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Question about Drag Queens


ᛋᛏᚨᚾᛞ ᛋᚢᚱᛖ
Any links, facts posted would be ignored with a hand wave, as the Bill Mahar video, some too fearful to watch it. ..s Once drags queen were relegated to clubs bars exclusively entertainment for adults, why do they need to be in schools, besides a new cultural low. The questions remains. But as i see here that this is happening everywhere is denied.

Hand waved? I addressed your points sentence by sentence and showed the opinion piece you posted was lacking in actual facts about what sexual grooming even is; it was all just baseless assumption without any facts backing them. You have yet to address my counter points as well

What do you think about the fact Ronald Reagan starred in a movie that featured drag queens with those drag queens performing in front of children? Do you think he was also trying to sexualize children like you say drag queens are attempting to do with drag story hour? Was Ronald Reagan also a groomer in that movie?

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Veteran Member
100 years ago, when actors freeman Gosden and Charles Correll put on black makeup, an afro wig, ragged clothes and did a caricature of their interpretation of black people for entertainment purposes, they called those Minstrel Shows, and eventually black people found these acts offensive, and today Minstrel shows are no more, they have been regulated to the long list of shameful examples of America’s dark, racist, past.

Today we have men putting on female makeup, female wigs, female clothes doing a caricature of their interpretation of women for entertainment purposes and we call them Drag Shows; yet nobody complains! Why? How is this different? Why aren’t feminists finding these acts offensive and complaining about it? Why are Minstrel shows offensive, but Drag shows are not?
I think the main difference is that when those men 'played' being black, they did so with the intent to insult and humiliate the people they were pretending to be. While the men who dressed and acted as women are not intending to insult of humiliate women at all. In fact, just the opposite. They wanted to express their sincere appreciation for womanhood via their desire to be one.

Women very often enjoy going to and seeing drag shows because they know they are not being parodied or insulted, at all. Just the opposite. They are being venerated. While I doubt very much that any black person would go to see and enjoy a black-faced minstrel show.
A lazy, zero effort reply. Since you don't have any thoughts of your own to go through on the matter, we'll just pick through your opinion piece

First of all, the opinion piece you posted makes clear what it claims from the outset: sexual grooming. Let's look up the definition

"the action of attempting to form a relationship with a child or young person, with the intention of sexually assaulting them or inducing them to commit an illegal act such as selling drugs or joining a terrorist organization."

How is that going to happen within a one hour event where parents or teachers are present? Let's see what your article shows as an example of "sexual grooming."

"Yes, this is grooming. Pseudo-academic jargon does not change the authors’ evil intentions to corrupt and sexualize children."

What, that's it? Informing kids that drag exists and that it's ok for people to be gay is sexualy grooming them? Oh brother... Your opinion piece you posted is just a guy who's mad that gay people exist and that kids can learn that they exist through drag story hour. Lame. These are the same kind of people who say things like "Remember when we used to play smear the queer in school? Ah the glory days. Can't do that anymore"

If you want to see what actual sexual grooming looks like, you can use what many Catholic priests and Baptist pastors do to kids as an example. THAT is grooming
I find it awfully bizarre that you rarely ever hear about drag queens sexually abusing kids. But yet, many stories of actual abuse come from priests and pastors. The common stereotype that people from the LGBTQ community are out to groom kids and abuse them is dumbfounded.

I would certainly trust my child with someone who is a drag queen over a priest any day. The most ironic thing is not only do people who are drag queens (I would assume most are probably not straight) get stigma, but people who are transgender get quite a bit, too. Many people, including those of religion, see the world only in black and white. So, there's no room for anything outside their window view of what is considered the "norm."

It is the 21st century. Time to let go of racist and bigot intentions, and start showing acceptance, kindness and tolerance to others, regardless of where they come from or what they identify as.


Active Member
Focus on the Family? A hate group?
I am no fan of Focus on the Family' It fosters legislation of morality, however, hate group? Only groups that openly advocate violence, left or right are 'hate groups.' Like 'hate speech' only speech that openly threatens deserve that moniker. The first amendment is ubiquitous, it does not protect nice speech, friendly speech, love speech, it protect 'free speech' something we see on college campuses fighting against. Someone named Fidel Castro asserted there was total free speech in his country, except for what was 'against the will of the people'- meaning anything against him. same principle..

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I am no fan of Focus on the Family' It fosters legislation of morality, however, hate group? Only groups that openly advocate violence, left or right are 'hate groups.' Like 'hate speech' only speech that openly threatens deserve that moniker. The first amendment is ubiquitous, it does not protect nice speech, friendly speech, love speech, it protect 'free speech' something we see on college campuses fighting against. Someone named Fidel Castro asserted there was total free speech in his country, except for what was 'against the will of the people'- meaning anything against him. same principle..
No, they have promoted and encouraged things that have done harm to people, even calling LGBT a "particularly evil lie of Satan." They are a hate group.


