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Question for Atheists...


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Yes, I recommend to read it. It tells for example:

God is a spirit, and the ones worshiping Him must worship in spirit and truth.
Joh. 4:24
The one who does not love has not known God, because God is love.
1 Joh. 4:8
And we have known and have believed the love which God has in us. God is love, and the one abiding in love abides in God, and God in him.
1 Joh. 4:16

God has a physical (or at least visible) body with a face, back, and hand (Exodus 33:19-23).

At least some of the time, God can be found sitting on a throne in the sky (Ezekiel 1:26).


Veteran Member

What caused you to stop believing in the supernatural?

Believing in the supernatural is not rational but at one time, I couldn't see that. It seemed the most rational thing in the world to believe in the supernatural. I did so without question. Rational meaning to develop your thoughts based on reason and logic. I suppose I lack a rational mind but didn't know it. The only requirement to be rational, I thought, was to have a brain.

Or perhaps you never believed in them. Good for you. You were born with a more rational mind.

I suspect I kept asking why and how. Perhaps that simply causes one's mind to become more rational overtime.
Some people try to convince themselves they are rational, but that in itself proves they are not rational.
For example, for one to claim that something is not, when they have no idea that it isn't, that requires a blind belief. Not only that, it demonstrates a closed mindedness that's similar to placing oneself in a box with only the things one wants to believe.

A rational person not only believes in using reason, but they are open to learning about what they might currently not understand... such as some scientists who are continually searching for answers, and open to things they might not expect... since they understand that in many cases, "the more they learn, the less they really know."

Since what is natural to us is limited to what we know... or think we know,, and understand which is very little, then those who consider evidence for what is not limited to our understanding, are indeed the more rational... and of course, reasonable.


Veteran Member
Not all Atheists are naturalists. Some believe in a supernatural godless reality. Therefore, that question is applicable only to naturalism.


- viole
In other words, the question betrays rational thinking.


Veteran Member
I grew up
I wish these men all grew up.
25 Famous Scientists Who Believed in God
What a world. I think most atheist grow up in body... not so much in mind. :( Rationality, reasonableness, and oftentimes intelligence, aren't demonstrated by most of them.
Or maybe they just talk without thinking. I think that can be forgiven... especially in light of the fact that atheists work so very hard... at trying to convince themselves.


Veteran Member
No one. I believe it is true,
So it's just a coincidence that you happen to believe in the most prevalent religion where you live? You didn't hear anyone around you talk about the Bible and Christian concepts, and this didn't sway your thinking? Did you also study the Quran, the Mormon Bible, the Urantia book, and the Gita before you settled on the Bible being true? Did you look into Buddhism and understand it's approach to managing our mind's temptation to give in to emotions? Tell us all about your process.
because I see it to be correct in many things and I think it has good teachings.
How do you know it is correct? Explain what questions you asked that the Bible answered correctly, and let's see if your thinking is sound.

No doubt it has good advice, like don't eat shellfish in 300 BCE, due to lack of refrigeration. But what else did you lack in wisdom that you needed to be taught dececy. I'm curious what teachings you picked up from the Bible, tell us a few.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
I wish these men all grew up.
25 Famous Scientists Who Believed in God
What a world. I think most atheist grow up in body... not so much in mind. :( Rationality, reasonableness, and oftentimes intelligence, aren't demonstrated by most of them.
Or maybe they just talk without thinking. I think that can be forgiven... especially in light of the fact that atheists work so very hard... at trying to convince themselves.

Interestingly, all long time dead

And how many scientists are there who don't believe in god. Some years ago I saw a report (i think it was the American institute of science) who queried their member's with the result that 93% of scientists asked had no belief in a higher power. Ninety Three percent. Think on that.

In mind? I consider that a deliberate insult that can easily shown to be false using any of many results showing religion correlates inversly with intelligence. Another report i saw shows that of almost 7000 people whose IQ was compared atheists were 6 points higher than god believers.

What is to convince about no evidence of god(s). I think the ones working so hard are believers trying to shore up their delusion.
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Veteran Member
I wish these men all grew up.
25 Famous Scientists Who Believed in God
What a world. I think most atheist grow up in body... not so much in mind. :( Rationality, reasonableness, and oftentimes intelligence, aren't demonstrated by most of them.
Or maybe they just talk without thinking. I think that can be forgiven... especially in light of the fact that atheists work so very hard... at trying to convince themselves.
Theists can be experts in science, as long as they get their science right. My uncle was a phd chemist who worked in pharma, and at some point his creationist beliefs got in the way of his ability to do work and be promoted. He eventually moved from research to management because he couldn't accept certain conclusions in science. Science advanced way beyond his creationism, and he refused to accept it. That is the toxicity of Christian extremism, which includes creationism.


Veteran Member
No one. I believe it is true, because I see it to be correct in many things and I think it has good teachings.
Sure, some of it is sound.
But since a lot of it is falsehood
and nonsense... ?
Slam eyes and ears shut and trust all
of it anyway?
Poor idea to trust an ordinary instruction
manual like that


Veteran Member
God has a physical (or at least visible) body with a face, back, and hand (Exodus 33:19-23).

At least some of the time, God can be found sitting on a throne in the sky (Ezekiel 1:26).
No. You are mistaken.
A vision is a defined as a sight or scene presented to a person’s mind by day or by night, usually through other than ordinary means, and sometimes while the recipient was in a trance or was dreaming.
One definition of Webster's says something seen in a dream, trance, or ecstasy.

