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Pornography poll

Should pornography be bannes? If so, is it because or partially because it exploits women?

  • Total voters


Somewhere Around Nothing
For once, I get to rub some faux liberal noses in their conservatism.
Oh how the tides have turned.

I am actually quite surprised, I never knew some of our more bleeding heart "liberals" were actually so conservative.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Oh how the tides have turned.
I am actually quite surprised, I never knew some of our more bleeding heart "liberals" were actually so conservative.
Such is purifemunism, by whose adherents the badge of "liberal" is worn undeservedly.

(I'm surprised no one has yelled at me yet about this.)


Well-Known Member
Maybe that happens with children who act on movies.

Hw do you know they are not being exploited by their parents? Yet the fruit of their labor is there, for everyone to get their fix of drama while they only wanted to play and do homework like normal children.

How dare you watch tv with child actors?

And this is the same as rape how?

Me Myself

Back to my username
And this is the same as rape how?

Oh, so you are okay with children maybe being exploited by their parents to do movies, bcause it is not as bad as rape?

Or is it just that you have a double standard, and only want to know dfinetely if there was no ill conduct on the things that should be allowable to watch when there is sex?

The thing is, I could imagine any youtube video to have been made by people held hostage to make their videos or die and then they were raped and then stabbed and what not, and I would have no way of realising if that was the case or not.

Still, I simply wont assume it was just cause I dont know.


رسول الآلهة
Supernumery testicles is known as "supersticles".
It's a rare but envied condition.

I thought I had supernumery testicles once. Turned out to be a serious cyst of some sorts which left me immobile for 4 days.
What you call supertesticles I call hell! :D


That sounds like an extremely gross exaggeration. What's your evidence?


Lots of evidence in there. The statistics on childhood abuse are on page five. 85% rate of incest, 99% rate of emotional and / or physical abuse.

Other interesting facts from that article: prostitutes die at a rate that is 40 times higher than the general population. There is also a 35% rate of attempted murder of prostitutes. Additionally, 68% of recovering prostitutes meet the clinical criteria for PTSD.


In any case, taking the right away from. Women to do what they want with their bodies for money when they are not hurting anyone is not empowering anyone. Equally so with men.

Porn is not bad in itself.

They're not hurting anyone? Seriously? What about themselves?


So anyone who isn't self-employed is being exploited?

This is getting boring. I'm not going to respond to any more posts that try to shoehorn my complex, nuanced, fact-based, well-considered opinion into a simple-minded bumper sticker. If you can't counter the arguments I present as they are, just ignore them. Don't change them into something else.


Well-Known Member
She takes all porn as rape unless there is evidence( for the random viewer) of the consent of the actress apparently.

See this is where your comprehension skills are lacking. Do yourself a favour and understand the context of my comments before you attempt to summarise what you think I was trying to say.


Ya know what I love about threads like this? It really separates the "true" liberals (ie, libertarians) from the "modern" liberals (ie, progressive statists).
The latter are all in favor of abortion because: "A woman should control her own body, not the government! Hands off my uterus!". But as soon as a
woman gets too independent, & begins to earn some honest coin by controlling her body without harming anyone else (not even a fetus), they're all:
"Women are victims! They can't be trusted to make this decision!" For once, I get to rub some faux liberal noses in their conservatism.

So you're ok with the fact that 85% of women in prostitution (of which porn is sub-category) are adult victims of childhood sexual abuse and 68% have PTSD?

Sure, they're not hurting anybody. Because prostitutes aren't people, right? They can't get hurt. They can't hurt themselves. Johns and pimps and pornographers never hurt them. They never get raped or murdered or suffer from internal bleeding, broken bones, physical or psychological abuse, or any other unpalatable thing.

Dream on.


That is my point exactly. I do not believe a woman would go on a camera and be boinked because she doesn't like it or feel exploited. I am being sarcastic about exploitation.
It seems to be a viewpoint of some feminist that women are empowered by porn although some say the reverse. Empowerment is felt by the individual but in reality men just look down on pornographic actresses. So on a certain level I do not see how it can empower anybody unless the female is ignorant about how men view her.
But if a girl feels empowered by looking like a whore on screen then all power to them :D

Pretty big if. Got any evidence?

Me Myself

Back to my username
They're not hurting anyone? Seriously? What about themselves?

There is nothing inherently hurtful about having sex for money, or being filmed while on it.

As I said, I know nothing of the porn industry , I am merely arguing that porn in itself is not inherently hurtful to its actors and actresses.