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Photogallery: Lebanon now


Djamila said:
It's common sense that someone watching FOX News or CNN doesn't know as much about the conflict as someone watching, for example, BBC - if that is their main source of information.

As an example, American media refers to illegal Israeli settlements on occupied territory, for which there is a UN resolution demanding Israel to vacate, as "neighborhoods". It refers to Gilo as a "neighborhood south of Jerusalem". Just watching BBC, at least you know it is an illegal settlement.

Even watching Israeli news, which is must say is some of the best in that region, you know this much. I'd choose Ha'aretz over al'Jazeera any day, it's not a conflict between Palestinians and Israelis. It's a conflict between those who want peace, and those who do not - and the latter consists of more than just Hamas.
are you suggesting americans dont have as much media access as you djamilla


Veteran Member
Djamila said:
It's common sense that someone watching FOX News or CNN doesn't know as much about the conflict as someone watching, for example, BBC - if that is their main source of information.
How the hell do you know what news sources Americans listen to or read Djamila? This conversation is getting stupid. I'm getting out of it.


i think i will get out of it too, oh by the way one last question djamilla,

whats your solution?


That's quite an unusual response. If statistics shows most Americans get their news from television, so be it. It's not saying all Americans do.

If most Bosnian women don't wear veils, feel free to say so. My niece won't have a hissy fit because statistics show most don't and she does.


Veteran Member
Djamila said:
That's quite an unusual response. If statistics shows most Americans get their news from television, so be it. It's not saying all Americans do.

If most Bosnian women don't wear veils, feel free to say so. My niece won't have a hissy fit because statistics show most don't and she does.
Show me stats on where all Europeans get their main news? I'm willing to wager that any country that can afford TV's get a majority of their news from that source. It's the easiest. And Americans probably have access to more television stations than you as well.

But, you digress from my statement a few posts back about why Americans may be apathetic toward the Middle East crisis at times......

It's been going on forever! We are tired of it and we can't win. I am weary, weary, weary of the United States being expected to be Superman. And I am extremely tired of the criticism when we do intervene.


Oldest Heretic
The muslims in Lebanon and Palestine are not about to disappear, now nor in the future.
Those that fight in their name, of necessity live amongst them.
A vast majority of Israeli soldiers live in civilian communities, complete with their personal equipment and small arms.
If it is legitimate for israel to bomb civilians because fighters live amongst them;
equally it would be legitimate for their own civilian areas to be bombed.

Eventually The USA will be so involved elsewhere that it will not be possible for it to give Israel priority support.

Israel can only fight wars on a limited time scale before both fuel and munitions become scarce.
Up to now it has managed to use blitzkrieg tactics and establish a position where it is able to withdraw and rebuild.

In world historical terms, no country has been able to maintain that balance for ever.
The time will come when the tide turns, if they have not found a way to establish peace they will lose the subsequent war.

Is this what they want for their future generations.


Terrywoodenpic said:
The muslims in Lebanon and Palestine are not about to disappear, now nor in the future.
Those that fight in their name, of necessity live amongst them.
A vast majority of Israeli soldiers live in civilian communities, complete with their personal equipment and small arms.
If it is legitimate for israel to bomb civilians because fighters live amongst them;
equally it would be legitimate for their own civilian areas to be bombed.

Eventually The USA will be so involved elsewhere that it will not be possible for it to give Israel priority support.

Israel can only fight wars on a limited time scale before both fuel and munitions become scarce.
Up to now it has managed to use blitzkrieg tactics and establish a position where it is able to withdraw and rebuild.

In world historical terms, no country has been able to maintain that balance for ever.
The time will come when the tide turns, if they have not found a way to establish peace they will lose the subsequent war.

Is this what they want for their future generations.
and how do you suggest Israel establish this peace


Well, Ezzedean, as you can surely see - achieving peace is going to be an uphill battle. When people view the Israeli government and army not as a part of this conflict but as the equivalent of some force outside of it that is working towards peace, then we'll not have any progress.

