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Proof of evolution -at last-


Veteran Member
Full of God not myself, that’s the difference.
Are you blaming God for your lack of knowledge and understanding of science? You are passing judgment on areas of expertise that you are not qualified to do, yet don't care. You promote ideas that not only have no factual basis, but are contrary to what facts and data shows us. So "being full of God" could be a metaphor for some sort of irrational framework of belief that is a liability in modern times. Let's note that you have shifted from trying to defend your creationist beliefs and made this discussion about you as an unshakable believer. The irony is this only reveals that your bias against science is religious and not reasoned. Your beliefs are a result of indoctrination, not reason. You seem to think that you as a defiant individual means anything to this debate. It doesn't. Evolution is about facts and methodology, not personal beliefs. Creationists often try to retreat into a personal belief because you have the right to believe nonsense and not be swayed by facts. But your personal beliefs is irrelevant to how evolution is a highly verified theory in science, and essentially a fact of nature.


Well-Known Member
You can go back and look for yourself and see. Read the articles but yeah they sure did put a scare just like they continue to do today.
At the time they could not determine whether carbon dioxide would have the greatest effect, or aerosols and orbital forcing. The proximate trend did appear to be cooling, but before the end of the 70s it was pretty clear that carbon emissions were the dominant concern


Veteran Member
Full of God not myself, that’s the difference.
From what we observe "God" is the aggregate of your adopted Christian dogma and your own personal contributions, not any actual God existing outside of your imagination. You've been asked to demonstrate your God exists and you haven't bothered to do it. So why should anyone accept your claims and references to something unlikely to exist?


Veteran Member
The 1970s Ice Age Scare
Some articles at the time, probably was embellishment, there is a lot of that even today as we see in the media, government etc. Even when politicians say the world will end in 12 years etc.
I've seen that terrible website before. See how it's exactly as I described. (Hey, thanks for confirming for me!)

Try quoting some peer-reviewed science journals instead.
Are you blaming God for your lack of knowledge and understanding of science? You are passing judgment on areas of expertise that you are not qualified to do, yet don't care. You promote ideas that not only have no factual basis, but are contrary to what facts and data shows us. So "being full of God" could be a metaphor for some sort of irrational framework of belief that is a liability in modern times. Let's note that you have shifted from trying to defend your creationist beliefs and made this discussion about you as an unshakable believer. The irony is this only reveals that your bias against science is religious and not reasoned. Your beliefs are a result of indoctrination, not reason. You seem to think that you as a defiant individual means anything to this debate. It doesn't. Evolution is about facts and methodology, not personal beliefs. Creationists often try to retreat into a personal belief because you have the right to believe nonsense and not be swayed by facts. But your personal beliefs is irrelevant to how evolution is a highly verified theory in science, and essentially a fact of nature.
It’s easy to defend Creation by God as described in Genesis. Why? Because it lines up perfectly with what we see and experience in our lives today.
What you cannot do is demonstrate a godless creation and evolution from your theory just by one sentence. Who created the non living materials that you’re assuming were at the beginning?
From what we observe "God" is the aggregate of your adopted Christian dogma and your own personal contributions, not any actual God existing outside of your imagination. You've been asked to demonstrate your God exists and you haven't bothered to do it. So why should anyone accept your claims and references to something unlikely to exist?
I wouldn’t take anything someone says seriously if their thoughts just come from a chemical reaction, would you?


Veteran Member
The 1970s Ice Age Scare
Some articles at the time, probably was embellishment, there is a lot of that even today as we see in the media, government etc. Even when politicians say the world will end in 12 years etc.
So you are demonstrating that you prefer anti-science sources?

Why aren't you reading sources of actual science? If you had adequate knowledge you would understand how future models and predictions can only look at patterns with current data that may or may not reflect what will actually happen.

For example you might eat a good diet and exercise and your life expectancy is well past 85. But you end up having an aortic tear and you die suddenly at 56. Models can't predict the unpredictable variables. You seem to have this naive, creationist expectation that science is always prefect. And when science can't be perfect it must all be wrong. This is the serious flaw in creationist indoctrination and fraud. There is no black and white thinking. There are valid conclusions based on the facts and data. Data keeps getting updated so models change over time. More methods are used today, so models from decades ago have faults that models today do not. Judging science today based on limitations decades ago is bias and part of the fraud of creationism.


Veteran Member
It’s easy to defend Creation by God as described in Genesis. Why? Because it lines up perfectly with what we see and experience in our lives today.
False. If you were being honest here then science would back your beliefs up. They don't.

You have your views due to misinformation and religious fraud.

What you cannot do is demonstrate a godless creation and evolution from your theory just by one sentence. Who created the non living materials that you’re assuming were at the beginning?
What God?

You keep avoiding demonstrating any God exists.


Well-Known Member
Did this happen? Was it said to be a good thing?
Hosea 13:16
King James Version

16 Samaria shall become desolate; for she hath rebelled against her God: they shall fall by the sword: their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped up.

I've seen bible-types try to rescue this by claiming it is mere "prophesy" - if that is so, then it is failed prophesy.

I've also seen them claim this is out of context (it isn't).

I've also seen them try to justify it with 'they deserved it' or (paraphrasing) 'God did it so it is OK.'
Hosea 13:16
King James Version

16 Samaria shall become desolate; for she hath rebelled against her God: they shall fall by the sword: their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped up.

I've seen bible-types try to rescue this by claiming it is mere "prophesy" - if that is so, then it is failed prophesy.

I've also seen them claim this is out of context (it isn't).

I've also seen them try to justify it with 'they deserved it' or (paraphrasing) 'God did it so it is OK.'
How does this disprove the Bible, if the record is true then it’s true.


Well-Known Member
Apparently the mustard seed that Jesus was referencing was the smallest seed that the people he was talking in that part of the world would’ve planted at the time.
Oh, I see.

So it was NOT true.

Or are you saying that Jesus' teachings only applied to those living in his neighborhood?
Oh, I see.

So it was NOT true.

Or are you saying that Jesus' teachings only applied to those living in his neighborhood?
Not exactly, the parable is a teaching for those he was talking to, the principle of that parable communicates a spiritual truth for everyone.