I think that is the view of most pro-choice people. There is a false dichotomy at work here, the pro-choice movement is also pro-life just as you are.
Just to echo that sentiment expressed above, I have yet to encounter anyone over the last 35 years that is "Pro Abortion".
Few of us would ever choose "cancer" as a woman's "choice" from which to decide a preference of outcome. I mean, doh.
At what point, ever, do we choose to allow "government" to dictate as a matter of law, how many, if any children are permissible within a family?
Communist regimes seek that imposable, punishable outcome today.
The concept and ideal of choice is about as democratic as any other ideal available.
Choice means...opposed to that? Then don't do that. Period.
All other measures remove any/all personal choice, and impose lawful restrictions, punishments, and community shaming.
Is that really where we seek to go?
Or is it time again to impose religious intolerance, beliefs, and punishment upon women?
You know. like the Taliban?