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Rapture Letter (Automatic Email Sent Out to Specified Recipients After the First Resurrection)


Grumpy Old Man
After the thousand year Sabbath, wherein the peoples of the world will have lived in peace and security, Satan will be set free to awaken once again the war that had prior to "The Day of The Lord" raged within the body of mankind, and the accusing physical division of which he is their spiritual compilation and godhead, will surround God's holy city, and it is then that the last trumpet will sound and fire will descend from heaven and incinerate all physical life forms on this planet, and it is then that they, over whom death has no power, will be translated from bodies of corruptible matter, into incorruptible bodies of Brilliant light and they shall be caught up to heaven to be with our brother and Lord Jesus, who was chosen as the first fruits, ...
yet far brighter than the moon
Was Jupiter the heavenly light, which in time would spell man’s doom?...BY S-word

Does this mean we can save the world if we destroy ALL TRUMPETS?


Well-Known Member
Does this mean we can save the world if we destroy ALL TRUMPETS?

Better to look to your own salvation rather than the salvation of the world, for I tell you now, even if you were to destroy every trumpet on this earth, you will still soon hear the sound of the last trumpet which will herald the end of your life on this earth.
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This is a revelation from Jesus Christ, given to a lady named Christena, who's originally from South Africa, and now lives in Baltimore, Maryland.

From the link above...

"You wonder why the world is in this mess, even your own country? It is because man has no fear and no respect for Me, their Creator, the God of heaven and earth. They fear man. They will regret it. Many do not believe that I exist. They have no fear or respect for Me and My Holy Name because they do not know Me or My power. Many only use My Holy Name as a curse word. Soon they will call on My Name in their distress and I will not hear, when I called they did not pay attention.

Many don't know that I am in control and that I reign over all the kingdoms of man. My Kingdom is the only Kingdom that will last forever and will not be shaken or destroyed. I will shake and destroy man made kingdoms and their rulers. They do not fear or respect Me, they will perish.

I am the King of kings and the Lord of lords, God Almighty to be feared and respected. I am, I was and I am coming. I am the Righteous Judge, I will judge in righteousness and truth, no one will escape. I am the only One who is able to kill the body and the soul and throw in hell. Man can only kill the body. Why do you fear man? It is a snare from satan so that you will lose your fear for Me and concentrate on man who is but nothing.

Man will fear and tremble when they see My wrath being poured out on this earth like never before. For many it will be too late. When it was time to be serious, to fear and respect Me, they mocked and scoffed and took no heed to My Warnings. They will pay the price for their rebelliousness and stubbornness. Man makes his own choices, many made the wrong choices against Me.

It is time for man to fear and respect Me or bear the consequences of their deeds. I force no one. It will be a terrible day to fall in the Hands of a Living God. I am a God of love but alsos a consuming fire. Too many will find out too late. Judgement is imminent. I will show no mercy if ther is no repentance. Now is the time for mercy, that day will be Judgement, not mercy. I am the Righteous Judge. Repent before it will be too late. No fear, no respect, no mercy."

I am trying to understand that lady, but for me, it is still too human-like threatening of others. All that suffering through ethernity. And the great Wrath.
People live only mostly 80 years and then they should spend such a long time in hell. Why? Just because God wishes them to suffer for they have not accepted him, whatever the reason.
I think all of us are the part of the world. And I still think that people were made unique to represent all sorts of thinking, art, feeling, affections etc.
And not just for one, and only one goal here. I mean to spend here a life by worshipping One Almighty God and watching for his arrival.
When I was thinking about such an almighty being in my youth I have feeling that such a creature would be beyond our minds, and thus beyond our senses and that being cannot be too human-like. And that just biblical god does not represent for me.
And this way of thinking led me to abandon an idea of being a theologician.

Good day.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by FFH

This is a revelation from Jesus Christ, given to a lady named Christena, who's originally from South Africa, and now lives in Baltimore, Maryland.

From the link above...

"You wonder why the world is in this mess, even your own country? It is because man has no fear and no respect for Me, their Creator, the God of heaven and earth. They fear man. They will regret it. Many do not believe that I exist. They have no fear or respect for Me and My Holy Name because they do not know Me or My power. Many only use My Holy Name as a curse word. Soon they will call on My Name in their distress and I will not hear, when I called they did not pay attention.

Then it is obvious that neither you nor this Christena sheila even know the Lord's Holy name, for I have never heard anyone curse in the holy name of our Father and saviour who rose the man Jesus from death and is able to raise we also who are united to his chosen heir.

1st Timothy 1: 1; "From Paul, an apostle of Jesus the anointed one by order of God our saviour and Jesus the anointed one who is our hope.

Acts 17: 31; for he (our Holy Father and saviour) has fixed a day in which he will rule the whole world with justice by means of a man he has chosen. He has given proof of this to everyone by raising that man from death."
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Well-Known Member
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Veteran Member
Doctrine and Covenants 131: 1
In the celestial glory there are three heavens or degrees;

Spanish Version

Jaci Velasquez ~ Un Lugar Celestial

English Version (Music Video)

Jaci Velasquez - Un Lugar Celestial

Un Lugar Celestial (A Place Celestial)

Sometimes I realize, when I gaze in the skies
This spinning world is not my home
A place of mystery, a land of destiny
Is where I know one day I'll go

I dream of beauty I have never seen
I know the arms of heaven wait for me
And yet I feel it's sweetness here and now
In this life on earth, I have found

Un lugar celestial, just a little bit of heaven, sent from up above
Un lugar celestial, where the presence of my Father holds me in his love
Un lugar celestial

