The view expressed by this member is abhorant and must be soundly condemned by all those who value freedom and hold authentic compassion for the human family. It is views such as these that show us Islam has no place in our free Liberal democracies.
oh, so islam takes the freedom of people away, well china is a comunist country, korea is, the US is, the UK is, no one is free, everyone is monitored 24/7 like dogs, is that freedom?
and what about the people killed by the US, someone raises their head or voice, they get killed, didn't they kill their own president Kennedy.
Also this should be a warning to all who are considering a conversion to Islam. You have been warned.
puh-lease, grow up. you have warned them, about what? why would anyone want to convert to islam if it takes peoples freedom away? when it killes you if you leave it, who would be so dumb to convert to such a bad religion.
do you wish to know the answer?
those people who are smart, those people who have been given a brain by Allah and know what is white and what is black, those people who aren't deaf nor blind. people who are wise.
unfortunately, you fall short of those characteristics, too bad i guess.