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Question for the Non-Muslims


Active Member
Physics is something which you can do experiment on, but spirituality can't be measured in labs, my friend :)
Not entirely correct, there; friend. :)

The path that leads from Plato to Einstein can be called the "thought experiment." Modern Relativity flowered from the fertile soil of one man's mind; now known to describe the path of the planet Mercury and to give us all a greater understanding of the universe through the mechanics of gravitational lensing and singularities - and Relativity is far from done with rocking the world, believe it...

And all I know, I learned through the looking glass of love; and while I ain't nearly as cool as ol' Al, I am having an effect on actual reality. :cool:

Ain't no hell, ain't no torture; there's love... and, of course; comedy, or there wouldn't be fools like me. :D


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Unless someone is very mistaken about the nature of god... ie. he is not merciful afterall but instead a cruel tyrant... then can't.
If I go to hell for a simple mistake made as a flawed but well intentioned child, then God is not merciful at all.

I have faith in God's mercy... an evil God is not worth worship anyway.


Who told you people will enter hell for "simple mistakes"?

By the way, what do you expect from God? to let everybody walk away from the path they have chosen in their life time?

Not entirely correct, there; friend. :)

The path that leads from Plato to Einstein can be called the "thought experiment." Modern Relativity flowered from the fertile soil of one man's mind; now known to describe the path of the planet Mercury and to give us all a greater understanding of the universe through the mechanics of gravitational lensing and singularities - and Relativity is far from done with rocking the world, believe it...

And all I know, I learned through the looking glass of love; and while I ain't nearly as cool as ol' Al, I am having an effect on actual reality. :cool:

Ain't no hell, ain't no torture; there's love... and, of course; comedy, or there wouldn't be fools like me. :D

The "thought experiment" as you call it can't be compared with the "spiritual experiment". They are totally different, that was my point.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
Who told you people will enter hell for "simple mistakes"?
Not being a Muslim is a simple enough mistake IMHO.

By the way, what do you expect from God? to let everybody walk away from the path they have chosen in their life time?
I'm walking the path chosen for me... why would I go to hell for that?
Do you punish someone for taking a wrong turn on their travels? Sometimes wrong turns bring you to glorious places you would never have found otherwise.



Veteran Member
Premium Member
Not being a Muslim is a simple enough mistake IMHO.

It's not a mistake, but a choice.

I'm walking the path chosen for me... why would I go to hell for that?
Do you punish someone for taking a wrong turn on their travels? Sometimes wrong turns bring you to glorious places you would never have found otherwise.


I'm not debating whether you will go to heaven or hell so i prefer to discuss your arguments. Did you say "chosen for you?" any body can choose his own path then walk through it. No body will choose your life path in behave of you.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
It's not a mistake, but a choice
Even for those who never hear about Islam?
Bad choices can be mistakes. :cool:
Anyway, even so... why send someone to hell for that? If God is merciful, does such a choice, so long as the person lives a good and worthy life really deserve eternal punishment? Such a punishment would be unjust and not merciful in the slightest.

I'm not debating whether you will go to heaven or hell so i prefer to discuss your arguments. Did you say "chosen for you?" any body can choose his own path then walk through it. No body will choose your life path in behave of you.
God set me on this path. How I walk it is up to me... I don't expect God to let me walk away from it... nor do I expect God to lead me by the nose either.
I may stumble and take a wrong turn now and then, but we all do and God is merciful, so as long as I walk with a full heart and a clear mind I will not fear.



Veteran Member
Premium Member
Even for those who never hear about Islam?
Bad choices can be mistakes. :cool:

Those who never heard of Islam will be judged by Allah in a special way. Many scholars say that Allah will give them a test on the day of judgement, which is similar to the one we had in this life.

Anyway, even so... why send someone to hell for that? If God is merciful, does such a choice, so long as the person lives a good and worthy life really deserve eternal punishment? Such a punishment would be unjust and not merciful in the slightest.

This might be helpful. Check my later long posts as well.


