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Polyamory or Monogamy?

Is polyamory or monogamy more natural?

  • polyamory

    Votes: 5 16.7%
  • monogamy

    Votes: 7 23.3%
  • neither (state below)

    Votes: 14 46.7%
  • other (state below)

    Votes: 4 13.3%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Not true at all.

The only difference between monogamy and polyamory is the addition of partners in an open and honest and communicative relationship.

People are monogamous and people are polyamorous are no more likely to be cheaters. It's the person, not the type of relationship they are in.

You do not understand people. People are not ideas. People tend to be human.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Polyamory. Promiscuity. Both are associated with relationships, start with P and have four syllables, therefore they must be synonyms.

I believe you just captured perfectly the third grade level reasoning behind the confusion of polyamory with promiscuity.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
monogamous people are only with one person, what part of that needs further facts to support sexual responsibility?
It's self supporting.

Your "self-supporting" crap strikes me as little more than a simple-minded rhetorical ploy to mask the fact that you have no empirical evidence for your claim polyamorous people are less sexually responsible than monogamous people. Of course, some fools will believe you. That's why they're fools.


Well-Known Member
Yes, you are done. You are done because you do not have even a simple grasp of what polyamory is. When you get that or would like an actual definition, please ask -- we will provide.

Odd, that you create a poll and then argue with those who disagree with you.
odd ,indeed
And I know what each is. :facepalm:

monogamous=relationships with two people only
polyamory=relationships containing as many people as they wish

monogamous=either can cheat, and risk getting an STD and passing it back to their original partner.

polyamory=same thing, but this is multiplied by how many people are in the relationship and everyone is at risk, if one gets it, it can be passed back to all the rest.

Condoms are not 100% protection, so even if everyone wears them, that risk is still there, in both types of relationships.
And condoms do not stop STD's, where oral sex is concerned.
or blood transfer.
That's where science comes in.
You know, the science that is shoved at religious people?
The same science that is being ignored in this discussion?

I ask again, which of the two has a higher risk of getting an STD?
This isn't saying either types of relationships will cheat or even catch an STD.
But the risk is there, and that is all I am saying.

Yes I said I was done here, but damn, too funny indeed the extent some are going to, to dance around the obvious.
Maybe I am wrong here and the more partners one has sex with, the less likely they will get an STD
My bad. :facepalm:


Taking the approach where "There are more people involved therefore more risk" is not that great if you try convey anything more than a wild guess about the rate of STDs. In this approach one just assumes that there is no other difference, and when adding "No cheating" one completely removes the argument from reality.

To further illustrate: If your presumption is that no one cheats, you only leave the initial chance of people having STD + Chance of people getting STD from blood transfusion. Nothing happening during the relationship could "Bring in" a new STD. So yeah in this model the chance would be higher for polyamorous.

In real life polyamorous people usually are more aware of the risks. And even when they might be having some extent of open relationship, they usually understand the risks that come with having sex with someone better then people who just assume their partner is faithful. Ie. use protection, get tested regularly and are more open about what they have done and with whom.


Well-Known Member
I would say monogamy is because Adam and Eve were the first two human beings. They were married to each other and not to countless other people.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
We are most closely related to the chimp line, and they are polygamous. However, our move towards monogamy may have been brought about by the fact that fighting over mating rights would be very disruptive to the point whereas mutual cooperation for living in small, close-knit hunting and gathering societies would have been very difficult to maintain.


Well-Known Member
Odd, that you create a poll and then argue with those who disagree with you.
odd ,indeed

Why is that odd? This is "Religious Forums: Discuss, Compare and Debate Religions in Our Online Community"

Explain to me (in full sentences and explanation) how that is odd.

And I know what each is. :facepalm:

monogamous=relationships with two people only
polyamory=relationships containing as many people as they wish

monogamous=either can cheat, and risk getting an STD and passing it back to their original partner.

polyamory=same thing, but this is multiplied by how many people are in the relationship and everyone is at risk, if one gets it, it can be passed back to all the rest.

