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Rapture Letter (Automatic Email Sent Out to Specified Recipients After the First Resurrection)


Liebe ist für alle da
Satan is the fox, the wolf the SNAKE,
This one of the main reason that I don't like the majority of Christianity and what it has done. It's really good at twisting and destroying what things use to mean. Foxs, Wolves, and Snakes are all mean something important to pre-Christian culture, yet leave it to Christians to mess that up.

Jesus is JUSTICE (Old Testament)
Where is Jesus mentioned in the OT? I don't think I've every seen his name in it. Maybe we should get someone who is Jewish and can find it in Hebrew...oh what you can't.


Well-Known Member
Rapture Letter

You've Been Left Behind

Website Lets You Send a Post-Rapture E-Mail to Friends 'Left Behind'

If this seems totally ridiculous, good, then I've got your attention.

When I'm gone, no one on the forum will know for sure what happened to me, since I won't be able to post any longer...

So go to www.Gmail.com and type in the USERNAME: NoLongerFarFromHomeFFH ~ PASSWORD: FarFromHome (CAPS ARE NOT NECESSARY) and when I'm gone the "rapture letter" will appear in this account, indicating that I'm truly gone and not just dead.

Here's the "RAPTURE LETTER" that will appear in the Gmail account when I'm gone.

Some will know what I'm talking about, others will just be confused about this whole "rapture letter" thing.

The gmail accounts all set up, and the letter will appear in that account, when I'm gone.

So few Christians will be ready when the FIRST RESURRECTION occurs.

There will also be a SECOND RESURRECTION, in case you missed out on the FIRST one.

Better to be a part of the FIRST RESSURECTION, so you won't have to go through ANY MORE JUNK.

Here's my channel so you'll have something to remember me by: ensign70000 (FFH's YouTube channel) :eek:

From FFH's channel (ensign70000)

Tammy Trent ~ It's All About You (Jesus) it's not about me (FFH)

1 Corinthians 13:9
For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.

You believe all the information regarding the second coming, rapture and etc. without further examining and reflecting on them, don't you? I'm sorry but you're like a child in a sense that you believe anything like this.Will you please stop this? This is not making any sense. May you receive the Spirit of discernment and TRUTH.


I'm the Jugganaut!!
You believe all the information regarding the second coming, rapture and etc. without further examining and reflecting on them, don't you? I'm sorry but you're like a child in a sense that you believe anything like this.Will you please stop this? This is not making any sense. May you receive the Spirit of discernment and TRUTH.
What was it you said earlier Lawrence about FFH NOT being insane? Yeah...I'm gonna go sit down and color now...


Well-Known Member
What was it you said earlier Lawrence about FFH NOT being insane? Yeah...I'm gonna go sit down and color now...

Crrk.. i think he's not. He just like babbling and I think he squanders most of his time posting something like this. Not all people who are babbling are insane. It could also be associated with depression, they want someone to talk to, or fixation on their "oral phase", etc. This one for me, is not insanity but ignorance.)(
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I'm the Jugganaut!!
Crrk.. i think he's not. He just like babbling and I think he squanders most of his time posting something like this. Not all people who are babbling are insane. It could also be associated with depression, they want someone to talk to, or fixation on their "oral phase", etc. This one for me, is not insanity but ignorance.)(

I use the word insane jokingly man. I don't really think he is insane. VERY VERY misguided and wrong, but insane no. His views on religion are so far out in left field that he almost strikes me as someone on the edge. Hopefully someday someone will get through to him and he will change his views. Most likely he will get worse though. It's sad really. :sad:


Veteran Member
"Come, Love Awaits You" ~Jesus~

TEXT Come, Love Awaits You
LISTEN Voice & Music mp3

The sign at the beginning of this music video below says, in Japanese...
危ない スビド (Abunai Supido) DANGEROUS SPEED

In this song she's saying SLOW DOWN, while walking around Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan.

I've walked the streets of Shibuya, several times, as an LDS missioary. It's the BUSIEST and most DENSELY populated city in the world.