God set me on this path. How I walk it is up to me... I don't expect God to let me walk away from it... nor do I expect God to lead me by the nose either.
I may stumble and take a wrong turn now and then, but we all do and God is merciful, so as long as I walk with a full heart and a clear mind I will not fear.


And i don't doubt any sincere heart :)

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
I think part of the confusion comes from having such different histories with god. God gave our people the proper way to live and the consequences for not living the right way... but all of our consequences were in this life. God never mentioned hell, so it's a very strange concept.



Veteran Member
Premium Member
Or you've already been fooled, and what you're posting isn't Islam at all, it's the Dajjal speaking. How can we be sure?

ha ha, he still didn't come yet. There are signs which would happen then he will appear, and it will be at the end of this life. And when he comes, he won't speak on my behave :D he will just try to persuade people to follow him and worship him.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I think part of the confusion comes from having such different histories with god. God gave our people the proper way to live and the consequences for not living the right way... but all of our consequences were in this life. God never mentioned hell, so it's a very strange concept.


You mean God never mentioned hell according to your beliefs?


I want Khilafah back
In such a case, providing the child does not suffer from any given mental illness, which is somewhat beyond the control of the parent, the blame should be rightly pinned onto the parent.

why is it the parent's fault that their child doesn't have a good behaviour as the rest of the kids?

The parent is at fault for not laying down lines of proper communication with said child. They may have spent a considerable amount of energy explaining things to the child but if such direction is not given, in terms meaningful to the child, they simply will not listen. A good way to ensure that ones message is getting across to the child is to get them to mirror back what you are saying. Likewise, a parent should endeavor to have a dialogue with the child rather than dictate terms that must be followed - or else. The latter will almost assure rebellion. Sadly, parenting isn't something that people seem to require training for prior to being in the position of a parent.

i dissagree with you about the parent being responsible. i know plenty of families where the child behaves badly. maybe we aren't on the same page here. we are talking about a child that is somewhere between 3-10 correct? it is a different case when the child is older. in that case the parent is at fault for not educating the child properly.

In this way, if indeed Allah feels a need to punish then it can be concluded that he needs a better messenger or a more realistic message that engages people rather than dictates unconditional terms of surrender.

thats not quite right. a muslims doesn't just surrender. for example if one refrains from useless talk, backbitting, faul language etc. the prophet (saws) says your heart will be purified, once your heart is purified then your soul will also be purified. the purity of the soul is linked to the heart while the heart is linked to the tounge.

so if you want to be a generous, helping, nice, friendly, have a strong faith, then reffrain from talking about things that are bad and don't concern you. a person who has money is not rich, but a person who has a pure heart is rich. thats why you rarely see a millionare give to the poor.

Most assuredly, Allah, by most reasonable definitions is a tyrant and a petty one at that. What Muslims do not seem to appreciate is that if there is a significant punishment for not following Allah, then, in fact, there is no real free will.

thats just your oppinion and let me tell you, you are wrong.
there will be people who will be sent to hell even though they declared to be muslims in this life.
there will be scholars sent to hell even though they had islamic knowledge in this life.
there will be martyrs who will be sent to hell even though they died in the way of Allah in this life.
there will be memorisers of the quran who will be sent to hell even though they memorised the whole quran in this life.

i don't sopose you want to know why they will be sent to hell, seeing that you know Allah so well.


I want Khilafah back
Which is a flawed logic, especially when the consequences of the punishment in question is the opposite of what punishing a child is meant to cause.

if the parents don't punish/educate the child then when he grows up he will be a bad person and end up in jail or commiting crime all his life.

same thing that hapens to us. why do you think Allah causes the natural dissassters? why does Allah cause anything unless it was to benefit us?

through misfortunes Allah wants us to reflect and change our bad ways so that we avoid hell.
Mercy and Wisdoms Behind the Disasters and the Calamities

http://www.religiousforums.com/arti...doms-behind-the-disasters-and-the-calamities/Why does Allah(swt) not prevent the disasters and the catastrophes but allows them?


Disasters and disorders seeming outwardly unfavorable are indeed good.

