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Proof of evolution -at last-

rational experiences

Veteran Member
God is a human man agreed by mens cosmic thesis.

Which he placated as a living human first in a safe life on earth.

Claiming by his man thesis was how he claims God was formed in the cosmos.

Claiming I can remove earths God by space lAw pressure then have God by science returned to me.


The history human memory about designer civilisation built abuses slavery by rich man. Humans consciously subliminal agree we hate him.

So innocent humans say God will destroy you and my life too as we hate you so much science rich man abuser of us all by over conscious memories... we too are prepared to die.

We make it known we agree.

As it's real. We the living loving innocent believe God will have you destroyed personally caring less.

Then some scientist psyche review gets angered at humans bad behaviour. It's what abused life does.

As all human's die. We know one day our self dies.

The scientist and his criminal organisation has always killed us before natural time. Yet they all die too.

They were the humans who preached when I die I will own and be rewarded in a heavenly listing of what men already achieve in natural life.

So science told everyone I'm so powerful my machine choices will churn roll bring back to earth O a God.

Then he says so are you all now threatened by how powerful I am?

Not really says humanity you achieve it every time you destroy life.

So most hu man's just get ready to be destroyed as we know we can't stop you


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
This is NOT a coherent assertion based on a an ancient religious agenda WITHOUT scientific references.
(Thinking of you the geologist as I'm learning about the Channel Tunnel and the excavation underwater. Fascinating.)


The Lost One
The test for the Holy Spirit is whether or not you trust Jesus as your Lord, trust the Scriptures as the Word of God. Test the fruit:
“I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law. Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.”
‭‭Galatians‬ ‭5:16-26‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Also, once a person is born again and has the Holy Spirit, they can expel demons by the power of God, in the name of Jesus Christ, they come out of that person and are free.
Quoting passage from an epistle isn’t a test, ElishaElijah.

It is just more faith, not evidence of anything.

You just accept whatever is written, with no ways to verify what were written.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I told you the way to test if someone has been born of the Holy Spirit. A device to test the Spirit of God? There isn’t a device that man can make or build it does take faith/ trust before you get your proof and that’s how you obtain the Holy Spirit.

You have to step into the water before it parts so you can walk across the sea. You’re standing in the shore and saying, I want to see the water part first before I walk in. God doesn’t work that way and that’s why you can’t see Him.

“But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭11:6‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
There are some logical ways to prove or test the veracity of some of the things written. But of course this does not mean that even if a person accepts certain facts he knows God or has much faith. But Jesus did say something like if one has faith the size of a mustard seed, he can move mountains. If you notice Hebrews 11:6 is the statement I use. or course, faith without works is dead, we know that. So a person's faith can possibly be tested or beheld by others even oneself.
World news | World | The Guardianwhat-is-the-historical-evidence-that-jesus-christ-lived-and-died

rational experiences

Veteran Member
The bible owned a multi man witnessed self life sacrificed correlation is the history documentation as a medical healer journal. The bible old correlation updated with new correlation.

Lots of men were sacrificed said the documents. Who knew witnessed were advised by phenomena human life body attacks changes.

Proving atmospheric conditions changed.

Humans owning human life witnessed attacked is not a string thesis.

Created by human sex were living were attacked.

The teaching said stated. When men sacrificed attacked were given God earth science advice. Hierarchy rich temple technology owners murdered them.

For teaching the science truth.

Was exact as a document

It listed the men of science who told the public about how science technology was sacrificing biology.

The bible was a historic account itself.

Men today still use the name Jesus are they sacrificed because a human is named Jesus?

No. Use some commonsense for once.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
There are some logical ways to prove or test the veracity of some of the things written. But of course this does not mean that even if a person accepts certain facts he knows God or has much faith. But Jesus did say something like if one has faith the size of a mustard seed, he can move mountains. If you notice Hebrews 11:6 is the statement I use. or course, faith without works is dead, we know that. So a person's faith can possibly be tested or beheld by others even oneself.
World news | World | The Guardianwhat-is-the-historical-evidence-that-jesus-christ-lived-and-died
The faith of a science of man's hu man warned teaching.

If a power as small as a seed that burns as mustard did. Know by faith in sciences wisdom the mountains mass would shift it's body. By the small minute body itself.

Converting mass destruction.

Have faith that my man's warning is real.

If you think faith in advice was not advisable then why preach it scientist?
Quoting passage from an epistle isn’t a test, ElishaElijah.

