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poll: are you an ape?

are you an ape?

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Veteran Member
So nothing to do with whether human biology classes them as apes.
We already got that straightened out.
Those are not the attributes I see in the biblical narratives, particularly in the war god of the Old Testament.
The Old Testament is not the religious text I ascribe to. It is anthropomorphic and I don't believe it accurately represents the attributes of God.
Nor do they have anything to do with whether humans are biologically apes.
That is for science to address, not for religion.
It's what's assessed in the determination of truth.
That does not change the fact that evidence is not what makes anything true.

Case in point: If a man murdered his wife that man murdered his wife, even if there is no evidence of the murder.
Likewise, if God exists God exists even if there is no evidence of God's existence.


Veteran Member
OK, so what makes religious claims -- or anything else -- true?
Nothing makes religious claims true. They are either true or not. All we can do is look at the evidence and decide whether or not to believe they are true.
How is truth assessed?
Truth is assessed individually.

Baha'is believe in what is called independent investigation of truth, which means that one should always investigate the truth for themselves if they want to know the truth. People should never take anyone else's word for what is true.

"The first Baha’i principle is the independent investigation of reality. Not found in any sacred Book of the past, it abolishes the need for clergy and sets us free from imitation and blind adherence to unexamined, dogmatic beliefs. Baha’is believe that no soul should follow ancestral or traditional beliefs without first questioning and examining their own inner landscape. Instead, the first Baha’i principle gives each individual the right and the duty to investigate and decide what they believe on their own."

Independent Investigation of Truth


Humans are apes


I know better than to waste my time responding to this provocation

But yes, obviously, what other type of animals are we? Fish? Cannine? Jelly Fish?????

We are apes, deal with it, you are an ape, you are not special
You can be an ape.

You probably are.

I'm not an ape.

Nobody created by God is an ape.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
So you think all of taxonomy is useless and unreasonable?
I think it is in some cases not reasonable.
We've seen new species emerge.
Please give one example.
Do you seriously believe magically poofing things into existence fully formed is a reasonable or evidenced claim?
I think God creating is the most reasonable explanation for life, for example because we don't see life appearing spontaneously from non organic material.


Doesn't your religion teach all humans have a common ancestor?
Yes and no.

That would only prove evolution in the eyes of someone who embraces the theory of evolution.

I do not and neither does True science.

Honest scientists know full well that Lucy was a hoax.

Evolution has never been proven and it has been disproven myriad times.

Even Darwin admitted his theory was faulty.

If you're in love with the idea that you're an animal, and specifically an ape, no amount of Truth is going to change your mind. So I say cheers! Enjoy believing you're an animal. That allows you to believe in no absolutes whatsoever. It allows you to believe that there is no right, no wrong, no good, no bad. You can believe any old thing you like because there is no God and you can continue to "evolve" into anything you want - a male, a female, a male-female, a cyborg, a clone of a clone, etc., etc. - world without end.



Then you are saying that God created no one. And I will have to agree with you on this. All human beings are apes. Would you like to learn how we know this?
Human beings are human beings.

I don't need a recap of all your faulty "science falsely so called" that I sat through many years of in public school and college before coming to the only Truth there is.

Enjoy your blissful sleepwalking in darkness.




Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
Yes and no.

That would only prove evolution in the eyes of someone who embraces the theory of evolution.

I do not and neither does True science.

Honest scientists know full well that Lucy was a hoax.

Evolution has never been proven and it has been disproven myriad times.

Even Darwin admitted his theory was faulty.

If you're in love with the idea that you're an animal, and specifically an ape, no amount of Truth is going to change your mind. So I say cheers! Enjoy believing you're an animal. That allows you to believe in no absolutes whatsoever. It allows you to believe that there is no right, no wrong, no good, no bad. You can believe any old thing you like because there is no God and you can continue to "evolve" into anything you want - a male, a female, a male-female, a cyborg, a clone of a clone, etc., etc. - world without end.

I do actually believe in God

And I do believe in right and wrong and good and bad

You know as little about me as you do science and evolution

And if you want to believe evolution has been falsified then have fun in your own little fantasy world

Just because you say stuff doesn't make it so

Happy new year