That is correct, but it doesn't make people who practice polyamory anymore likely to get an STD. All the relationships I've been in or people I've engaged intimately with have talked about getting tested, using protection and whether or not they have an STD.

I can guarantee you most poly people aren't loosey-goosey with it. It's the monogamous ones you want to worry about, because typically they are 'cheating' and not as likely to wear protection.

Condoms are not 100% protection, so even if everyone wears them, that risk is still there, in both types of relationships.
And condoms do not stop STD's, where oral sex is concerned.
or blood transfer.
That's where science comes in.
You know, the science that is shoved at religious people?
The same science that is being ignored in this discussion?

Science? You mean common sense. You don't want to get an STD, don't engage in intimate relations with someone who has an STD. Simple as that.

I ask again, which of the two has a higher risk of getting an STD?
This isn't saying either types of relationships will cheat or even catch an STD.
But the risk is there, and that is all I am saying.

From my experience, monogamous people. Because they aren't as careful about the usage of protection, STD testing, etc. Especially because if they cheated, they aren't going to tell their partner about the cheat and would be even more likely not to tell them if they caught an STD (if they even knew they had it).

In Polyamory, open communication, trust and discussion are big. Partners will share with each other what is happening, if there is a risk involved, etc. In fact, I was interested in this gal several years ago, but found out that she could possibly have an STD, and I decided not to be intimate with her because I did not want to pass that on to my primary partner (DH).

Yes I said I was done here, but damn, too funny indeed the extent some are going to, to dance around the obvious.

What obvious? That you still don't understand what polyamory really is? It's not just about sex.

Maybe I am wrong here and the more partners one has sex with, the less likely they will get an STD
My bad. :facepalm:

You are wrong. When communication is involved (no matter the type of relationship), STD's drop. When partners discuss protection, testing, etc. the rates of STD's drop.

Please at least try to get it right.


Well-Known Member
I would say monogamy is because Adam and Eve were the first two human beings. They were married to each other and not to countless other people.

What about the polygamy (and various other types of marriage) in the Bible? And are you basing this solely on your religious belief and not science?

P.S. Adam and Eve were not the first human beings, but that is for another thread. ;)


Well-Known Member
In real life polyamorous people usually are more aware of the risks. And even when they might be having some extent of open relationship, they usually understand the risks that come with having sex with someone better then people who just assume their partner is faithful. Ie. use protection, get tested regularly and are more open about what they have done and with whom.

This. This. This. :clap


Well-Known Member
Why is that odd? This is "Religious Forums: Discuss, Compare and Debate Religions in Our Online Community"

Explain to me (in full sentences and explanation) how that is odd.
because you are arguing with those who disagree with you and trying to prove them wrong, that isn't what polls are for.
it's like you want me to change my answer to reflect your opinion.

That is correct, but it doesn't make people who practice polyamory anymore likely to get an STD. All the relationships I've been in or people I've engaged intimately with have talked about getting tested, using protection and whether or not they have an STD.

I can guarantee you most poly people aren't loosey-goosey with it. It's the monogamous ones you want to worry about, because typically they are 'cheating' and not as likely to wear protection.

Science? You mean common sense. You don't want to get an STD, don't engage in intimate relations with someone who has an STD. Simple as that.
science creates the condoms and using science the disclaimer is added.
without that, logic would suggest they are safer then they really are.

From my experience, monogamous people. Because they aren't as careful about the usage of protection, STD testing, etc. Especially because if they cheated, they aren't going to tell their partner about the cheat and would be even more likely not to tell them if they caught an STD (if they even knew they had it).

In Polyamory, open communication, trust and discussion are big. Partners will share with each other what is happening, if there is a risk involved, etc. In fact, I was interested in this gal several years ago, but found out that she could possibly have an STD, and I decided not to be intimate with her because I did not want to pass that on to my primary partner (DH).
besides, you are being bias to one group using one example.
I am sure there are instances with monogamous people as well.
we cant generalize like you are doing, when we cant know what goes on behind closed doors.