Active Member
Drag performances are often considered a form of artistic expression and celebration of gender diversity, allowing individuals to explore and express different aspects of gender identity and performance. The intention is generally not to caricature or mock women, but rather to celebrate and playfully exaggerate gender expressions or attributes.

Comparing drag shows to minstrel shows, which historically involved the caricature and denigration of African American people, introduces the question of historical power dynamics and social oppression. Minstrel shows were deeply rooted in racist and dehumanizing practices perpetuated by those in positions of power, and were a tool to reinforce racial stereotypes and justify discrimination.


Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
Pesky ten commandments. The Bible as literature, no issue with, has far more redeeming qualities than 'drag queens'
Numbers 13 and 14
Numbers 31
Joshua 1 through 6
Judges 21:10 through 24
Deuteronomy 20: 10 through 14
Deuteronomy 22: 28 & 29
Deuteronomy 22: 24 & 24
Judges 5: 30
Zechariah 14: 1 and 2
Exodus 21: 7 through 11
Deuteronomy 21: 10 through 14

Redeeming? Not in my eyes from my heart.


Well-Known Member
I am no fan of Focus on the Family' It fosters legislation of morality, however, hate group? Only groups that openly advocate violence, left or right are 'hate groups.'
A hate group is a social group that advocates and practices hatred, hostility, or violence towards members of a race, ethnicity, nation, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, or any other designated sector of society.

Yes Focus on the Family is a hate group.

It has advanced anti-LGBT legislation including protecting LGBT people from housing discrimination, employment discrimination, access to public services, access to businesses, and they have advocated that people who engage in violence towards LGBT individuals be immune from criminal charges. They have worked against anti-bullying campaigns in school if they include LGBT students as part of their effort saying saying engaging in bullying including violence is "A God given right of every 'normal' child"

Like 'hate speech' only speech that openly threatens deserve that moniker. The first amendment is ubiquitous, it does not protect nice speech, friendly speech, love speech, it protect 'free speech' something we see on college campuses fighting against. Someone named Fidel Castro asserted there was total free speech in his country, except for what was 'against the will of the people'- meaning anything against him. same principle..
A person who sends work place wide e-mails detailing how a gay co-worker is a child molester with the goal of getting him shunned and fired is engaging in hate speech even though no open threat was made.

Someone who paints swastikas on a Temple is engaging in hate speech even though there was no open threat.

Describing black people as subhuman or genetically inferior is hate speech.

You are confusing free speech with freedom from the consequences of hate speech. You have ever right to say what sick hateful thing about LGBT people that you like. Just as you have every right to say any racist or anti-Semeitc thing you please. But if you chose to these things you will face consequences for your choice.
Pesky ten commandments. The Bible as literature, no issue with, has far more redeeming qualities than 'drag queens'
Your assumption would be that religious qualities and beliefs are far more important and redeeming than the ethical treatments of others. This is false. Your bigotry, no matter which flavor you make it, is still bigotry.

Why not just come out and say that you hate gay people, particularly when they are dressed up in "drag"? This would be easier for you.


Active Member
Your assumption would be that religious qualities and beliefs are far more important and redeeming than the ethical treatments of others. This is false. Your bigotry, no matter which flavor you make it, is still bigotry.

Why not just come out and say that you hate gay people, particularly when they are dressed up in "drag"? This would be easier for you.
Perhaps it will be easier for you once you accept the fact that some people do hate Gay people.

You cannot fight this or change it, relief comes in accepting it.
Perhaps it will be easier for you once you accept the fact that some people do hate Gay people.

You cannot fight this or change it, relief comes in accepting it.
Sure, I can accept that. But that doesn't make it right. As someone who is not gay, but not straight either, I will NEVER accept hate towards others, merely for being who they are. Equality, tolerance and compassion towards all people are at my core beliefs, and I will not deviate from this.
When you look at actual police reports of arrests regarding child predators, it's almost always priests, cops, youth pastors, sports coaches, republican politicians, etc. but never any drag queens.
I have never heard of this instance from any drag queens. I'm sure it has happened somewhere in time, but the % is probably either extremely low, or non-existent.
That's been a tactic used by conservatives a lot lately. Don't like someone? Just accuse them of being a pedo without evidence or probable cause. I saw a lady be accused of "grooming" because she had a sticker that said "protect LGBT kids". The right has no class.
Yep. Care about others rights and equality regardless of gender or sexuality? Woke. Want to teach equality in schools? Woke. Ally of LGBTQ community? Oh, you must be woke and a groomer.

Any time conservatives don't like something, they accuse someone of being a groomer or being woke, or both.