All troubles, calamities; briefly anything seeming outwardly unfavorable and evil are actually favorable and pleasing.

All creatures in the universe are divided into two parts. First is the group of the creatures which are beautiful, favorable themselves (Husn-u Bizzat); the other group is the group of creatures which are favorable by their conclusion. (Husn-u Bilgayr) For instance; health is good itself, while the illness is good by its results and conclusion. Because, by means of an illness, man can understand the value of his health and discovers his life once again. And his illness brings him a great deal of good deeds if he manages to be patient with it.

Allah (swt) tests man in this world. Diseases and the calamities are the requirements of this test

“Certainly, We shall test you with something of fear and hunger, some loss of wealth, lives and fruits (of your toil), but give glad tidings to (As-Sabirin) those who patiently persevere.” (Baqara, 155)

By means of the afflictions, Allah shows His own attributes and names on man

For instance, a dressmaker shows his own proficiency and art on a dress. So he will cut and sew some parts of the cloth to shape it as a dress. Cutting the cloth, even though seems as if ruining it, is just a part of the dressmaker’s art and also a necessary and an essential action to show his proficiency.

Likewise, we reflect upon the Holy names of Allah (swt) and understand that He is “Shafii” by His giving shifa and curing the sick; and that He is “Al Razzaq” (The Provider) by His providing the whole needs of all creatures and feeding the hungry and also “Muin” by His helping the disaster victims.

Through sufferings, Allah (swt) warns His servants against sins and mistakes

For instance, if a child is about to make big mistakes that will cause serious damages, his parents or his teacher will give him some kind of warnings. If he pays attention, these warnings are definitely better for him than getting into trouble.

Likewise; for Allah is the merciful, He gives warnings to them through sufferings in order to prevent them from making mistakes and committing sins.

Allah gives diseases and sufferings to His servants in order to bring them closer to Himself

Let’s think about a child again. When he is in trouble, he runs back to his mother and takes refuge in her merciful arms asking for help for his frightened and weak heart. In the same way, under sufferings and difficulties, the servant seeks help and strength for his impotence and despair. He takes refuge in the eternal mercy and the infinite might of his Lord and finds the everlasting compassion he needs.

Allah (swt) through afflictions wants to save His servants from the hard torments of hell

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) says that;
“No fatigue, nor disease, nor sorrow, nor sadness, nor hurt, nor distress befalls a Muslim, even if it were the prick he receives from a thorn, except that Allah expiates some of his previous sins for that.” (Muslim)

If a believer keeps his patience when he endures afflictions, he will receive forgiveness of his Lord and get rid of his sins which will cause in the hereafter.

Through afflictions Allah (swt) prevents His servants from conceit and arrogance

A man forgetting the existence of Allah (swt) and his responsibilities of being a servant, just lives for this ephemeral world. So ignoring the death, he considers his mortal life as the everlasting. But when death comes, he has nothing in his hands to take with him to the hereafter.

However, through the disasters and calamities, man comprehends how much impotent he is even against a germ, remembers his debt of gratitude to the All-Compassionate Allah(swt), the only One who protects him from all the dangers and the only One who can save him from all his troubles.

In proportion to the degree of the diseases or the afflictions, Allah (swt) increases the reward (thawab) of His servants

Sometimes, just one hour illness equals to one day’s worship for the patient servants. The distress of a few years-illness and affliction may bring about million years’ weal and happiness of the eternal life.

Because there are two types of worship. One is the worship done by the prayer, supplication and etc; the other one is like calamities and the illnesses. By means of these, man realizes his impotence and performs a sincere worship and supplication taking his refuge in his All-Compassionate Lord.