Jesus is saying SLOW DOWN and get to know me !!!!!

I (JESUS) will give you all that I have, all the love that I have to give to you, for you, which you're looking for in the world, but are UNABLE to find, cuz I'm the source of ALL LOVE, NOT the WORLD. No matter how hard you try, or look for it, you will NOT find PURE LOVE in this WORLD, except that found in little children, who are "alive in Christ".

On Julieta's shirt it says, "I'll come to pick specials up" {"I'm coming to take from this world my (special) people"} ~Jesus~
On her back up singer's shirt it says, "naughty" {"All have sinned and come short of the glory of God"} Romans 3: 23

The earth will become a GARDEN (as illustrated in this video) once again, when Jesus destroys and recreates the earth.

The people of the earth will then rest and live for one thousand years in peace.

Julieta Venegas - Lento (Video Oficial)
Julieta Venegas ~ Slowly (Music Video)

English translation by FFH

A love letter from Jesus...

Julieta Venegas ~ Lento (Slowly)

si quieres un poco de mi (if you want me)
me deberias esperar (you need to wait)
y caminar a paso lento (and walk slowly)
muy lento (very slowly)

y poco a poco olvidar (and gradually forget)
el tiempo y su velocidad (time and space)
frenar el ritmo (slow the pace)
ir muy lento (go very slowly)
mas lento (more slowly

cada vez mas lento (each time more slowly)
se delicado y esperar (be delicate and wait)
dame tiempopara darte (give me time and I'll give you)
todo lo que tengo (all that I have)

se delicado y esperar (be delicate and wait)
dame tiempopara darte (give me time and I'll give you)
todo lo que tengo (all that I have)

si quieres un poco de mi (if you want me)
dame pasciencia y veras (you need to be patient)
sera mejor que andar corriendo (you better run away)
levantar vuelo (take flight)

y poco a poco olvidar (and gradually forget)
el tiempo y su velocidad (time and space)
frenar el ritmo (slow the pace)
ir muy lento (go very slowly)
cada vez mas lento (each time more slowly)

se delicado y esperar (be delicate and wait)
dame tiempopara darte (give me time and I'll give you)
todo lo que tengo (all that I have)

se delicado y esperar (be delicate and wait)
dame tiempo para darte (give me time and I'll give you)
todo lo que tengo (all that I have)
todo lo que tengo (all that I have)

si me hablas de amor (if you talk about love)
si suavisas mi vida (if you soften/ease my life)
estare mas tiempo (spend more time)
sin saber que siento (get to know how I feel)

se delicado y esperar (be delicate and wait)
dame tiempo para darte (give me time and I'll give you)
todo lo que tengo (all that I have)

se delicado y esperar (be delicate and wait)
dame tiempo para darte (give me time and I'll give you)
todo lo que tengo (all that I have)
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Well-Known Member

I've walked the streets of Shibuya, several times, as an LDS missioary. It's the BUSIEST and most DENSELY populated city in the world.

If the LSD sent you out as a missionary then they are to be held accountable for all the twisted and malformed minds that you will have created by feeding innocent children on the regurgitated rubbish that must dribble from your mouth


I've walked the streets of Shibuya, several times, as an LDS missioary. It's the BUSIEST and most DENSELY populated city in the world.

If the LSD sent you out as a missionary then they are to be held accountable for all the twisted and malformed minds that you will have created by feeding innocent children on the regurgitated rubbish that must dribble from your mouth
I'm sure that FFH has refined his dribble over the years. Back when he was a missionary his beliefs might have still been fairly close to actual LDS doctrine...


Veteran Member
I like to make sense out of that which looks like nothing but chaos.

Our lives are divinely designed by God, for a purpose, to help form us into the best person we can become.

Even the WORST among us.

All things have a purpose, to lead as many to God, in the end, as possible.

Even murderers.

