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Question for the Non-Muslims


Well-Known Member
I am forced to agree with autodidact. Your Islamic interpretation of hell is quite inconsequential. Your Allah and the God of Abraham are quite different in a single aspect. Yours had prophets, mine had a son. My belief and actions in him have entitled to me to a saving grace that is unparrallelled in all Islam. I fear no hell, for I know Christ.


Rather than worry about imaginary tales, I have a life to live which I find tough enough as it is. I find reason is the best tool I have for making decisions which yield outcomes of minimum suffering. If I start spending my efforts thinking about nonsense (such as hell), I'm only going to suffer for it.


Intentionally Blank
btw, eselam, you have persuaded me never to bother reading the quran. What a bunch of violent, silly tripe.


Intentionally Blank
I am forced to agree with autodidact. Your Islamic interpretation of hell is quite inconsequential. Your Allah and the God of Abraham are quite different in a single aspect. Yours had prophets, mine had a son. My belief and actions in him have entitled to me to a saving grace that is unparrallelled in all Islam. I fear no hell, for I know Christ.

You do realize that your reasons for believing that are roughly equivalent to his reasons for believing what he believes, right?


btw, eselam, you have persuaded me never to bother reading the quran. What a bunch of violent, silly tripe.

Don't worry Auto - I consider my endeavour in doing so a noble act so as to dullen the thought of the time I wasted reading it myself. (I didn't quite finish it, because I just couldn't bear to continue reading any more foolishness.)

The best stuff is the scientific proof stuff. Then you get people saying like "you see, god said in the Qur'anthat rain comes from clouds, and now only 1400 years later scientists have found this to be true". (LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Well-Known Member
Greetings! :)

Q: why do you care if Allah was to send you to hell?

I read the description, and it's pretty much the old metaphoric description of hell as fire that's common in various older religions.

In fact, though, hell is not a place but the condition of spiritual remoteness from God (or Allah, if you prefer), as contrasted with Heaven, spiritual nearness to God! (And as such, these conditions exist here and now as well as after death, and each of us is in one or the other at each instant as a function of where our heads are at.)

And to answer your question, Allah doesn't send anyone to hell--rather, each individual may or may not do this to him- or herself depending on whether or not we properly fulfill our purpose in this life of acquiring the spiritual virtues we need both here and in the Next Life!

But the good news is that the Baha'i scriptures assure us that even for those who place themselves into the worst sort of spiritual situation, God in His infinite Love and Mercy will aid even these individuals eventually to draw nearer to Him, thus ultimately attaining Heaven!

Best! :)


Herr Heinrich

Student of Mythology
Q: why do you care if Allah was to send you to hell?

Heaven and Hell are creations of the human mind. Even if I was Muslim I probably wouldn't believe in either.
To answer your question however, I would not like to go to hell because suffering is not fun. I mean I think Hell would be a place of suffering....so I definitely wouldn't want to go there. I apologize, but I also find a god who would use the threat of Hell to be tyrannical. That is just my personal opinion of course.


chardi kla
ਕਵਨੁ ਨਰਕੁ ਕਿਆ ਸੁਰਗੁ ਬਿਚਾਰਾ ਸੰਤਨ ਦੋਊ ਰਾਦੇ ॥
What is hell and what heaven, the poor things. The saints reject both of them.

ਹਮ ਕਾਹੂ ਕੀ ਕਾਣਿ ਨ ਕਢਤੇ ਅਪਨੇ ਗੁਰ ਪਰਸਾਦੇ ॥੫॥
Through the grace of my Guru, I own not any obligation to either.

ਅਬ ਤਉ ਜਾਇ ਚਢੇ ਸਿੰਘਾਸਨਿ ਮਿਲੇ ਹੈ ਸਾਰਿੰਗਪਾਨੀ ॥
Now, I have mounted to the Master's Sustainer.

