies lipstick to another bride minutes before a mass wedding party was held in the Roman stadium in the southern Lebanese city of Tyre on Thursday night, July 27, 2000. Some 19 couples tied the knot as part of a mass wedding organized by the Lebanese Committee of the Tyre Festivals to celebrate Israel's troop withdrawal from south Lebanon in May.




Veteran Member
Djamila said:
To me, blaming Lebanon - and to a less strong, but similar extent Hezbollah
I do not enjoy talking about Israeli/Arab conflicts largely because of statements like this from both sides. I am neither pro Arab nor pro Israeli. I understand both sides. I think both Arabs & Israelis act like fools much of the time. Throw the American government in there to complicate matters and you have a mess.

This is a simple statement but largely how I view the whole situation.....until both sides quit blaming and start accepting responsibility for their actions there will be no peace.


Aww... I agree mostly, Buttercup. I was checking the Active Threads section and saw that you had replied to this thread, and for some reason I started singing in my head: Fill me up, Buttercup - you know I love you! I can't help myself! Etc... so I knew your message would be good before I read it. I have this weird... knack. ;) Fate, karma, intuition, whatever you want to call it - it's always been good to me.


Buttercup said:
I understand this sentiment you explain, Djamila...but in all honesty I have to say this scewed thinking causes me to sympathize less with Arabs/Muslims. I don't think I'm alone, sorry.
oh you are not alone the victime mentality,the dont blame us blame america, i dont think the lebenese get this from nowhere this is all fundamentalist propaganda, hezbollah comes out blameless. and we thought Blair had good spin doctors.


Well everything Israel does works in Hezbollah's favor. If Israel had carried out a cross-border raid and abducted two soldiers of the Lebanese Army, you'd have seen Hezbollah's support plummet.

But when Israel destroys an entire country, kills hundreds, makes hundreds of thousands homeless, then Hezbollah's support rises.

It's basic, common ******* sense.


It's just human nature, really. I don't understand how anyone isn't able to understand it. Every bomb that fell on Sarajevo during the siege was another woman in a veil. They killed us for being Muslims, well then we'll SHOW YOU Muslims! They kill the Lebanese for supporting Hezbollah, well - they'll show you what SUPPORTING HEZBOLLAH is.


Djamila said:
Well everything Israel does works in Hezbollah's favor. If Israel had carried out a cross-border raid and abducted two soldiers of the Lebanese Army, you'd have seen Hezbollah's support plummet.

But when Israel destroys an entire country, kills hundreds, makes hundreds of thousands homeless, then Hezbollah's support rises.

It's basic, common ******* sense.
common sense indeed abuct Israeli soldiers they will retaliate ,kill Israeli soldiers they will retaliate. suicide bomb and Israeli cafe , they will retaliate , every one knows this still they do it . yes you are right it goes in Hezbollahs favor because they want it that way if they wanted to live in peace they would its common sense indeed . your anti Israeli, anti american rhetoric, solves nothing.


Oh God, I'm neither anti-American nor anti-Israeli. I'm just not afraid to stand up for what it is right.

If you honestly believe destroying an entire country is an acceptable "retaliation" for the abduction of two soldiers, then God have mercy on your soul.


Djamila said:
It's just human nature, really. I don't understand how anyone isn't able to understand it. Every bomb that fell on Sarajevo during the siege was another woman in a veil. They killed us for being Muslims, well then we'll SHOW YOU Muslims! They kill the Lebanese for supporting Hezbollah, well - they'll show you what SUPPORTING HEZBOLLAH is.
do you know the policy of Hezbollah djamilla , you either do not or you are in consent to their policy of killing jews and the total destruction of Israel .


Djamila said:
Oh God, I'm neither anti-American nor anti-Israeli. I'm just not afraid to stand up for what it is right.

If you honestly believe destroying an entire country is an acceptable "retaliation" for the abduction of two soldiers, then God have mercy on your soul.
i see you have very little understanding of this particular conflict,


kai said:
do you know the policy of Hezbollah djamilla , you either do not or you are in consent to their policy of killing jews and the total destruction of Israel .

There is a difference between Hezbollah and Lebanon. I'm sure very few of the hundreds of civilians killed were Hezbollah fighters, and even fewer of the hundreds of thousands made homeless.

