Who's splitting hairs. Do you really believe that using "prostitution" in regard to making pornography is akin to whoredom and harlotry? Like it or not, it's far more than a hair we're splitting.
Gee, is that what we're talking about? I know you love to take irrelevant side trips in your discussions, but let's try to stay on track a bit. The pornography under discussion is the commercial kind, but you already know this, don't you. So why this irrelevancy?
Errr, just because you say something doesn't make it so. Nor does it mean we buy it.
So why do you go ahead and do it anyway?
Which is what I did when I said.
"In the broadest sense of the word perhaps."
No. because the word prostitution has very definite connotations that have never been included in description of the making of pornography.
Look up the word "Pornography." Does the word "prostitut*****" ever pop up, other than in its etymology? Know why? . . . . . . . . Sure you do.