You are wrong. When communication is involved (no matter the type of relationship), STD's drop. When partners discuss protection, testing, etc. the rates of STD's drop.

Please at least try to get it right.
again arbitrary and bias reasoning.

There is no way to dance around percents with bias reasons as you are doing to those who disagree with you.
That is not what polls are for.

Again, I said that neither group is subject to cheating or even catching an STD,
More partners means more risks, that is logical and sound reasoning.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
It seems to me a self-supporting truth that if anyone is getting more love, affection, and sex than me, they must be immoral.


Well-Known Member
because you are arguing with those who disagree with you and trying to prove them wrong, that isn't what polls are for.

Says who?

There is a poll, and inside is a discussion and debate. No problem here. If you don't like it, don't debate. ;)

it's like you want me to change my answer to reflect your opinion.

I want you to understand what polyamory is, instead of what you think it is.


Explanation, why.


Not particularly. Explanation. Just saying arbitrary isn't going to make you right.

besides, you are being bias to one group using one example.
I am sure there are instances with monogamous people as well.

If you are monogamous, you aren't going around having sex with others as a rule, and if you do, it's in secret.

again arbitrary and bias reasoning.

You can say that all you want, but without proof, you are dead wrong.

There is no way to dance around percents with bias reasons as you are doing to those who disagree with you.
That is not what polls are for.

This is my thread, my poll. You don't like it, you don't post or respond. ;)

Again, I said that neither group is subject to cheating or even catching an STD,
More partners means more risks, that is logical and sound reasoning.

Not necessarily. If more partners are more communicative, than there is less risk.


Well-Known Member
Says who?

There is a poll, and inside is a discussion and debate. No problem here. If you don't like it, don't debate. ;)
who said I didn't like it?
You are the one not liking the only truth we can go by.
logic, more partners, more risks.

Explanation, why.

Not particularly. Explanation. Just saying arbitrary isn't going to make you right.
goal posting, you are generalizing both groups as if you know what every single person is doing behind closed doors.
And want me to prove your bias reasoning wrong?
How about proving yourself right first?
I have nothing to prove, logic is self supporting

If you are monogamous, you aren't going around having sex with others as a rule, and if you do, it's in secret.
but the other group is immune to that ehhh?
"playing" outside the group is a secret too ;)

Not necessarily. If more partners are more communicative, than there is less risk.

notice that you have to generalize with bias to be right and all I am doing is going by the logic of more=more, and you have to keep generalizing in attempts to refute that?

You also seem to miss understand me.
A poll is to show what others think, not to use arbitrary comments to prove them wrong.

more partners to worry about "playing" outside the box is logical and nothing you say can determine that untrue.

I tell one trusted friends a very personal secret
I tell many trusted friends the secret

Telling many has more risks that one will break my trust and tell someone I didn't want to know, than just telling one friend has.
You simply cant dance around that.
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De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
It seems to me humans evolved multiple reproductive strategies. That is, instead of evolving just one way of mating/reproducing, we evolved several strategies: including pure monogamy, serial monogamy, monogamy with affairs, and variations on polyamory.

I suppose some of us -- perhaps for genetic reasons -- have a greater tendency towards one or another of those strategies than towards others. But from what little I know of the evidence -- which includes everything from the hidden estrus cycle and permanently swollen buttock of females to the size and shape of the penis -- the evidence supports the notion that we evolved more than one reproductive strategy.


Well-Known Member
I understand people quite well, thank you very much.

Nice try. :no:

You seem to be naive.

If you understood people, you would know that people tend to **** up. They tend to **** up a lot. This might be news for you, but people often do not act within their own best interest.

Now if you are having sexual activity with one partner, it just takes one partner to **** up to put everyone in danger. But with polyamorous you can multiple the chance of the **** up by the amount of partners in the relationship. Do not give me this bull **** that somehow being polyamorous give you some sort of superpower that makes you super-responsible, polyamorous people are still human and humans tend to **** up.

Understand me?