Jesus loves you.
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Veteran Member
I'm sure that FFH has refined his dribble over the years. Back when he was a missionary his beliefs might have still been fairly close to actual LDS doctrine...
When I was an LDS missionary in Kawasaki city, Japan, no missionaries were allowed into Tokyo, unless we were given special permission. by our Mission President.

However, we did ask to go into Tokyo, as often as we could, cuz we lived on the border of Tokyo, and the border and the heart of Tokyo was just minutes away. Shibuya was the busiest city in Tokyo. There was a nice feeling there, even though it was so crowded, it was still relatively quiet.

Now there's missionaries and a Ward (LDS church) in Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan, which is AMAZING.

I talk to a girl, using Skype, about once a week, who's living just outside of Shibuya, who's in contact with the LDS missionaries assigned to the Shibuya, Tokyo Ward (LDS church). She's INVESTIGATING the LDS church and I assure you, I don't speak "DRIBBLE" to her.

She meets with the LDS missionaries about once or twice a week, other than that, I'm her only other LDS contact and I've ONLY encouraged her, in her search for the truth, found ONLY in the LDS faith.

This is a RADICAL forum, this is NOT an LDS missionary setting. if it were, I assure you, I would NOT discuss things like the first resurrection (rapture), which is, however, CLEARLY discussed in our own scriptures.

This is a RADICAL forum, so I'm discussing RADICAL concepts, found in our OWN scriptures.

Keep waiting for all the LDS saints to gather in Jackson County, Missouri, in the last days, and you'll miss out on what's REALLY going to happen.

The Jackson County, Missouri commandment, to set up ZION, was REVOKED, and the saints were DRIVEN WEST, to SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, where ZION (The New Jerusalem) was built up from there, and in PREPERATION for (The New Jerusalem) built by God, which will descend from heaven, after the world is destroyed and RECREATED, when it will BECOME a PARADISE once again, as it was in the GARDEN of EDEN, when the earth will be TERRESTRIALIZED once again.

At the end of the Millenium, the earth will be CELESTIALIZED. This earth will be our HEAVENLY home.
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Veteran Member
I added that last song, I just posted, to my channel. I had to make a new link, cuz the other one didn't work.

Cool song, I love it.

Julieta Venegas ~ Lento (Slowly)

FFH's channel


Julieta Venegas
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Well-Known Member
I use the word insane jokingly man. I don't really think he is insane. VERY VERY misguided and wrong, but insane no. His views on religion are so far out in left field that he almost strikes me as someone on the edge. Hopefully someday someone will get through to him and he will change his views. Most likely he will get worse though. It's sad really. :sad:

I agree;).


Well-Known Member
When I was an LDS missionary in Kawasaki city, Japan, no missionaries were allowed into Tokyo, unless we were given special permission. by our Mission President.

However, we did ask to go into Tokyo, as often as we could, cuz we lived on the border of Tokyo, and the border and the heart of Tokyo was just minutes away. Shibuya was the busiest city in Tokyo. There was a nice feeling there, even though it was so crowded, it was still relatively quiet.

Now there's missionaries and a Ward (LDS church) in Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan, which is AMAZING.

I talk to a girl, using Skype, about once a week, who's living just outside of Shibuya, who's in contact with the LDS missionaries assigned to the Shibuya, Tokyo Ward (LDS church). She's INVESTIGATING the LDS church and I assure you, I don't speak "DRIBBLE" to her.

She meets with the LDS missionaries about once or twice a week, other than that, I'm her only other LDS contact and I've ONLY encouraged her, in her search for the truth, found ONLY in the LDS faith.

This is a RADICAL forum, this is NOT an LDS missionary setting. if it were, I assure you, I would NOT discuss things like the first resurrection (rapture), which is, however, CLEARLY discussed in our own scriptures.

This is a RADICAL forum, so I'm discussing RADICAL concepts, found in our OWN scriptures.

Keep waiting for all the LDS saints to gather in Jackson County, Missouri, in the last days, and you'll miss out on what's REALLY going to happen.

