Why do you think that this is an error? The elements that make up clay are within us.
Whenever you had to resort to ‘allahdidit’, in complete defiance of known chemistry and physics, then the argument became ridiculous. The same elements in humans are also in some of the asteroids – are we made from them too? The things riverfox, you aren’t able to evidence the claim that humans came from clay. What you are doing is constructing an unfalsifiable defence that would defend clay as human-making material – not through evidence or reasoned argument but by referring to pure freaking magic as means of circumventing reality. But you keep presenting the magic argument – it shows just how utterly unscientific, illogical and irrational the whole literalism business is. And why it deserves mockery rather than respect.
BTW..Don't you think that nature made us (As an atheist)? sand, water,clay and winds with sunshine moving them here and there forming monkeys turning to human beings.
The difference between you and me is pretty clear. You rely on ‘magicmandidit’ while I provide a little thing called evidence. The following skulls show where humanity came from and how we arose. It is at this point you can close you eyes since I know your level of respect to physical evidence:
You are going remain left behind in the science&technology stakes.
Let’s analyse this to see how much bs it is. Evolutionary theory produces new agricultural techniques, genetic homologies allow for the creation of new antibiotics, genetic algorithms are producing optimised designs far superior to human ones, evolutionary knowledge can be used to track and contain diseases, etc. etc.
Humans being made of clay can be used for….self-embarrassment? Not exactly driving at the cutting edge of knowledge or technological advancement is it? The last time that idea was cutting edge was 1,400 years ago – why don’t you come and join us in the 21st Century?
This is a new low. Even for you.
I note this self-righteous and faux-indignation on no level challenged or refuted my accusation. Does this mean that you realise it was true and such blunt to-the-point truth hurt?
Why are you pretending not to have read anything in the last few posts just to generate a comeback?
Was I mistaken that your argument didn’t fall back on ‘allahcouldhavedoneitthatway’? Was I mistaken that you used magic instead of an evidenced based rational argument?
A cursory glance back reveals
this post which contains the utterly contemptible and vacuous non-argument of “
Are you forgetting that Allah is able to do all things? Are you somehow inferring that God would not be able to make people out of whatever He wished because we humans 'think' it is not possible and cannot 'prove' it? ”.
I think it is clear that you are defending a ridiculous claim by using pure freaking magic rather than anything resembling logic or evidence. Sorry if that hurts, but it is the truth.
Verse 26, they killed the man because they did not want to understand what was being said to them. Sound familiar?
It doesn’t sound familiar. I’m neither killing you nor threatening to kill you. What I am doing is exposing your claim for the utter garbage it is, and refusing to allow you to hide behind the ‘magicmandidit’ façade or the persecution complex. If your claim can’t stand up to even the merest scrutiny, and you have to start erecting a siege mentality and magic-man-non-logic in order to preserve it to yourself, then what makes you think you can guilt me into a retraction?
This is what you are saying to me Ghostaka:
Ignore reality, ignore logic, ignore evidence, ignore any and all knowledge discovered by humanity and suspend your rationality, your cognitive functions, your scepticism and your very ability to think – simply unquestionably uncritically swallow the claims of this particular book and don’t ever try to understand or think about it. And if you do have any questions that you cannot suppress with your conscious mind then answer them by saying ‘magicmaddoneit’.
The above isn’t an exaggeration, such is the sheer ******* ridiculousness of the proposition.
Come on people, forget Satan's whispers.
Because, as you koranic scientists know, reality is simply the result of ‘Satan’s whispers’. You make comments like this and you really don’t understand why I think this whole thread is a complete joke???
Try to read what is being said to you with an open mind.
An open mind is the willingness to consider new ideas before deciding whether or not they have merit. This isn’t what you meant to say. What you meant to say was ‘just accept our claims because we have nothing whatsoever to back them up’.
We are not asking for your credit card details or that you praise us. We are not even messengers. Just Muslims.
I don’t care who you are. You are a human being putting forth claims – and I am treating you as such. The more ridiculous the claims and the more ridiculous the non-logic, the more pointed and honest I become.
Our belief does not need to be weak in order for you to understand what we say my friend.
But that belief does have to make sense, have some evidentiary support, has to conform to know reality, etc. etc.
I may be inexperienced in debating but brothers Tashan and Fatihah are surely not yet we get treated the same way.
This is the first time I have debated either you or TashaN. I treat Fatihah the way I do because of Fatihah’s absolute insistence on being ridiculous and on being an absolute farce to logic, science, research and rationality. So far you and TashaN have been doing similar so it makes sense to have equal treatment.
Satan is the avowed enemy of man, and tries to make you disbelieve even before understanding. That doesn't make you Satan worshipers. It is his personal mission. If you give reading with an open mind a try, (the same way you request us to question our scriptures) you'll know what I mean.
I don’t think you know what an open mind is. Adhering to the side of a debate that has the wealth of evidence, that conforms to reality and that has demonstrable knowledge supporting it is being open minded. But that isn’t what you mean is it?
well if you really want to talk about logic and comon sense then let me make a start.
tell me gnostic how logical the following statements are to you:
chimps became humans
This isn’t true and no-one is claiming this. What is being claimed is that humans and chimps both derived from a common ancestor. I linked above to an image of skulls showing this that have been found by palaeontologists.
Again, this is untrue and no one bar you is claiming this. What is being claimed is that birds share a common ancestor that was either a dinosaur (this is still being researched) or a reptile very closely related to dinosaurs. When you consider that the earliest fossilised birds found have no bills, have unfused trunk vertebrae, skull and neck are attached from the rear, have true teeth and have three claw digits (all features found in dinosaurs but not in any modern birds) it is pretty clear that the ancestry is reptilian. And this is before you get into the gentics.
Here is one of those early birds, this one called Archaeopteryx:
life just happend to come to existed and everything is perfect from it's own with no guidance
This doesn’t even make sense. We know from the oldest rocks that there was once a time on earth when no life existed. The earliest fossilised life we do find is microscopic in nature (in Precambrian rocks for example) and gradually gets more and more complex as you survey younger and younger rocks. The history of life on earth is recorded in the rocks, and geologists/palaeontologists/biologists have been cataloguing that record for over a century at this stage.
Whenever you decide to post a question that actually makes sense I’ll try to address it. For now I’ll leave you with the above.
the lost goes on, do you want me to continue...........?
Please do. More evidence as to the scientific illiteracy of the Muslims in this thread is always good.
well just because non muslims have made it look as a fairytale or a fable does not make it true
True. It is the evidence and scientific research that does that.
there are plenty of evidences and proof for it.
Do you ever wonder why all of your so-called proofs and evidences require the person to be ignorant of history, science and logic?
and unfortunate for you the quran does exist and the quran would not exist if god was not it's composer.
Circular logic. Not that we needed anymore examples of the lack of logic on display from the Muslims on this thread.