I'm sure the UN base bombed in 2006 wasn't affiliated with Hezbollah, nor the children killed in Qana. Nor the women and children killed in Qana in 1996, when another UN base was bombed.

It's a joke, I can't believe people refuse to see through it.

It's the same with the NATO bombing of Serbia and Kosovo. Obviously, I'm anything but pro-Serbian but their targets made a mockery of NATO. They bombed the Chinese Embassy in the middle of a row with the Chinese government, and then claimed their maps were outdated. No one bothered to mention the maps would've had to have been printed prior to 1946 to have shown the building as anything else.

They bombed a bridge in Valjevo on market day, when the people of that town were on the bridge shopping through stalls and enjoying the Sunday afternoon. They said it was to stop supplies reaching Serbian extremists in Kosovo - but the bridge in Valjevo matters nothing in terms of getting supplies to Kosovo. There are countless ways to travel around Valjevo without ever leaving solid ground, and dozens more bridges were destroyed to the south of Valjevo, to keep supplies from reaching Kosovo. They knew well that that bridge would be crowded, they had to if they knew anything of Serbia and Serbian culture.

That makes me sick because someone, somewhere gave the okay.

It's the same with the war in Lebanon. Israel openly threatened before it started to destroy the country and set it back 50 years. Devastation not necessary to accomplish military objectives is a WAR CRIME. They not only threatened it, they DID it - and the world didn't blink? That's sadistic to me. I will never stand by silently and witness such brutality.


Djamila said:
There is a difference between Hezbollah and Lebanon. I'm sure very few of the hundreds of civilians killed were Hezbollah fighters, and even fewer of the hundreds of thousands made homeless. yes i agree and what was it all for?

I'm sure the UN base bombed in 2006 wasn't affiliated with Hezbollah, nor the children killed in Qana. Nor the women and children killed in Qana in 1996, when another UN base was bombed. i agree but what was it all for?

It's a joke, I can't believe people refuse to see through it. nor can i . i really cant

It's the same with the NATO bombing of Serbia and Kosovo. Obviously, I'm anything but pro-Serbian but their targets made a mockery of NATO. They bombed the Chinese Embassy in the middle of a row with the Chinese government, and then claimed their maps were outdated. No one bothered to mention the maps would've had to have been printed prior to 1946 to have shown the building as anything else.

They bombed a bridge in Valjevo on market day, when the people of that town were on the bridge shopping through stalls and enjoying the Sunday afternoon. They said it was to stop supplies reaching Serbian extremists in Kosovo - but the bridge in Valjevo matters nothing in terms of getting supplies to Kosovo. There are countless ways to travel around Valjevo without ever leaving solid ground, and dozens more bridges were destroyed to the south of Valjevo, to keep supplies from reaching Kosovo. They knew well that that bridge would be crowded, they had to if they knew anything of Serbia and Serbian culture. this is your area i know little of it so i wontt comment on things i know nothing about

That makes me sick because someone, somewhere gave the okay.

It's the same with the war in Lebanon. Israel openly threatened before it started to destroy the country and set it back 50 years. Devastation not necessary to accomplish military objectives is a WAR CRIME. They not only threatened it, they DID it - and the world didn't blink? That's sadistic to me. I will never stand by silently and witness such brutality.
what was it all about,, i will tell you.........

However, there is no legal and legitimate state called Israel.
Hassan Nasrallah

am against any reconciliation with Israel.
Hassan Nasrallah

believe that Palestine is an occupied land from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River, and this is the right of the entire Palestinian people, this land.
Hassan Nasrallah

hat is why if Lebanon concludes a peace agreement with Israel and brings that accord to the Parliament our deputies will reject it; Hezbollah refuses any conciliation with Israel in principle.
Hassan Nasrallah

"if they [Jews] all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide."[5][6]

"There is no solution to the conflict in this region except with the disappearance of Israel."[

"If we searched the entire world for a person more cowardly, despicable, weak and feeble in psyche, mind, ideology and religion, we would not find anyone like the Jew. Notice, I do not say the Israeli". [14]

“If they [the Jews] all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them world wide.”