Hence, person were given images of representation, not reality itself.
For example. Ezekiel, in that same vision, saw a hand with a scroll written on, and he ate the scroll.

(Ezekiel 2:9-3:3) 9 When I looked, I saw a hand stretched out to me, and in it I saw a written scroll. 10 When he spread it out before me, it had writing on both front and back. Dirges and mourning and wailing were written on it. 3 Then he said to me: “Son of man, eat what is before you. Eat this scroll, and go, speak to the house of Israel.” 2 So I opened my mouth, and he made me eat this scroll. 3 He went on to say to me: “Son of man, eat this scroll that I am giving you, and fill your stomach with it.” So I began to eat it, and it was as sweet as honey in my mouth.

It's a vision, not reality.


Veteran Member
Some people try to convince themselves they are rational, but that in itself proves they are not rational.
"Being rational" is demonstrated by showing reasoning skill, and that means following the rules of logic to sound conclusions. This also means avoid making assumptions that are not necessary. Theists adopt belief in God from their social experience and then results in many of them unable to NOT assume their version of God exists.
For example, for one to claim that something is not, when they have no idea that it isn't, that requires a blind belief. Not only that, it demonstrates a closed mindedness that's similar to placing oneself in a box with only the things one wants to believe.
An example theists who assume the universe is caused by God are closed minded to the universe arrising as a natural process. In science, logic and reason we avoid assumptions, and this means we avoid assuming religious tradition is factual or true. Why? Because these traditions have no basis in fact.

You trapved yourself here because you assume a God exists, and you tried to trap critical thinkers into a "closed minded". If you were better skilled at reasoning you would have realized you trapped yourself. That illustrates how assuming a God exists isn't justified, and ruins thinking.
A rational person not only believes in using reason, but they are open to learning about what they might currently not understand... such as some scientists who are continually searching for answers, and open to things they might not expect... since they understand that in many cases, "the more they learn, the less they really know."
There are no Gods known to exist, so they are not valid assumptions or founding facts about reality, so they are thrown out by science and those who use reason.
Since what is natural to us is limited to what we know... or think we know,, and understand which is very little, then those who consider evidence for what is not limited to our understanding, are indeed the more rational... and of course, reasonable.
Is this an attempt to create a "gap" to squeeze in a God (God of the gaps)? I've seen desperate theists say things like "we can't be sure of everything, so we can't know God isn't part of it or a cause". We base reasoning and science on what we DO know, on factys and data. We don't use guesses, maybes, rumors, traditions, etc. Facts and data!!!


Veteran Member
Mental states, and they might not represent reality.
Hence, person were given images of representation, not reality itself.
For example. Ezekiel, in that same vision, saw a hand with a scroll written on, and he ate the scroll.

(Ezekiel 2:9-3:3) 9 When I looked, I saw a hand stretched out to me, and in it I saw a written scroll. 10 When he spread it out before me, it had writing on both front and back. Dirges and mourning and wailing were written on it. 3 Then he said to me: “Son of man, eat what is before you. Eat this scroll, and go, speak to the house of Israel.” 2 So I opened my mouth, and he made me eat this scroll. 3 He went on to say to me: “Son of man, eat this scroll that I am giving you, and fill your stomach with it.” So I began to eat it, and it was as sweet as honey in my mouth.

It's a vision, not reality.
Get back to us when you have verifiable observations by mentally stable people.


Veteran Member
Because we are capable of determining what is true versus false through various methods. If we can't be certain we can determine probability.
That is true. What do you think Christians are doing, and why should we discard what we have determined, for what you have determined, which is basically based on your personal opinion?
If you don't think it's your personal opinion, then can you please show me what method you used to determine that God is factually impossible.
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Veteran Member
Interestingly, all long time dead

And how many scientists are there who don't believe in god. Some years ago I saw a report (i think it was the American institute of science) who queried their member's with the result that 93% of scientists asked had no belief in a higher power. Ninety Three percent. Think on that.

In mind? I consider that a deliberate insult that can easily shown to be false using any of many results showing religion correlates inversly with intelligence. Another report i saw shows that of almost 7000 people whose IQ was compared atheists were 6 points higher than god believers.

What is to convince about no evidence of god(s). I think the ones working so hard are believers trying to shore up their delusion.
The point is, you suggested the great scientists do not, or have not grown up... including thousands alive today around the world.
That thinking can in no way be rational, reasoable, nor sensible.
If you think it is, then I am correct, aren't I?


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
The point is, you suggested the great scientists do not, or have not grown up... including thousands alive today around the world.
That thinking can in no way be rational, reasoable, nor sensible.
If you think it is, then I am correct, aren't I?

No i didn't, i said "I grew up" i cannot speak for anyone else.

Sorry you misunderstood or misinterpreted but please notice the "I" at the beginning of my post.


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
I wish these men all grew up.
25 Famous Scientists Who Believed in God
What a world. I think most atheist grow up in body... not so much in mind. :( Rationality, reasonableness, and oftentimes intelligence, aren't demonstrated by most of them.
Or maybe they just talk without thinking. I think that can be forgiven... especially in light of the fact that atheists work so very hard... at trying to convince themselves.

Oh and by the way Einstein should not have been included on that article

In his own words..
I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it.​
... I came—though the child of entirely irreligious (Jewish) parents—to a deep religiousness, which, however, reached an abrupt end at the age of twelve. Through the reading of popular scientific books I soon reached the conviction that much in the stories of the Bible could not be true.​
Einstein said people can call him an agnostic rather than an atheist

But of course religion always tries to make him put to be a liar.

And Schrödinger was atheist

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