Well apparently so. I mean if we are celebrating diversity and one sexual orientation needs a special month why not have one for the other sexual orientation? If we all want the same rights and equality then both sexual orientations should be recognized, yes? Plus I want to hold a heterosexual pride parade.
Next on my agenda:
Caucasian History Month
I tell you what, how does this sound. First, have your entire life made illegal. Be subject to prosecution for your private life, and liable to be fired, disowned and treated as a pariah for being open about who you are. Try that for a few hundred years. Be discriminated against in every area and have your marriage outlawed. Then we'll give you a month.
Or, to put it differently, I'll trade you. We'll outlaw your marriage, and you can have a Presidential declaration. Deal?
Similarly, let's kidnap you, put you on a ship, make you a slave, and sell your kids away from you. After a few decades of that, we'll discriminate against you and make you a second class citizen for 150 years. After you win the right to vote and participate in society, we'll give you a month to celebrate your history. Sound good to you?