Allah gives the rank of martyrdom to His servants who die because of an incurable illness

Narrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said, "While a man was going on a way, he saw a thorny branch and removed it from the way and Allah became pleased by his action and forgave him for that." Then the Prophet said, "Five are martyrs: One who dies of plague, one who dies of an abdominal disease, one who dies of drowning, one who is buried alive (and) dies and one who is killed in Allah's cause." (The Prophet further said, "If the people knew the reward for pronouncing the Adhan and for standing in the first row (in the congregational prayer) and found no other way to get it except by drawing lots they would do so, and if they knew the reward of offering the Zuhr prayer early (in its stated time), they would race for it and they knew the reward for 'Isha' and Fajr prayers in congregation, they would attend them even if they were to crawl') (Bukhari :: Book 1 :: Volume 11 :: Hadith 624 )

Narrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said, "Five are regarded as martyrs: They are those who die because of plague, abdominal disease, drowning or a falling building etc., and the martyrs in Allah's Cause." (Bukhari :: Book 4 :: Volume 52 :: Hadith 82)

Diseases and afflictions make man become aware of precious bounties

Through diseases and afflictions, man appreciates the value of the bounties; good health and comfortable living conditions which were never appreciated by man because of his arrogance though they were sent to him as gifts from the treasure of eternal mercy of his Lord.

Man appreciates the value of the bounties he has when he is about to lose them. And also things are known through their opposites. For instance, if there were no cold, heat could not be comprehended and if there happen to be no hunger, man would never apprehend the pleasure of food and eating.

Mercy and Wisdoms Behind the Disasters and the Calamities


I want Khilafah back
This is also an issue I have when people claim God is merciful... to show mercy is not to forgive someone who has done you wrong and regret it and apologize, that is being forgiving, mercy is to show forgiveness when they do not ask for forgiveness or regret anything. So I don´t get how someone can call God merciful, when he simply does not show mercy.

40:61 IT IS GOD who has made the night for you, so that you might rest therein, and the day, to make [you] see. Behold, God is indeed limitless in His bounty unto man - but most men are ungrateful

76:3 Verily, We have shown him the way: [and it rests with him to prove himself] either grateful or ungrateful

100:6 VERILY, towards his Sustainer man is most ungrateful

14:34 And [always] does He give you something out of what you may be asking of Him; and should you try to count God's blessings, you could never compute them. [And yet,] behold, man is indeed most persistent in wrongdoing, stubbornly ingrate!

17:67 And whenever danger befalls you at sea, all those (powers] that you are wont to invoke forsake you, [and nothing remains for you] save Him: but as soon as He has brought you safe ashore, you turn aside [and forget Him]-for, indeed, bereft of all gratitude is man!

17:69 Or can you, perchance, feel sure that He will not make you put back to sea once again, and then let loose upon you a raging tempest and cause you to drown in requital of your ingratitude - whereupon you would find none to uphold you against Us?

22:65 Art thou not aware that it is God who has made subservient to you all that is on earth, and the ships that sail through the sea at His behest - and [that it is He who] holds the celestial bodies [in their orbits], so that they may not fall upon the earth otherwise than by His leave? Verily, God is most compassionate towards men, a dispenser of grace

23:78 [O MEN! Pay heed to God’s messages,] for it is He who has endowed you with hearing, and sight, and minds: [yet] how seldom are you grateful!


Bodhisattva in Recovery
why is it the parent's fault that their child doesn't have a good behaviour as the rest of the kids?
Eduction in the formative years is essential, Eselam. If a parent does not have good communication with their child during this period they will have problems on their hands when the little tykes get to their teen years. Good communication means dialogue, which means a lot of talking and making sure the child understands. It does no good if children simply parrot the parents words. They have to understand exactly why specific behavior is expected. If the parent does not move "heaven and earth" to get through to their kids they are solely responsible for the creation of their future problems.

