In today's world we see...
-people who claim to be pro-life but avoid a vaccine that can save lives
-people who claim to be pro-choice but want forced vaccinations.
Isn't amazing how a virus can distort the views people hold?
The problem is in the terminology. The opposite of "pro-life" does not actually happen to be "pro-choice." In fact, it is not only possible but incredibly easy to be both pro-life and pro-choice at the same time.
Wanting people to get vaccinated, is, in fact, very much pro-life -- it keeps more people alive than any other option. Being pro-choice, in this instance, is a guarantee that more people will die. A guarantee!
But I won't "force" vaccinations, because people do and must have the right to choose. One hopes they will choose wisely, based on good information, but unfortunately, far too many fall prey to the absolute nonsense of the disinformation on the internet.
Still, I have no issue with the idea of vaccination passports, that allow only those who have been vaccinated into situations (restaurants, bars, concerts, crowded spaces) where spread of virus is so much easier.
I allow restaurants to refuse service to customers with "no shoes, no shirts," for example. You are free to choose not to wear shoes or shirts, but nothings says that the restaurateur trying to entertain his clientele has to allow you to make the atmosphere toxic. You are free to choose not to get vaccinated, but the arena isn't required to let you in to cheer and spread whatever your wet lungs aerosolize out of you, to spread to the people around you.
I am pro-life, and I do not like abortion. However, I recognize a few facts:
- No matter how much I like life, I can't ensure every pregnancy comes to term (and you'd be surprised how many do not)
- A zygote, an embryo, an incomplete fetus, do not "know" they are alive, and cannot miss not having life -- no more than those quarter billion sperm that never find an egg, nor the million eggs a female is born with (only 300-400 will ever even have a chance at being fertilized)
- That many births result in unwanted children, and millions of them live in misery around the world, for all sorts of reasons
- That many "pro-lifers" wouldn't consider adopting one of those unwanted children if their life depended on it
- That it is true that sometimes pregnancy is caused by a rape, or even worse, by rape by a relative, and forcing a vulnerable girl to carry that to term is just further punishment for a crime she didn't commit -- but must pay for
You can "un-distort" your views by being more careful about how you label things. Being a supporter of Boy Scouts doesn't mean being an enemy of Girl Guides. Make your comparisons meaningful.