If people condemn only Israeli aggression and not that of the Palestinians, or vice versa, then there is no hope of them being part of the solution. When people can not only tolerate, but also defend the complete destruction of Lebanon as a response to Hezbollah's attack, what does that say about the situation in the world?

When two Israeli soldiers being kidnapped allows them to feel compassion, but the slaughter of more than 800 Lebanese civilians does not, then there is no hope for them being a part of the solution. All we can do is remain true to our faith and not allow ourselves to use our faith as a weapon in desperation.

You should check out Checkpoint Watch, Jews Against the Occupation, Abraham's Vision, and other Jewish/Muslim organizations, Ezzedean. It will keep you from blaming Israelis for this conflict and will certainly keep you from developing negative associations towards Jews. The best way to help, I think, is to support those Israeli groups who are actively trying to achieve peace, and not victory. Who are actively trying to bring an end to their government's policies, instead of openly or through ignorence supporting the occupation and colonization of occupied land.

It's also a safe way to ensure the money you send to help Palestinians actually reaches them. I imagine, though, this year I will give most of my zakat to Lebanon. I want to go there so badly. When the Bosnians in Lebanon arrived in Sarajevo after they were evacuated, their stories were just so heart-breaking. And Jakov Finci was right there, I'm so proud of him and all he does.

And that's all we can do. We can't get involved in these stupid debates in which we're not even speaking from the same level depth of knowledge and level of understanding. There are those who will support Israel against all reason, same as there are those who will support Palestine with the same devotion. With them, there is no hope of finding a solution.

All we can do is join hands with those who want peace, and make sure we include as many Muslim, Jewish, and Christian groups as we can. Just as the Lebanese are now united more than ever, we all have to be united. This won't continue forever. Evil never wins, it will eventually be overcome. We just have to take as much of the burden off the shoulders of those involved as we can.


Oldest Heretic
Buttercup said:
Show me stats on where all Europeans get their main news? I'm willing to wager that any country that can afford TV's get a majority of their news from that source. It's the easiest. And Americans probably have access to more television stations than you as well.

But, you digress from my statement a few posts back about why Americans may be apathetic toward the Middle East crisis at times......

It's been going on forever! We are tired of it and we can't win. I am weary, weary, weary of the United States being expected to be Superman. And I am extremely tired of the criticism when we do intervene.
Easy answer... don't intervene


Djamila said:
Well, Ezzedean, as you can surely see - achieving peace is going to be an uphill battle. When people view the Israeli government and army not as a part of this conflict but as the equivalent of some force outside of it that is working towards peace, then we'll not have any progress.

If people condemn only Israeli aggression and not that of the Palestinians, or vice versa, then there is no hope of them being part of the solution. When people can not only tolerate, but also defend the complete destruction of Lebanon as a response to Hezbollah's attack, what does that say about the situation in the world?

When two Israeli soldiers being kidnapped allows them to feel compassion, but the slaughter of more than 800 Lebanese civilians does not, then there is no hope for them being a part of the solution. All we can do is remain true to our faith and not allow ourselves to use our faith as a weapon in desperation.

You should check out Checkpoint Watch, Jews Against the Occupation, Abraham's Vision, and other Jewish/Muslim organizations, Ezzedean. It will keep you from blaming Israelis for this conflict and will certainly keep you from developing negative associations towards Jews. The best way to help, I think, is to support those Israeli groups who are actively trying to achieve peace, and not victory. Who are actively trying to bring an end to their government's policies, instead of openly or through ignorence supporting the occupation and colonization of occupied land.

It's also a safe way to ensure the money you send to help Palestinians actually reaches them. I imagine, though, this year I will give most of my zakat to Lebanon. I want to go there so badly. When the Bosnians in Lebanon arrived in Sarajevo after they were evacuated, their stories were just so heart-breaking. And Jakov Finci was right there, I'm so proud of him and all he does.

