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Racist memes spread after false claims that immigrants kill and eat pets.

Daemon Sophic

Avatar in flux
Step 1. Some people sacrifice animals

Step 2. Those people move to a country not known for animal sacrifice.

Step 3. They cannot easily access animals for sacrifice.

Step 4. They steal some.

It may not be happening, but the logical argument as to why it might be works.

Does anyone disagree?
You seem to be discussing Santeria as a religious form, with numerous events from weddings and funerals, and even to cure the sick involving sacrifices of various food, flowers, liquor, and or animals.
Usually the animal is cooked and eaten following the actual sacrifice, so we’re not talking about large piles of dead animals, but rather, what the family or individual can consume in one sitting. :)
It’s about his harmless as most American Christians sacrificing a turkey for Thanksgiving; or either a pig, turkey, or goose for Christmas. The thing that disturbs the frail sensibilities of most meat-eating Americans is the actual killing the animal directly by themselves. :oops:Ooh, yucky yucky! :rolleyes:
Point out the flaw.
Sure. #3. It’s a small town in Ohio. Chickens and roosters and many other farm animals are about as easy to come by as corn and hay bales. I would be willing to bet it’s a lot easier to find farm animals for sacrifice in that town then in any area of Haiti.
Furthermore, since we are talking about food/farm animals, and the likely source of such over-dramatized, fear-mongered rumors is twits scared silly by Santeria, then pet animals are NOT on the menu for sacrifice or supper.

Multiple Asian countries consider dogs and cats to be livestock for eating, not so in the Caribbean.


Well-Known Member
Step 1. Some people sacrifice animals

Step 2. Those people move to a country not known for animal sacrifice.

Step 3. They cannot easily access animals for sacrifice.

Step 4. They steal some.

It may not be happening, but the logical argument as to why it might be works.

Does anyone disagree?
The Haitian immigrants to Springfield are driving the economic revival of a once moribund Midwestern city, these are not Sh** hole refugees.

An Ohio city reshaped by Haitian immigrants lands in an unwelcome spotlight

SPRINGFIELD, Ohio (AP) — Many cities have been reshaped by immigrants in the last few years without attracting much notice. Not Springfield, Ohio.

Its story of economic renewal and related growing pains has been thrust into the national conversation in a presidential election year — and maliciously distorted by false rumors that Haitian immigrants are eating their neighbors’ pets. Donald Trump amplified those lies during Tuesday’s nationally televised debate, exacerbating some residents’ fears about growing divisiveness in the predominantly white, blue-collar city of about 60,000.

At the city’s Haitian Community Help and Support Center on Wednesday, Rose-Thamar Joseph said many of the roughly 15,000 immigrants who arrived in the past few years were drawn by good jobs and the city’s relative affordability. But a rising sense of unease has crept in as longtime residents increasingly bristle at newcomers taking jobs at factories, driving up housing costs, worsening traffic and straining city services.

Infrastructure problems are things like lack of teachers and classrooms for the new students of the families and a shortage of housing , they have housing but it needs rehabbing due to the decline of the city in the past.
Bummer, the city is growing again.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Point out the flaw.
Example from one of your posts...
"But this doesn't mean animal sacrifice isn't happening and some may well be taking pets because there are lunatics or cultural differences everywhere."

Animal sacrifice isn't the issue.
It's Trump's unfounded claim of stealing & eating pets
for the purpose of demonizing immigrants (except for
his wife).
Your making it about animal sacrifice existing to some
unknown extent is a diversion from that issue.
You don't even know who's doing animal sacrifices.
How often they're doing it. Nor do you make this
relevant to politics.
Moreover, this intellectual slight of hand will increase
enmity against immigrants, & be seen by Magas as
justification to re-elect a treasonous felonious rapist.
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Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Step 1. Some people sacrifice animals

Step 2. Those people move to a country not known for animal sacrifice.

Step 3. They cannot easily access animals for sacrifice.

Step 4. They steal some.

It may not be happening, but the logical argument as to why it might be works.