In short, these lines of communication should be ingrained by the time the child first enters school. The problem is that being a parent isn't easy and it takes a great deal of effort and energy to try to keep up with them. In essence, kids just need encouragement and clear guidelines.

i dissagree with you about the parent being responsible. i know plenty of families where the child behaves badly. maybe we aren't on the same page here. we are talking about a child that is somewhere between 3-10 correct? it is a different case when the child is older. in that case the parent is at fault for not educating the child properly.
Our children are the product of how we raise them. They are like plants in the respect that they will thrive if given encouragement and clear guidelines as well as the opportunity to talk freely. I don't believe there are any bad kids, though I do believe there are plenty of bad parents.

thats not quite right. a muslims doesn't just surrender. for example if one refrains from useless talk, backbitting, faul language etc. the prophet (saws) says your heart will be purified, once your heart is purified then your soul will also be purified. the purity of the soul is linked to the heart while the heart is linked to the tounge.
That's sort of what I am meaning, Eselam. It is ridiculous babble that borders on being irresponsible gibberish. It is simply not realistic and should be disregarded as meaningless piffle.

so if you want to be a generous, helping, nice, friendly, have a strong faith, then reffrain from talking about things that are bad and don't concern you. a person who has money is not rich, but a person who has a pure heart is rich. thats why you rarely see a millionare give to the poor.
Your understanding of human nature is so innocent and simplistic, Eselam.

thats just your oppinion and let me tell you, you are wrong.
It's not just my opinion, Eselam. It is reality.

there will be people who will be sent to hell even though they declared to be muslims in this life.
there will be scholars sent to hell even though they had islamic knowledge in this life.
there will be martyrs who will be sent to hell even though they died in the way of Allah in this life.
there will be memorisers of the quran who will be sent to hell even though they memorised the whole quran in this life.

i don't sopose you want to know why they will be sent to hell, seeing that you know Allah so well.
Eselem, Hell does not exist.


Well-Known Member
40:61 IT IS GOD who has made the night for you, so that you might rest therein, and the day, to make [you] see. Behold, God is indeed limitless in His bounty unto man - but most men are ungrateful

76:3 Verily, We have shown him the way: [and it rests with him to prove himself] either grateful or ungrateful

100:6 VERILY, towards his Sustainer man is most ungrateful

14:34 And [always] does He give you something out of what you may be asking of Him; and should you try to count God's blessings, you could never compute them. [And yet,] behold, man is indeed most persistent in wrongdoing, stubbornly ingrate!

17:67 And whenever danger befalls you at sea, all those (powers] that you are wont to invoke forsake you, [and nothing remains for you] save Him: but as soon as He has brought you safe ashore, you turn aside [and forget Him]-for, indeed, bereft of all gratitude is man!

17:69 Or can you, perchance, feel sure that He will not make you put back to sea once again, and then let loose upon you a raging tempest and cause you to drown in requital of your ingratitude - whereupon you would find none to uphold you against Us?

22:65 Art thou not aware that it is God who has made subservient to you all that is on earth, and the ships that sail through the sea at His behest - and [that it is He who] holds the celestial bodies [in their orbits], so that they may not fall upon the earth otherwise than by His leave? Verily, God is most compassionate towards men, a dispenser of grace

23:78 [O MEN! Pay heed to God’s messages,] for it is He who has endowed you with hearing, and sight, and minds: [yet] how seldom are you grateful!
So what you are saying is that we offend Allah so much by our existence and way to be that even if we become Muslims it is mercy for him to forgive us? That is not merciful at all, especially not if you are not supposed to be the being of most mercy. To be a being of mercy means you can let go of what people have done to you to save them, despite what they have done to you. This means, save an unbeliever that does not deserve to be in Hell from Hell... it even means Hell should not exist, since it represents a total absence of mercy.
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Admiral Obvious
So what you are saying is that we offend Allah so much by our existence and way to be that even if we become Muslims it is mercy for him to forgive us? That is not merciful at all, especially not if you are not supposed to be the being of most mercy. To be a being of mercy means you can let go of what people have done to you to save them, despite what they have done to you. This means, save an unbeliever that does not deserve to be in Hell from Hell... it even means Hell should not exist, since it represents a total absence of mercy.

Slow down!

I can all but guarantee you are presenting way to many ideas in far to short a time span.


Well-Known Member
Slow down!

I can all but guarantee you are presenting way to many ideas in far to short a time span.
Lol, maybe :p.