Its a joke all right and people dont have to see through it its right in front of their faces


Well-Known Member
Djamila, do you support the Americans governments actions during the barbary coast era of piracy?


Well-Known Member
Djamila said:
But when Israel destroys an entire country, kills hundreds, makes hundreds of thousands homeless, then Hezbollah's support rises.

Sad really, when you use civilian locations as bases of operations, your surroundings are bound to get hurt. When you allow a private army in your country to function without little or no opposition to thier actions :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Isn't it funny how Hizbollah has declared a victory when they haven't really disclosed casualties? Baghdad Bob all over again.


Well, sadly it was a victory for Hezbollah. They now have near total support from all factions of Lebanese society, especially the Lebanese and Armenian Christians.

The protests against Turkish troops being sent to Lebanon as part of the UN force were, of course, about the Armenian genocide while Turkey still officially denies. But the protestors had more messages than that, which I've yet to see on North American news.

The posters they held up showed a hand with the Turkish flag shaking hands with Isreali or American flags, and said - in English - Don't believe the Zionist conspiracy. No Turks in Lebanon! There were also Hezbollah flags hanging from the churches of northern Lebanon this week.

That's a victory for them, same as its also a victory for Israel. The stronger Hezbollah gets, the stronger Israel gets. The people who want peace on all sides are even farther from it now, and much fewer in number.

Evil begets evil, it's simple.


Active Member
Buttercup said:
A few Americans might not like the picture on the top right......seems to me that the USA references should be erased and "See What You Did Hezbollah" added perhaps?

Hezballah did that? I don't think so... never has hezballah been more loved in Lebanon than they are right now... not only with Muslims, but with Christians also... and this is coming from a Lebanese :).... my aunts, uncles, grandma, and first cousins live in Lebanon and inform us of what's going on over there... and hezballah is loved in Lebanon, and they all know that Israel demolished their country, not Hezballah.... It's funny that everyone on here is blaming hezballah for all this, but no one here is lebanese and know anything about whats going on over there... I think it's funny that you think you guys no more than the actual citizens of the country itself. Capturing three soldiers, for the thousands Israel has, and in return their country get's destroyed.... I look forward to seeing it myself next year when I take my trip... I'm sure my family isn't lying, and i'm sure the lebanese (muslim and christians) I speak to over the internet aren't lying, but when I go myself and see it with my own eyes, I dare you guys to try and put the blame on Hezballah... too funny man.

Peace and blessings


‡Âlãn‡ said:
Sad really, when you use civilian locations as bases of operations, your surroundings are bound to get hurt. When you allow a private army in your country to function without little or no opposition to thier actions :rolleyes:
I still don't understand exactly what this means? The UN base had no Hezbollah positions within it? Nor did the one bombed in 1996? Nor did the house in Qana bombed this time around? Nor did the whole of southern Beirut - from which no one has proven a SINGLE rocket was fired from?

So what hiding among civilians are you talking about?

They weren't coming from the public transport system? Nor the bridges? Nor the petrol stations? No the churches of northern Lebanon, from which rockets couldn't even reach Israel anyways?


Ezzedean said:
Hezballah did that? I don't think so... never has hezballah been more loved in Lebanon than they are right now... not only with Muslims, but with Christians also... and this is coming from a Lebanese :).... my aunts, uncles, grandma, and first cousins live in Lebanon and inform us of what's going on over there... and hezballah is loved in Lebanon, and they all know that Israel demolished their country, not Hezballah.... It's funny that everyone on here is blaming hezballah for all this, but no one here is lebanese and know anything about whats going on over there... I think it's funny that you think you guys no more than the actual citizens of the country itself. Capturing three soldiers, for the thousands Israel has, and in return their country get's destroyed.... I look forward to seeing it myself next year when I take my trip... I'm sure my family isn't lying, and i'm sure the lebanese (muslim and christians) I speak to over the internet aren't lying, but when I go myself and see it with my own eyes, I dare you guys to try and put the blame on Hezballah... too funny man.

Peace and blessings

This is how I feel also. It's like blaming the woman for being raped.

"Awww...Hezbollah...see what you made us do? Poor Lebanon..."

That's immoral and... disgusting to me.