Now there is a false accusation. I have not used any math because I have not needed to. I have never dodged questions. You have not been able to ask questions properly. Remember how mad the "Have you quit beating your wife yet?" question angered you? That is because it has a false assumption in it. Many of your questions have false assumptions in them. It might help if you remembered that you are always wrong. You ask questions as if a point in them was proven. Over 90% of the time that is not true at all.
So be polite. Do not use your silly technique that refutes God if others use it back at you. And you might learn something.
Again, I have to leave for a couple of hours. Take your time and see if you can ask a proper question.
False accusation from you again.
If evolution is gradual, there should be millions of chains of missing links. All are missing. Why? They should be finding missing links every day. Why not?
There should also be partially developed organs, etc. in all individual creatures right now and that have ever lived. There are not why?
The odds against these 2 things are mind boggling. Just for the missing links, I estimate odds against of about 10^10 million to 1. The odds against the missing partially developed organs and functions is way vaster than that. I estimate odds against of about 10^10 billion billion billion to 1.
Of course, the odds against all the ordered sequences in all the DNA, RNA, and proteins in all creatures that ever lived is more than 10^(10^43) to 1.
It would have to have had at least 100,000 amino acids
in a particular sequence. This is extremely generous. The smallest free-living thing has over 1,000,000 base pairs. I also have not included having over 500 million other atoms in it.
The odds against a sequence of 100,000 amino acids (20 types, 39 counting handedness) coming to be by random chance is (10 to the 160,000 power) to 1. That could never have happened anywhere in the universe over the supposed 13.7 billion years of its existence. It actually is impossible because no concentration of that amount of amino acids would happen by random chance. There are other factors that make it impossible. It would be a miracle.
And that is just to get to the first living thing. There would have to at least 1 trillion other miracles to produce all the living creatures by evolution. That would be about 70 miracles for each of the supposed 13.7 billion years.