Honestly, though, I just mean that to be merciful you have to be merciful. If you don´t act with mercy, you are not merciful. Allah is no exception.
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I want Khilafah back
So what you are saying is that we offend Allah so much by our existence and way to be that even if we become Muslims it is mercy for him to forgive us? That is not merciful at all, especially not if you are not supposed to be the being of most mercy. To be a being of mercy means you can let go of what people have done to you to save them, despite what they have done to you. This means, save an unbeliever that does not deserve to be in Hell from Hell... it even means Hell should not exist, since it represents a total absence of mercy.

thats not what i was saying.

i posted those verses to show to you that man is ungreatful to Allah yet you a non muslim have the same things that i do. the only thing that sets us appart is me choosing to believe and you choosing to disbelieve. other than that we are equal. if Allah was to not be merciful, then he would have given his unbelieving creation less.

Allah is Ar-Rahman - the Merciful. he is in a state of mercy at all times. men can be merciful to one another. so do you think he who is the source of mercy doesn't show it?


Well-Known Member
thats not what i was saying.

i posted those verses to show to you that man is ungreatful to Allah yet you a non muslim have the same things that i do. the only thing that sets us appart is me choosing to believe and you choosing to disbelieve. other than that we are equal. if Allah was to not be merciful, then he would have given his unbelieving creation less.

Allah is Ar-Rahman - the Merciful. he is in a state of mercy at all times. men can be merciful to one another. so do you think he who is the source of mercy doesn't show it?
If Allah was merciful he would not let anyone suffer for all eternity for something as trivial as not believing in him. If he was the most merciful then he wouldn´t allow hell to exist. Mercy means more then giving someone equal resources as someone else. Even if that someone deserves less, which in this case I think is a flawed idea since being a Muslim does not make you a better person then anyone who is not, it would not be merciful if you then allow them to end up in hell for something like disbelief. Or to send anyone to hell at all.

Also, where I come from being ungrateful is not a crime. If someone is ungrateful they may be, well, ungrateful. It is a pain not being appriciated, but would I seriously harm anyone like not giving them the same chances as anyone else because of it? Would I create a system where they would be sent to prison for it? Absolutely not. Even though I am not sure I would say that man is ungrateful, especially not since Allah as I see it probably do not exist.


I want Khilafah back
If Allah was merciful he would not let anyone suffer for all eternity for something as trivial as not believing in him. If he was the most merciful then he wouldn´t allow hell to exist. Mercy means more then giving someone equal resources as someone else. Even if that someone deserves less, which in this case I think is a flawed idea since being a Muslim does not make you a better person then anyone who is not, it would not be merciful if you then allow them to end up in hell for something like disbelief. Or to send anyone to hell at all.

Also, where I come from being ungrateful is not a crime. If someone is ungrateful they may be, well, ungrateful. It is a pain not being appriciated, but would I seriously harm anyone like not giving them the same chances as anyone else because of it? Would I create a system where they would be sent to prison for it? Absolutely not. Even though I am not sure I would say that man is ungrateful, especially not since Allah as I see it probably do not exist.

well first of all you do have some things wrong.

Allah does not send people te hell just because they disbelieve. there will be muslims who will be sent to hell also even though they accept Allah. you do nto know the true intentions and have perfect knowledge of all things. you are only focusing on ungratefulness and not accepting Allah as the creator of all.

why should hell not exist? why should you be rewarded with paradise when you didn't even worship Allah unlike me who does everything for his sake only (well the good that i do, not the bad)

What Makes Paradise a Paradise is Its Being Given As a Reward

Why don't all the people get into the paradise? Since Allah (swt) loves His servants; why doesn't He admit all of them into the paradise?


Jannah (paradise) is a reward, a bounty and a gift of Allah (swt) to the servants who deserve Jannah. If Allah (swt) admitted everybody into the Jannah, paradise would no longer be a reward.

The reason why people get into the hell is not that they aren’t loved by Allah (swt); they will get in there because they, themselves willed and chose their ways leading to the hell.