It is just more faith, not evidence of anything.

You just accept whatever is written, with no ways to verify what were written.
What, you can’t examine a persons life and tell whether or not they are walking in the Spirit or the flesh, what they say, what they trust in? The test is very practical and is worked out in everyday life and situations. You can’t verify if someone gets drunk, is involved in sexual immorality, is dishonest, etc? Sure you can, don’t you judge for yourself when you look at how people live? This is an easy test.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
What, you can’t examine a persons life and tell whether or not they are walking in the Spirit or the flesh, what they say, what they trust in? The test is very practical and is worked out in everyday life and situations. You can’t verify if someone gets drunk, is involved in sexual immorality, is dishonest, etc? Sure you can, don’t you judge for yourself when you look at how people live? This is an easy test.
Another good point. Before I studied the Bible with people I thought were following Bible principle I knew innately to an extent what was right and wrong. Like I knew stealing was wrong, nobody had to tell me. I also thought sexual immorality was wrong but again -- no one told me that before I studied the Bible. And it was wrong in God's eyes, not necessarily even those claiming to worship God. And I used to attend religious services in various places. NO ONE TOLD ME right from wrong until I studied the Bible with those that I believe were applying Bible principle to their lives.


Premium Member
There are some logical ways to prove or test the veracity of some of the things written. But of course this does not mean that even if a person accepts certain facts he knows God or has much faith. But Jesus did say something like if one has faith the size of a mustard seed, he can move mountains. If you notice Hebrews 11:6 is the statement I use. or course, faith without works is dead, we know that. So a person's faith can possibly be tested or beheld by others even oneself.
World news | World | The Guardianwhat-is-the-historical-evidence-that-jesus-christ-lived-and-died

The reference you gave concerning the historical evidence of the existence of Jesus Christ is insufficient, incomplete and misleading. Yes, historians generally accept that Jesus existed at the time the NT describes, but the evidence of the Biblical Jesus Christ as described in the NT is missing as there are absolutely no historical records at the time during his life time for the existence of Jesus Christ.

The time frame mentioned in the article is misleading and claims of the known early records.It is accepted he lived and preached he was the Messiah, and was arrested convicted of treason against Rome under Pontius Pilot and executed by Crucifixtion under Roman Law. As far as the text or even scrapes of the gospels there is nothin before ~100 AD (actually noe documented before ~200 AD). The changes and obvious editing of the known copies before ~400 AD obviously are evidence that the gospels were compiled, edited and redacted The historical writings mentioning Jesus are vague and only refer to third hand of those that believed in a Christ called Jesus, and Josephus records are incomplete, not originals and most likely evolved, edited.and redacted.

Written records were far superior at the time Jesus lived in Jeruselum that available in England att he time of King Arthur. Yes. historians question the existence Arthur as described in later writings, but recent archaeological discoveries have revealed some evidence, but it remains uncertain.

Important note: It is NOT the existence of Jesus that the historians seriously question it is the lack of evidence for the Divine miracle working Messiah, and reported miracles he performed and occured during his lifetime and at the time of his death.

Now back to the topic of evolution.
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Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Empty assertions are hilarious!
First of all, I wasn't necessarily speaking to you. And second of all, it's kind of like the saying years ago "the war to end all wars." It didn't.
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Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
The reference you gave concerning the historical evidence of the existence of Jesus Christ is insufficient, incomplete and misleading. Yes, historians generally accept that Jesus existed at the time the NT describes, but the evidence of the Biblical Jesus Christ as described in the NT is missing as there are absolutely no historical records at the time during his life time for the existence of Jesus Christ.

The time frame mentioned in the article is misleading and claims of the known early records.It is accepted he lived and preached he was the Messiah, and was arrested convicted of treason against Rome under Pontius Pilot and executed by Crucifixtion under Roman Law. As far as the text or even scrapes of the gospels there is nothin before ~100 AD (actually noe documented before ~200 AD). The changes and obvious editing of the known copies before ~400 AD obviously are evidence that the gospels were compiled, edited and redacted The historical writings mentioning Jesus are vague and only refer to third hand of those that believed in a Christ called Jesus, and Josephus records are incomplete, not originals and most likely evolved, edited.and redacted.

Written records were far superior at the time Jesus lived in Jeruselum that available in England att he time of King Arthur. Yes. historians question the existence Arthur as described in later writings, but recent archaeological discoveries have revealed some evidence, but it remains uncertain.

