That's assuming there's no soul in the equation.
In that case it probably wouldn't matter if the soul were born. Even if it did; as long as the soul exists doesn't mean it will never have a physical life on earth. If there's a soul pre-birth it really wouldn't matter if a body it was going to take over was aborted, it will simply be an unusable shell.
As long as the soul exists pre-birth; it will eventually be born into a body, and if not it still has a life of its own without a body which I often heard would be so much more peaceful than living on earth.
In my opinion, there isn't a person until after birth, that the 'soul' or 'person' doesn't exist until it is made. They only exist as concepts, but it's useless to view them that way - there is an infinite number of unborn babies. But at the same time there is zero unborn babies because of the mere fact the baby was not yet created