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Well-Known Member
Gee, all we're missing is Chariots of the Gods!

A man of endless assumptions. Looks like you have your own definition of the "Gods."

A good example of something not credible. A phylogenesis believer, but not experiencing all as one. Knowing "of" something but having no experience other than personal contradictions. Knowing "of" something but not living it out in reality.

Why did mankind create gods way back then?


Admiral Obvious
Individually defined. Every individual has their own definition of what credible is and deems what is credible to them and what is not. Individual defines their reality, because they simply can.

For me, truth. That which is true, for all of mankind collectively, or that which can be true for all of mankind collectively. Removing limitations and personal beliefs, ignoring zero evidence is credibility. An individual not concerned about being credible of being a man-pleaser or with the concern of trying to impress others. Trying to fit in or playing follow the leader is not very credible. One is their own self. Attacking, assuming, labeling, judging, being closed-minded is not credible. Limiting oneself to certain beliefs only is not very credible. Experience is very credible. Experiencing something and not just knowing "of" something is credible. Experience must stand the test in anything. Peace and fulfillment in life is credible. Love is credible. Oneness is credible. The cosmos is credible. Showing no partiality to others is credible. Being conscious is credible because without conscious awareness, there is no reality or anything to define. Life is credible. Energy is credible. All knowledge collectively revealed since time is credible, individually and collectively. Overcoming the mind is credible. The present/now is credible. Infinity is credible.
Ah, so in short: "whatever suits your fancy"

That explains quite a bit.

Thanks for playing.


Well-Known Member
I said CREDIBLE sources. This is a debate forum not a place where you can proselytize your imagination or faith or mythology.

So debate, lots of talk and labeling with absolutely nothing of your own. what do you want to debate? The photon?


Well-Known Member
This is a debate forum not a place where you can proselytize your imagination or faith or mythology.

You got sources. Your turn to come back with the issues you see regarding the photon, and anything else in the links. Not attack a person. That's easy to do and weak. Not very credible. All words and nothing else.


A lot of science and words have no credibility to you then. Fair enough. Only deceiving yourself.
No, science requires a few things, like reproducibility and peer review. None of that which you present (come on, the Emerald Tablets? Really?) have any of those attributes ... not science.


Well-Known Member
Provide sources. No dancing or dodging allowed. Provide credible sources that what you posit is not imagination or fantasy please.

This is a debate forum not a place where you can proselytize your imagination or faith or mythology.

Imagination, fantasy, faith, mythology... There is no such thing in an all material, physical universe unless it's all true.

Provide sources please how this can exist.


The Lost One
What part of the word - "sources" - you don't understand, Unification?

You have been dancing around any request - to back up your statement/claim, time and time again.

If you don't have sources, then bloody well say so, then we will stop asking. But "no", that's not good enough for you. You preferred to dodge and evade.
  1. You jump from talking about consciousness to quantum mechanics, saying that the two are related, but again refused to give us a single source to show these relationship.
  2. Then you listed names from half-dozen physicists, some of which are quantum physicists, but cannot provide a quote from one of these physicists that talk about both consciousness and quantum mechanics together.
  3. And when we say you have no source to give to us, but what do you do - you state that sources are everywhere, but you cannot or will not reveal a single bloody source.
Do you not see pattern there?

You being bloody evasive, and no one believe anything you have to say of the matter.

All these evasions only showed that you have no credible scientific sources, and you are truly dishonest about it.

And that's not really the worse part. You don't have enough SENSE to stop making outrageous claims, that you know that you don't have anything to back up your new claims. The lies just get bigger and bigger, every time you reply here.

When are you going to learn, that if you are going to make claim about any religion or spirituality being linked to science, will have your claims, by people here, of which many have different fields of science.

You should attempt to read the bible, scientifically.

I have read bible, especially Genesis, the book of Job, gospels and revelation many times.

And there is nothing scientific in the bible.

There is certainly nothing "scientific"

Have you ever read the Book of Job? I mean really, really read God's non-answers to Job (Job 38-41). It is nothing but superstitions and metaphors. Nothing in those verses of those chapters were even remotely "scientific". Some of these claims by so-called god, came straight out of Sumerian-Babylonian religious/mythological texts, demonstrate that God is no more knowledgeable in science than the pagan Sumerians or Babylonians.

It was though. The stories and myths aren't meant to be taken literally or historically. The bible itself says not to take it literally. The truth is behind all of the texts. The science is behind the mythology. This would be really easy to show.

Really, Unification? That will be your first. Are you going to finally reveal one of your sources?

You do know that are none of us going to hold our breath, don't you?

We've been down road before, and we don't hold high expectations that you will come through this, any more than any of the previous number of times that you say there are many "sources", but you never say where you got it from, eg who said or wrote "what"?