Does anyone disagree?
It's not happening. It's xenophobia bigotry with no evidence of it happening being spread and believed.
Amd the claim was specifically they are stealing cats and dogs to eat them. That's a great statement for overriding logic and getting an emotionally based moral outrage going.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Trump is a trained monkey.
One long past its prime.
I'm more worried about the risks to national security he poses and his buddying up to dictators who really would eat him for lunch as soon as it's convenient, along with his cattering to and appeasing Dominionists and his appearance of legitimizing these racist, xenophobic, misogynist and anti-queer conspiracies before his supporters.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I'm more worried about the risks to national security he poses and his buddying up to dictators who really would eat him for lunch as soon as it's convenient, along with his cattering to and appeasing Dominionists and his appearance of legitimizing these racist, xenophobic, misogynist and anti-queer conspiracies before his supporters.
I'm more concerned about a permanent
change in government to an imperial
presidency that would institute a permanent
Maga mentality of authoritarianism & corruption..


Well-Known Member
It's perfectly possible. I don't know either way but given some of their religious practices it's not a leap to assume some folks may be taking pets from the streets for sacrifice.
It is also perfectly possible that MAGA fanatics are kidnapping minority children to use them in human sacrifice rituals. I don't think anyone is deranged enough to think that is true but it remains a possibility. However a couple days ago i would have said that there is no one deranged enough to think immigrants are taking people's pets to eat them.


Well-Known Member
Democrats ought to keep reminding people everwhere that they are Haitians, and to make sure they use the word Haitian as many times as possible, and to keep them categorized as Haitian because by doing so, you can use their race to demonize Trump and win the Democratic election!
Haitian is a nationality not a race.

No one is demonizing Trump except Trump himself His constant use of fear mongering, his campaign adds about murderous immigrants and the demented rant about immigrants abducting pets to eat are all there to get out the racist vote. Or are we going to pretend that it is the millions of illegal criminal and mental patients that are secretly producing producing his racist campaign commercials and somehow forcing him to make bigoted rants?


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
the bible strictly prohibits the eating of sacrifices
That is debatable, for Christians. If you exclude Christian portions then it seems to; but Paul points out that eating temple leftovers is not forbidden. The only reason (he says) not to eat it is if it will cause problems for other people in the church who perhaps are trying to stick to Jewish formality. This is not word for word what he says: Paul writes about it in the letter 1Corinthians in the section called chapter 8.


That is debatable, for Christians. If you exclude Christian portions then it seems to; but Paul points out that eating temple leftovers is not forbidden. The only reason (he says) not to eat it is if it will cause problems for other people in the church who perhaps are trying to stick to Jewish formality. This is not word for word what he says: Paul writes about it in the letter 1Corinthians in the section called chapter 8.
I was thinking that the prohibition of eating sacrifices was because the sacrifices were meant to be food for the priests, anyway.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
I was thinking that the prohibition of eating sacrifices was because the sacrifices were meant to be food for the priests, anyway.
There is something about sharing the sacrifice with everyone else, and so some Corinthians probably are concerned that eating resold meat from a Roman temple might be like sacrificing to the gods. Paul seems to think that its merely meat nothing magical about it and a way to get a discount, but he says not to do it around "Weak" Christians. I presume he means anyone that might misinterpret your actions or who might still miss going to the old temple festivities -- whatever he means by weak.


Diex Aie
Staff member
Premium Member
You seem to be discussing Santeria as a religious form, with numerous events from weddings and funerals, and even to cure the sick involving sacrifices of various food, flowers, liquor, and or animals.
Usually the animal is cooked and eaten following the actual sacrifice, so we’re not talking about large piles of dead animals, but rather, what the family or individual can consume in one sitting. :)
It’s about his harmless as most American Christians sacrificing a turkey for Thanksgiving; or either a pig, turkey, or goose for Christmas. The thing that disturbs the frail sensibilities of most meat-eating Americans is the actual killing the animal directly by themselves. :oops:Ooh, yucky yucky! :rolleyes:

Sure. #3. It’s a small town in Ohio. Chickens and roosters and many other farm animals are about as easy to come by as corn and hay bales. I would be willing to bet it’s a lot easier to find farm animals for sacrifice in that town then in any area of Haiti.
Furthermore, since we are talking about food/farm animals, and the likely source of such over-dramatized, fear-mongered rumors is twits scared silly by Santeria, then pet animals are NOT on the menu for sacrifice or supper.

Multiple Asian countries consider dogs and cats to be livestock for eating, not so in the Caribbean.
I never said I dislike animal sacrifice. I don't.

Stop assuming.

Honestly you people.