The Jackson County, Missouri commandment, to set up ZION, was REVOKED, and the saints were DRIVEN WEST, to SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, where ZION (The New Jerusalem) was built up from there, and in PREPERATION for (The New Jerusalem) built by God, which will descend from heaven, after the world is destroyed and RECREATED, when it will BECOME a PARADISE once again, as it was in the GARDEN of EDEN, when the earth will be TERRESTRIALIZED once again.

At the end of the Millenium, the earth will be CELESTIALIZED. This earth will be our HEAVENLY home.

You should stick on the original teachings of the Bible. This "revelation" is not mentioned in the Bible. "For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, if any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: and if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book "(Rev. 22:18-19). This earth will be our heavenly home? Really? This is blasphemy. Reread the book of Revelation!You are contradicting what the Bible say.)(


Veteran Member
Song by Mary Chapin Carpenter

Slow Motion Casio Exilim EX FC100, Thermik XXXL

This is my SPIRITUAL interpretation of this song.

It's a BEAUTIFUL song. I love electric gliders too, BTW, it's my favorite hobby.

Mary Chapin Carpenter (Jesus) ~ 10,000 Miles

Fare thee well
My own true love (Jesus' loved ones on earth)
Farewell for a while
I’m going away (first resurrection/rapture)
But I’ll be back (second resurrection/rapture)
Though I go 10,000 miles (to heaven)

10,000 miles
My own true love (Jesus' loved ones on earth)
10,000 miles or more
The rocks may melt (during the GREAT tribulation period)
And the seas may burn (during the GREAT tribulation period)
If I should not return (there will be GREAT tribulations before Jesus returns and sets up his kingdom once again on earth)

Oh don’t you see
That lonesome dove (JESUS)
Sitting on an ivy tree (JESUS is the "VINE" we are HIS "branches")
She’s weeping for (Jesus is weeping for)
Her own true love (his loved ones on earth)
As I shall weep for mine (as we weep for our loved ones on earth)

Oh come ye back (REPENT AND TURN BACK TO GOD all ye loved ones on earth)
My own true love (Jesus' loved ones on earth)
And stay a while with me (COME TO THE WEDDING FEAST)
If I had a friend
All on this earth

June 27, 2009 (Black sun spots mark the 7 year tribulation period, we're already in, from 2006 to 2013)

RC Glider, Thermik XXXL Valenta, Wing Cam, Top View, 1

August 1, 2009 (Black sun spot also seen in this video)

RC Glider, Thermik XXXL Valenta, Extension Cam, Centre Aft View, 2

SEE THIS LINK: Black Sun Spots Mark Final Seven Year Tribulation Period (2006-2013)
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Veteran Member

Michelle Tumes ~ Chant (Lay Aside All Worldly Cares)

Michelle Tumes ~ Lovely (Jesus Christ)

1 Timothy 6
7 For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.

Philipians 4
4 Rejoice in the Lord always; and again I say, Rejoice.
5 Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand.
6 Be afflicted for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just; whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
9 Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do; and the God of peace shall be with you.
13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
19 But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
20 Now unto God and our Father be glory forever and ever. Amen.


Not your average Mormon
You should stick on the original teachings of the Bible. This "revelation" is not mentioned in the Bible. "For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, if any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: and if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book "(Rev. 22:18-19). This earth will be our heavenly home? Really? This is blasphemy. Reread the book of Revelation!You are contradicting what the Bible say.)(
Lawrence, you probably won't see this since you're not posting any more, but this seems like a really odd statement for a Catholic to make. You believe in holy tradition in addition to the the teachings found in the Bible. If the book of Revelation is to be interpreted as you are interpreting it here, then a lot of Catholic teachings are also to be disregarded as adding to the prophecy given in Revelation. Please don't think I'm trying to cast my vote in favor of FFH's prophecy because I'm not. I think that the notion of an automatic e-mail sent out after the "Rapture" is absolute nonsense, and I can guarantee that the LDS Prophet and the Pope would see eye to eye on its absurdity. Still, you need to be aware that you are misinterpreting the warning contained in the book of Revelation.