And that's all we can do. We can't get involved in these stupid debates in which we're not even speaking from the same level depth of knowledge and level of understanding. There are those who will support Israel against all reason, same as there are those who will support Palestine with the same devotion. With them, there is no hope of finding a solution.

All we can do is join hands with those who want peace, and make sure we include as many Muslim, Jewish, and Christian groups as we can. Just as the Lebanese are now united more than ever, we all have to be united. This won't continue forever. Evil never wins, it will eventually be overcome. We just have to take as much of the burden off the shoulders of those involved as we can.
nice speech and i give up now because you are obviously not going to answer my question,


Oldest Heretic
kai said:
and how do you suggest Israel establish this peace
First by spending as much effort into it as they put into fighting.
secondly acting in a way over a sufficient period of time to gain the trust of their opponents.
That when they say they will do something thy will hold by it... not till just the next election.
At the moment no one believes Israel wants peace on any terms, other than by complete military domination of the area.

Peace is a process... That process has not yet started.
When the Palestinians and others, see that Israel is sincere the process could start.

Israel has made offers in the past, but they were not believed nor trusted.


Well-Known Member
Ezzedean said:
For Hezballah to stick around and protect Lebanon from Israel.


Do you not read what Hizbollah's leaders have to say about Jews? It is time for lebanon's government to step up.


Buttercup said:
I guess you missed my post where I said we get whining when we don't intervene and whining when we do. We can't win.

you know what? i think there's a huge difference between "whining" and "crying out for help / crying out for and end to said 'help' ".

and it's not like the u.s. does the exact same thing every time it goes in somewhere for a given reason. administrations change, interests change, and tactics change. people don't whine so much as suffer, and suffer terribly.

if the u.s. governemnt is, at any time, going to enter another country under the pretext of helping that country's people, it needs to use care, planning, compassion, and common sense. i don't see it using any of those things lately. not when it entered Iraq, not in Guantanamo or in Iraqi prisons (and please don't tell me those are the acts of a few "bad apples"- commands for abuse come from on high. it is always planned and meaningful abuse. look at the prison and police tactics of apatheid south africa for examples) and not in stalling and stalling over a badly needed cease fire which would have ::saved lives:: immediately and given the region time to cool its heels.

if an entity as powerful, diverse, and sprawling as the u.s. military is going to have a hand in a region or a war, it needs to do better than its been doing. as that doesn't seem possible, yes, i think it would be best if we endured the "whining" and reduce our presence abroad.


Well-Known Member
Terrywoodenpic said:
secondly acting in a way over a sufficient period of time to gain the trust of their opponents.

Why the hell would groups like Hizbollah believe Jews? :confused:


Veteran Member
gracie said:
you know what? i think there's a huge difference between "whining" and "crying out for help / crying out for and end to said 'help' ".

and it's not like the u.s. does the exact same thing every time it goes in somewhere for a given reason. administrations change, interests change, and tactics change. people don't whine so much as suffer, and suffer terribly.

if the u.s. governemnt is, at any time, going to enter another country under the pretext of helping that country's people, it needs to use care, planning, compassion, and common sense. i don't see it using any of those things lately. not when it entered Iraq, not in Guantanamo or in Iraqi prisons (and please don't tell me those are the acts of a few "bad apples"- commands for abuse come from on high. it is always planned and meaningful abuse. look at the prison and police tactics of apatheid south africa for examples) and not in stalling and stalling over a badly needed cease fire which would have ::saved lives:: immediately and given the region time to cool its heels.

if an entity as powerful, diverse, and sprawling as the u.s. military is going to have a hand in a region or a war, it needs to do better than its been doing. as that doesn't seem possible, yes, i think it would be best if we endured the "whining" and reduce our presence abroad.


Well-Known Member
Terrywoodenpic said:
Israel has made offers in the past, but they were not believed nor trusted.

And **** like this has to end for trust to occur!