Allah (swt) loves all his creatures and has mercy on them. However, if the servant, choosing the denial and the heedlessness deserves hell; considering this situation as “Allah doesn’t love His servants.” would be nothing short of accusing the perfect justice and the divine mercy of Allah (swt).

As we know, reward and punishment are of the two essential and effective methods in education and upbringing; both of them come out of justice and mercy.

All people’s getting into the paradise is injustice

How much would it be fair and reasonable giving the same salary both to a hardworking and an honest worker and a sluggish and bilker one?

To provide the justice; the governments have prisons to punish the cruel. Otherwise it would be a huge injustice to let the cruel break the peace of the innocent society.

Likewise, isn’t it a gross injustice to give both a pious, righteous, obedient servant and a depraved, heedless, cruel man the Jannah as the same reward? Definitely there should be “hell” for the cruel to receive their deserts, as well as the paradise for the reward of the believers.

Allah (swt) is “Al-‘Adl”; The Just and Al-Hakim; the Perfectly Wise

Justice is upheld by reward and punishment.

The reason why the Almighty Allah punishes the faithless men giving the creatures a raw deal by their denials and cruelties is that He (swt) has infinite justice and endless wise. Because not punishing those leading an impious and faithless life is utterly opposed to the perfect justice and the divine wise of Allah (swt).

Allah (swt) preserves the rights of His creatures

Denying Allah (swt) means to deny and ignore completely the divine attributes and holy names of Allah (swt) that are seen all over the universe. Actually, all creatures are like mirrors reflecting the divine names and attributes of Allah (swt). Carrying out this task is the greatest honour and the most essential duty for them. But the disbeliever rejects these lofty aims of the creatures and by regarding their existences and tasks as pitiful beings doomed to die out. He trivializes the whole universe.

So in the hereafter, Allah (swt) will put the deniers into the hell fire, so that The Just (swt) will preserve the rights of His creatures who will lodge complaints about the deniers’ insults in the world. By all means, His perfect justice requires the punishment of those guilty ones.

All people’s getting into the paradise removes the wisdoms behind the tests

“Yes! Whosoever earns evil and his sin has surrounded him, they are dwellers of the (Hell) Fire; they will dwell therein forever.” (Al-Baqara: 81)

“And those who believe (in the Oneness of Allah) and do righteous good deeds, they are dwellers of Paradise, they will dwell therein forever.” (Al Baqara: 82)

The essential point which we shouldn’t forget is that we, as human beings, have been sent to this life to be tested. As a requirement of the test, there should be rewards for the achievers, as well as punishments for the losers. If everybody goes to the paradise, what kind of a meaning would the test have? And if the life weren’t a test ending with rewards for good deeds and punishment for the wrong, then what kind of a meaning would the troubles and the difficulties have?

Can you imagine a country that put all people, both the thieves, burglars, robbers, criminals, murderers and also the teachers, doctors, lawyers, policemen on a salary; even the same high salary? If you imagine such a country, doubtlessly you will cry out “Where is the justice? Where is the mercy?”

What makes paradise a paradise is its being given as a reward

Paradise is a reward, a bounty and a gift for those deserving the Jannah. If Allah admitted everybody into it, paradise would no longer be a reward.

“And beware of the fire prepared for deniers.
And obey Allah and the Messenger. It is hoped that you may be shown mercy.
Run (by doing good) towards being forgiven by your Master and the Paradise the width of which as much as the heavens and the earth. It has been prepared for the cautious (of sins).
Those (believers) are they who spend (their belongings in the way of Allah) when in abundance and when in scarcity, overcome their fury (when they get angry) and forgive people. Allah loves the good-doers.
Those are they who immediately utter remembrances of Allah and plea for the forgiveness of their sins when they commit a bad deed or cruelty against their souls. And who forgives sins save Allah? And they do not knowingly persist in (the sins) what they have committed.
The reward of such is forgiveness from their Master and Gardens underneath rivers flow; therein they are forever abiders. How beautiful is the reward of those who do such deeds. “(Al-I Imran: 131- 136) What Makes Paradise a Paradise is Its Being Given As a Reward