As to, "The truth is behind all of the texts. The science is behind the mythology."

One of my passion is reading myths, as can be seen by signature at the bottom of this reply, which listed a couple of websites, one of them being Timeless Myths. I have read ancient literature on Greek and Roman myths, as well as medieval Norse and Celtic myths, which are included in Timeless Myths. (The other being Dark Mirrors of Heaven.)

But they are not the only literatures - with mythological themes - that I've read and researched. I have also read and researched myths from Egypt, Mesopotamia, Ugarit (as well as Canaan and Syria), Hittite, and more recently the Chinese Taoism and Japanese Shinto. (I have been wanting to start a new website for 8 years now, with Egyptian and Sumerian-Babylonian myths, but it has been mothballed, because they a long time to do.)

Whether you read biblical verses - literal or metaphorical - I can tell you right now, that there are nothing special about the bible that suggest their myths are "scientific". My experienced with these literatures, tell me they are just myths or allegories.

The Genesis myths on creation and flood, as well as myth as babel myth and the 3 patriarchs, are neither "scientific", nor "historical".

I have already mentioned the Book of Job, where God rebuked Job with a list of things that God can do, are nothing more than superstitions than "scientific".

No, Unification. You are wrong on this matter too. There are no "science" behind the stories or myths.

You have to really twisted the biblical stories beyond recognition, to make them "scientific".
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
What part of the word - "sources" - you don't understand, Unification?

You have been dancing around any request - to back up your statement/claim, time and time again.

If you don't have sources, then bloody well say so, then we will stop asking. But "no", that's not good enough for you. You preferred to dodge and evade.
  1. You jump from talking about consciousness to quantum mechanics, saying that the two are related, but again refused to give us a single source to show these relationship.
  2. Then you listed names from half-dozen physicists, some of which are quantum physicists, but cannot provide a quote from one of these physicists that talk about both consciousness and quantum mechanics together.
  3. And when we say you have no source to give to us, but what do you do - you state that sources are everywhere, but you cannot or will not reveal a single bloody source.
Do you not see pattern there?

You being bloody evasive, and no one believe anything you have to say of the matter.

All these evasions only showed that you have no credible scientific sources, and you are truly dishonest about it.

And that's not really the worse part. You don't have enough SENSE to stop making outrageous claims, that you know that you don't have anything to back up your new claims. The lies just get bigger and bigger, every time you reply here.

When are you going to learn, that if you are going to make claim about any religion or spirituality being linked to science, will have your claims, by people here, of which many have different fields of science.

I have read bible, especially Genesis, the book of Job, gospels and revelation many times.

And there is nothing scientific in the bible.

There is certainly nothing "scientific"

Have you ever read the Book of Job? I mean really, really read God's non-answers to Job (Job 38-41). It is nothing but superstitions and metaphors. Nothing in those verses of those chapters were even remotely "scientific". Some of these claims by so-called god, came straight out of Sumerian-Babylonian religious/mythological texts, demonstrate that God is no more knowledgeable in science than the pagan Sumerians or Babylonians.

Really, Unification? That will be your first. Are you going to finally reveal one of your sources?

You do know that are none of us going to hold our breath, don't you?

We've been down road before, and we don't hold high expectations that you will come through this, any more than any of the previous number of times that you say there are many "sources", but you never say where you got it from, eg who said or wrote "what"?

As to, "The truth is behind all of the texts. The science is behind the mythology."

One of my passion is reading myths, as can be seen by signature at the bottom of this reply, which listed a couple of websites, one of them being Timeless Myths. I have read ancient literature on Greek and Roman myths, as well as medieval Norse and Celtic myths, which are included in Timeless Myths. (The other being Dark Mirrors of Heaven.)

But they are not the only literatures - with mythological themes - that I've read and researched. I have also read and researched myths from Egypt, Mesopotamia, Ugarit (as well as Canaan and Syria), Hittite, and more recently the Chinese Taoism and Japanese Shinto. (I have been wanting to start a new website for 8 years now, with Egyptian and Sumerian-Babylonian myths, but it has been mothballed, because they a long time to do.)

Whether you read biblical verses - literal or metaphorical - I can tell you right now, that there are nothing special about the bible that suggest their myths are "scientific". My experienced with these literatures, tell me they are just myths or allegories.

The Genesis myths on creation and flood, as well as myth as babel myth and the 3 patriarchs, are neither "scientific", nor "historical".

I have already mentioned the Book of Job, where God rebuked Job with a list of things that God can do, are nothing more than superstitions than "scientific".

No, Unification. You are wrong on this matter too. There are no "science" behind the stories or myths.

You have to really twisted the biblical stories beyond recognition, to make them "scientific".

Apparently you didn't read anything.


Well-Known Member
What part of the word - "sources" - you don't understand, Unification?