ਰਾਮ ਕਬੀਰਾ ਏਕ ਭਏ ਹੈ ਕੋਇ ਨ ਸਕੈ ਪਛਾਨੀ ॥੬॥੩॥
The Pervading God and Kabir have become one and no one can distinguish between them.

source Sri Granth: Sri Guru Granth Sahib


The Creator
but the punishment in hell is forever while it is not same here, why amount of punishment differs for the same sin ?

i've got to go know, but i personally do not know the answer to that question so give me some time to find something and i will respond to it.

eselam, does quran has any explanation to that? or you accept concept of hell is illogical?


Well-Known Member
firtsly, can you please read about the islamic concept of hell here before answering the question, that would be very much appreciated.

Q: why do you care if Allah was to send you to hell?
I don't believe in the same god as you, nor an afterlife, so I'm not scared by that description of hell or the threat of being sent there. I hope that answers your question. :)

Perfect Circle

Just Browsing
Eselam, why would you create this thread? Asking non-believers why they would care if Allah sent them to hell is the akin to asking you why you don't celebrate Easter. It's an exercise in futility... not a debate.


Industrial Strength Linguist
Eselam, why would you create this thread? Asking non-believers why they would care if Allah sent them to hell is the akin to asking you why you don't celebrate Easter. It's an exercise in futility... not a debate.

I suspect that it's just eselam's way of finding out how non-believers react to Pascal's Wager. Believers in hell hope that others will be motivated by the concept to accept belief in order to avoid their imagined hellish punishment. It's like waterboarding. It may not kill you, but you are motivated to avoid it.
Since YMIR wrote so eloquently what was on my mind, I will simply quote him/us: "First I don't believe there is an Allah that is going to "do" anything to me. Second, I do not believe in any form of Hell worlds but understand why religions have created them to entice followers to their imagined "right path". Third, I do not expect any kind of rewards for my current life, you see, my "reward" if you must look at it in those terms, IS THIS LIFE. Quite honestly, my perspective is its own reward and is the result of innumerable lifetimes struggling through the muck of spiritual inquiry."
Why don't you fear Cthulu or Ragornak or Hades or Sauron's fiery eye or the Matrix? Probably you reject them as flights of unproven imagination — just like the hell concept.


Although I do not believe in your god, Eselam, if he turned out to actually exist I could never submit to him or love him for the very reason that he created hell. To worship such a being would be to betray everything that justice and mercy stands for. This is why I'd rather choose hell over serving your god.

As for why I'd care? I'm not sure how to answer that, or if I even do care. I suppose I do consider the god who allegedly created hell a cruel god, regardless of how well he rewards his followers, but that is as far as I could say I cared either way.

I have to go now though, so if you have any questions I will have to answer them tomorrow.



I want Khilafah back
Eselam, why would you create this thread? Asking non-believers why they would care if Allah sent them to hell is the akin to asking you why you don't celebrate Easter. It's an exercise in futility... not a debate.

good question, i think i should have explained this at the start.

i asked this question because when it comes to why Allah acceets only islam as a religion most non muslims say why would god care if we had another religion other than islam, so now i'm asking why would a non muslim care if Allah was to send them to hell?


I want Khilafah back
Although I do not believe in your god, Eselam, if he turned out to actually exist I could never submit to him or love him for the very reason that he created hell. To worship such a being would be to betray everything that justice and mercy stands for. This is why I'd rather choose hell over serving your god.

As for why I'd care? I'm not sure how to answer that, or if I even do care. I suppose I do consider the god who allegedly created hell a cruel god, regardless of how well he rewards his followers, but that is as far as I could say I cared either way.

I have to go now though, so if you have any questions I will have to answer them tomorrow.


there is a missunderstanding. Allah has created man with free will, we can choose to do good or bad, and Allah has revealed to us throughout history his laws that we as his creation should follow. he says if you do this and this and this, it will lead you to hell, if you do this and this and this it will lead you to paradise. so why do you guys choose hell over paradise? and why is Allah being blamed for our own actions and decisions? do you think that someone who obeys god is equal to someone who doesn't? do you honestly think you or me are equal to a rapist? why should criminals get a way with doing crimes when the rest of us are doing our best to conform to our societies laws, should we be equal?