When all my skies are gray, I simply steal away
Into my secret hiding place
When hearts are cold as ice, the breath of paradise
Blows warm and gentle on my face
I know I need my time alone with him
His healing waters flowing deep within
Don't have to wish upon a distant star, cuz the light of love
Fills my heart

Un lugar celestial, just a little bit of heaven, sent from up above
Un lugar celestial, where the presence of my Father holds me in his love
Un lugar celestial

El cielo me llama (Heaven is calling me)
Caminando el las nubes (Walking on the clouds)
Dulce beso de libertad (Sweet kisses of liberty)
Nubes de gloria (Clouds of glory)

Un lugar celestial, just a little bit of heaven, sent from up above
Un lugar celestial, where the presence of my Father holds me in his love
Un lugar celestial, just a little bit of heaven, sent from up above
Un lugar celestial, where the presence of my Father holds me in his love
Un lugar celestial
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Veteran Member


Veteran Member
Lord I give my life to you, so I can gain it back again, in heaven !!!

All Together Seperate ~ Paradigm (Audio)

All Together Separate - Paradigm (Music Video)

We're not of this world, we're "All Together Seperate".

Prophecy "I Am Always Ready" Received August 20, 2009

Prophecy "I Am Always Ready"

Received August 20, 2009

My child, look up and you will see Me, I am standing, ready to come and fetch My true Bride. I am ready, but most of you are not. Only a few will be ready and worthy if I would come now at this moment, many will be left behind. They are not ready. You must watch and pray, be ready.

Some had fallen away from their faith in Me or they are deceived, others are weary or fast asleep, not seeing nor hearing that I am coming sooner than they believe. They pay no attention to My signs and warnings. They are just not serious enough, still lovers of the world, not following Me, nor are they holy. I am holy and I change not. It is time for them to wake up before it will be too late. Only those with enough oil will be ready, worthy when I come.

Do not lean on your own understanding but inquire of Me all the time. I know everything and I am in control. I am always ready to come but the people in this world are not ready for Me. I am not slow to come, but I am full of compassion because I do not want any to perish but that all will come to repentance and have eternal life. Hell is not a place where anyone will want to spend eternity, but mercy time is running out fast.

I am warning many times through many messengers. I am watching every one, nothing can be hidden from Me. I know every heart and thought. Few listen, few get themselves prepared. Few will be ready and worthy when I come.

I am always ready, are you one of the few who are ready for Me? Ask Me, I know who they are. If you are ready, stay ready and wait patiently on Me, do not run out of oil. I will come, I am always ready to come.
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Veteran Member

Eva Cassidy ~ People Get Ready (Audio)

Eva Cassidy - People Get Ready (Video)

People get ready, there's a train a comin'
You don't need no baggage, you just get on board
All you need is faith to hear the diesels hummin'
Don't need no ticket, you just thank the Lord

People get ready for the train to Jordan
It's picking up passengers from coast to coast
Faith is the key, open the doors and board 'em
There's hope for all among those loved the most.

There ain't no room for the hopeless sinner
Who would hurt all mankind just to save his own
Have pity on those whose chances grow thinner
For there's no hiding place against the Kingdom's throne

So people get ready, there's a train a comin'
You don't need no baggage, you just get on board
All you need is faith to hear the diesels hummin'
Don't need no ticket, you just thank the Lord

Song written by Curtis Mayfield.

Curtis Mayfield - People Get Ready
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Veteran Member
You're my only hope, Jesus.

Mandy Moore ~ (You're My) Only Hope (Jesus) song written by Jon Foreman of Switchfoot

This song "Only Hope" was origianlly written by Jon Foreman of Switchfoot.

This song was written to and for God.

It's really a beautiful song, one of my favorites.

I don't belong here, Jesus.

Switchfoot ~ The Beautiful Letdown (I Don't Belong Here)

Switchfoot - On Fire

Matthew 24: 40
Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.

Luke 17: 36
Two men shall be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left

Mathew 24: 40 (Joseph Smith Inspired Version)
Then shall be fulfilled that which is written, that in the last days, two shall be in the field, the one shall be taken, and the other left;

Read these scriptures in context. I've provided a link to each one, as always.
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Veteran Member
[FONT=georgia,serif]I Corinthians 2: 9[/FONT]

[FONT=georgia,serif]But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath [/FONT][FONT=georgia,serif]prepared[/FONT][FONT=georgia,serif] for them that love him.[/FONT]

Malachi 3: 17
And they shall be mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him.

Ecclesiastes 2: 17
Therefore I hated life; because the work that is wrought under the sun is greivous unto me; for all is vanity and vexation of spirit.

Luke 4: 26
If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and bretheren, and sisters, yea and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.
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Well-Known Member
lol, I added my name to the list. Whether I believe or don't believe or don't believe I would never submit to a bully. I will go proudly to hell knowing it was for no other reason than actually using reason


Veteran Member
lol, I added my name to the list. Whether I believe or don't believe or don't believe I would never submit to a bully. I will go proudly to hell knowing it was for no other reason than actually using reason
Satan is the bully, the fox, the wolf in sheeps clothing, the SNAKE, who leads his captors quickly into HELL.

JESUS CHRIST is the LAMB, the LION, the TRUE SHEPHERD, who leeds his flock to GREEN PASTURES.
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Veteran Member
Hey I'm just going by what the bible says
Jesus is JUSTICE (Old Testament)
Jesus is MERCY (New Testament)


Take your pick.

We CHOOSE our fate.

Alma 30: 8 (Book of Mormon)
For thus saith the scripture: Choose ye this day, whom ye will serve.
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