You have been dancing around any request - to back up your statement/claim, time and time again.

If you don't have sources, then bloody well say so, then we will stop asking. But "no", that's not good enough for you. You preferred to dodge and evade.
  1. You jump from talking about consciousness to quantum mechanics, saying that the two are related, but again refused to give us a single source to show these relationship.
  2. Then you listed names from half-dozen physicists, some of which are quantum physicists, but cannot provide a quote from one of these physicists that talk about both consciousness and quantum mechanics together.
  3. And when we say you have no source to give to us, but what do you do - you state that sources are everywhere, but you cannot or will not reveal a single bloody source.
Do you not see pattern there?

You being bloody evasive, and no one believe anything you have to say of the matter.

All these evasions only showed that you have no credible scientific sources, and you are truly dishonest about it.

And that's not really the worse part. You don't have enough SENSE to stop making outrageous claims, that you know that you don't have anything to back up your new claims. The lies just get bigger and bigger, every time you reply here.

When are you going to learn, that if you are going to make claim about any religion or spirituality being linked to science, will have your claims, by people here, of which many have different fields of science.

I have read bible, especially Genesis, the book of Job, gospels and revelation many times.

And there is nothing scientific in the bible.

There is certainly nothing "scientific"

Have you ever read the Book of Job? I mean really, really read God's non-answers to Job (Job 38-41). It is nothing but superstitions and metaphors. Nothing in those verses of those chapters were even remotely "scientific". Some of these claims by so-called god, came straight out of Sumerian-Babylonian religious/mythological texts, demonstrate that God is no more knowledgeable in science than the pagan Sumerians or Babylonians.

Really, Unification? That will be your first. Are you going to finally reveal one of your sources?

You do know that are none of us going to hold our breath, don't you?

We've been down road before, and we don't hold high expectations that you will come through this, any more than any of the previous number of times that you say there are many "sources", but you never say where you got it from, eg who said or wrote "what"?

As to, "The truth is behind all of the texts. The science is behind the mythology."

One of my passion is reading myths, as can be seen by signature at the bottom of this reply, which listed a couple of websites, one of them being Timeless Myths. I have read ancient literature on Greek and Roman myths, as well as medieval Norse and Celtic myths, which are included in Timeless Myths. (The other being Dark Mirrors of Heaven.)

But they are not the only literatures - with mythological themes - that I've read and researched. I have also read and researched myths from Egypt, Mesopotamia, Ugarit (as well as Canaan and Syria), Hittite, and more recently the Chinese Taoism and Japanese Shinto. (I have been wanting to start a new website for 8 years now, with Egyptian and Sumerian-Babylonian myths, but it has been mothballed, because they a long time to do.)

Whether you read biblical verses - literal or metaphorical - I can tell you right now, that there are nothing special about the bible that suggest their myths are "scientific". My experienced with these literatures, tell me they are just myths or allegories.

The Genesis myths on creation and flood, as well as myth as babel myth and the 3 patriarchs, are neither "scientific", nor "historical".

I have already mentioned the Book of Job, where God rebuked Job with a list of things that God can do, are nothing more than superstitions than "scientific".

No, Unification. You are wrong on this matter too. There are no "science" behind the stories or myths.

You have to really twisted the biblical stories beyond recognition, to make them "scientific".

Read the links, as well as of the science and sources and come back with what you have questions about. Personally, I think that you'd love them. Sources have been given numerous times, I'm not sure what else you expect. Job has science in it too.


The Lost One
Apparently you didn't read anything.
What haven't i read?

I have read enough of your replies to know that you don't know anything about science.

I have read enough of the bible to know to know there are no "science" behind the stories.

I have read enough of your posts, that you will never going to provide any credible, scientific sources, that you have claimed to be "sources are everywhere" or "This would be really easy to show", and yet you provide none.

You have provided no credible sources, except making outrageous claims that QM and consciousness. No where in Quantum physics, does any physicist mentioned "consciousness" in their theory, or any physics textbook.

You are just so full of horse manures, that you can't be honest with yourself.


Well-Known Member
What haven't i read?

I have read enough of your replies to know that you don't know anything about science.

I have read enough of the bible to know to know there are no "science" behind the stories.

I have read enough of your posts, that you will never going to provide any credible, scientific sources, that ou have claimed to be "sources are everywhere" or "This would be really easy to show", and yet you provide none.

You have provided no credible sources, except making outrageous claims that QM and consciousness. No where in Quantum physics, does any physicist mentioned "consciousness" in their theory, or any physics textbook.

You are just so full of horse manures, that you can't be honest with yourself.

Read the links. Stop assuming and labeling, please. Boasting doesnt change anything.

Nobody said QM was about consciousness. You assuming once more. Quick to react and pull the emotional trigger before reading and responding.