Important note: It is NOT the existence of Jesus that the historians seriously question it is the lack of evidence for the Divine miracle working Messiah, and reported miracles he performed and occured during his lifetime and at the time of his death.

Now back to the topic of evolution.
That is within the realm of the topic of evolution. Unfortunately your reasoning is off because the only detailed record we have of Jesus is in that which you don't believe. And since he performed miracles maybe you'd like to tell me that miracles are within the concept of natural selection?


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Channel Tunnel and the excavation underwater?!?!?! Your going deep to come with your avoidancence of science.
No just mentioning that I remember your branch of scientific endeavor was geology and yes, the tunnel construction was truly fascinating.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
The reference you gave concerning the historical evidence of the existence of Jesus Christ is insufficient, incomplete and misleading. Yes, historians generally accept that Jesus existed at the time the NT describes, but the evidence of the Biblical Jesus Christ as described in the NT is missing as there are absolutely no historical records at the time during his life time for the existence of Jesus Christ.

The time frame mentioned in the article is misleading and claims of the known early records.It is accepted he lived and preached he was the Messiah, and was arrested convicted of treason against Rome under Pontius Pilot and executed by Crucifixtion under Roman Law. As far as the text or even scrapes of the gospels there is nothin before ~100 AD (actually noe documented before ~200 AD). The changes and obvious editing of the known copies before ~400 AD obviously are evidence that the gospels were compiled, edited and redacted The historical writings mentioning Jesus are vague and only refer to third hand of those that believed in a Christ called Jesus, and Josephus records are incomplete, not originals and most likely evolved, edited.and redacted.

Written records were far superior at the time Jesus lived in Jeruselum that available in England att he time of King Arthur. Yes. historians question the existence Arthur as described in later writings, but recent archaeological discoveries have revealed some evidence, but it remains uncertain.

Important note: It is NOT the existence of Jesus that the historians seriously question it is the lack of evidence for the Divine miracle working Messiah, and reported miracles he performed and occured during his lifetime and at the time of his death.

Now back to the topic of evolution.
Curious...you say the time frame in the article is misleading? You know this how?

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
OK, let's say it's not coherent to you. So here's another question: :)
Hopefully you understand this better:
What happened to the small difference between gorillas and humans? Or bonobos and humans -- why do you think or imagine there is a marked difference, albeit slight, between bonobos, gorillas, and humans? Hmm? Did it get lost? Please do answer cogently. (Coherently.) Thanks. With facts. :) thanks again.
"Bonobos share about 98.7% of their DNA with humans, roughly just as much as with the chimpanzee, but a small bit of our DNA, about 1.6%, is shared with only the bonobo, but not chimpanzees. Ongoing debates might also be settled by the new data." https://www.google.com/search?q=1.6%+difference+bonobos+and+humans&rlz=1CAIGZW_enUS998&oq=1.6%+difference+bonobos+and+humans&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i22i29i30.10267j1j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
What does this mean? What happened to the difference? Do you think it disappeared and now gorillas, bonobos and humans are the same species?

The difference between these three species is still there.

I don't think you are succeeding at presenting this as an example of something more coherent.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
Perhaps you won't think it's so funny later...
I have never appreciated it when fellow Christians have to resort to what amounts to a veiled threat about how they know others are going to end up in the next life. It is my belief that only God knows and to assume otherwise is taking a position unwarranted by scripture.

Dan From Smithville

For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
Staff member
Premium Member
There ARE no "original" texts or specimens in the theory of evolution. In fact, it is all conjectural opinion when it comes to the first little molecules, etc. that supposedly burgeoned out to become more. I'm waiting...:) (By natural selection, of course.)
The theory that we accept now has its basis in works published by Darwin in 1859. I suppose that would be the original text along with all the other original work by scientists on the subject. So, you are incorrect.

Saying it is conjecture over and over and over and over...will not magically make it conjecture. Just like clicking your heals together and changing there is no place like home will not get you to Kansas.

You are conflating the origin of life with the evolution of life again. Not that I am surprised. For someone claiming to have learned this as a child, you don't seem to have retained much of what you should have learned then.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Channel Tunnel and the excavation underwater?!?!?! Your going deep to come with your avoidancence of science.
Well, I'm not a scientist, you are I suppose, but the layers of earth they showed and the structure of the layers and excavating certainly made for some interesting watching. Those men worked hard with their drills and machines to get through that rock. I'm impressed.