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Religion spreads hate & intolerance


Well-Known Member
Yeah I agree at least from my own experience. It took years for me because of the fear crap. But once I decided that any true loving God wouldn't condemn someone he created because that person just wanted to find a more clear understanding things, I dug in deep... that was 10 years ago. After going through all the disappointment and being po'd, I finally came to the realization that anything that has a basis of fear built into the framework (religion or otherwise) goes against the overall theme most religions proclaim to begin with.

I agree though that not all practicing believers are hateful or intolerant, but it seems in my experience, the majority fall in that category one way or another. That's the part that made me start to question everything about christianity anyway.
That was my experience too. I grew up in a very rigid obscure religion that I rebelled against at an early age. However, my formative years involved the doctrine of hell and judgement and everlasting damnation. It took quite awhile to come to the same realization you did. I was angry and felt betrayed at first, but now I understand that it was my parents doing the best they knew. They made the mistake of never questioning and only seeing what they wanted to see. What they taught me they did because they loved me and thought it was best for my good. They aren't the first that didn't question and they won't be the last. My half sisters who grew up in a different family also had a religious indoctrination and they are very afraid to let go of any beliefs. My little sister said it outright that she could not believe in a god that didn't judge or that hell was real because she was too afraid of being wrong. I think that is so sad. What they don't see though is that they are indoctrinating their children the same way. I'm glad you were able to get past the early programming and I'm glad I did too. Now I wish a kinder gentler understanding of life could be allowed by all instead of the old fire and brimstone stuff. I don't hate Christianity because there are a lot of good people in it that truly do try to do their best. I have a problem with people like the ones in Westboro Baptist Church though...

free spirit

Well-Known Member
Christianity is a religion, biblically speaking ..shall i start a new thread for that?

Yes Christianity has been turned into a religion but it was not in the beginning, for true Christianity teaches the gospel, and the gospel is all about the character of God. :D
Actually... ABSOLUTELY NOT! It is not the religion that is the problem (in most cases...). Christianity's main purpose is to teach LOVE not HATRED. Some fundamentalists and zealots take it to far as to harm others. If you want to see/witness True Christianity, google Orthodox Christianity. As described in history textbooks, we are the "pacifists" that left the Catholic Church because of its mistakes.

PLEASE do not stereotype all Christians by looking at a couple denominations!

free spirit

Well-Known Member
"Therefore true Christians should never hate, their correcting advise may look like hate, but actually they are loving you."

Son, spare your "love." I'll find my own, thank you.

If I try to tell you your error I am showing you that I care, the olternative is indifference to if you live or die. Yes 2000 years ago one man cared enough to tell them of their errors and they killed him, they did not understand that he was loving them.:D


Well-Known Member
If I try to tell you your error I am showing you that I care, the olternative is indifference to if you live or die. Yes 2000 years ago one man cared enough to tell them of their errors and they killed him, they did not understand that he was loving them.:D
Well that's just the point. How do you know he is in error?

Wannabe Yogi

Well-Known Member
Yes Christianity has been turned into a religion but it was not in the beginning, for true Christianity teaches the gospel, and the gospel is all about the character of God. :D

Yes Christianity has been turned into a religion but it was not in the beginning, for true Christianity teaches the gospel, and the gospel is all about the character of God.

Today nobody wants to call their faith a religion:

-Buddhist say they follow a practice not a religion.

-Christians say they have a personal relationship with God.

-Hindu’s believe it’s a life style that they follow.

-New Age folks say they are spiritual not religious.

To me it sounds like we are all in denial.

free spirit

Well-Known Member
Well that's just the point. How do you know he is in error?
Averything that is not holy is in error, we all should have a holy conscience let it be your guide. And if your conscience is not holy Let the Spirit of Jesus come in and he will make it holy. :D


Well-Known Member
"If I try to tell you your error I am showing you that I care, the olternative is indifference to if you live or die"

Then can I look forward to your indifference?

free spirit

Well-Known Member
Today nobody wants to call their faith a religion:

-Buddhist say they follow a practice not a religion.

-Christians say they have a personal relationship with God.

-Hindu’s believe it’s a life style that they follow.

-New Age folks say they are spiritual not religious.

To me it sounds like we are all in denial.

TRUE Christianity is the character of God in you, and when you have that, you are free of all the paraphernalia that religion has accumulated, it is an intimate thing. And is manifested in love you neighbour.

free spirit

Well-Known Member
"If I try to tell you your error I am showing you that I care, the olternative is indifference to if you live or die"

Then can I look forward to your indifference?



Yes so true... when I was a practicing christian (whatever that really means) sure I was all about helping others (that I felt were like me based on belief) but there were always a series of groups that I was highly intolerant of... mainly people that other christian friends would condemn in talks and other discussions. It was a herd mentality for sure and after 22 plus churches, I always seemed to see the same mindset... "we're better than them, we're going to heaven, they're not...." that rubbish. So no, I can't accept the bible and it's teachings if it says non-believers are doomed. It smacks of intolerance to other people for no reason other than a difference in "speculation" since that's all anyone really has on this subject anyway. To me God, must be outside of any human-created definition.

I don't think the Bible says that at all, to be frank.

Romans 2:14-16
(Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law, since they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even defending them.) This will take place on the day when God will judge men's secrets through Jesus Christ, as my gospel declares.
Luke 10:25-37
On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. "Teacher," he asked, "what must I do to inherit eternal life?"

"What is written in the Law?" he replied. "How do you read it?"

He answered: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind'; and, 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'"

"You have answered correctly," Jesus replied. "Do this and you will live."

But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, "And who is my neighbor?"

In reply Jesus said: "A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he fell into the hands of robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead.

A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side.

So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side.

But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him.

He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, took him to an inn and took care of him.

The next day he took out two silver coins and gave them to the innkeeper. 'Look after him,' he said, 'and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.'

"Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?"

The expert in the law replied, "The one who had mercy on him."
Jesus told him, "Go and do likewise."

Wannabe Yogi

Well-Known Member
So true, religion infuriates me, because it causes so much war,

In the last 100 years it has been nationalism that has caused the most problems. Yet when someone calls themselves patriotic it is always seen as a complement. Some times religion and love of country mix into a stew of hate, but it’s always some kind of nationalism that is in the recipe.

-W.W.I Had very little to do with religion.

-W.W.II was all about German and Japanese nationalism. The call to war for Japan was not, Buddha rule’s Christian’s drool. It was Asia for Asians.

-All the cold war battles (i.e. Vietnam and Korea ) was capitalism vs communism.

-Even Serbia was religious but it was about having a Christian state and killing Muslims. It was again Christian Nationalism.

-Al Qaeda wants an Islamic caliphate, again it’s Islamic Nationalism.

There is just one common denominator Extreme patriotism. Not religion!


In the last 100 years it has been nationalism that has caused the most problems. Yet when someone calls themselves patriotic it is always seen as a complement. Some times religion and love of country mix into a stew of hate, but it’s always some kind of nationalism that is in the recipe.

-W.W.I Had very little to do with religion.

-W.W.II was all about German and Japanese nationalism. The call to war for Japan was not, Buddha rule’s Christian’s drool. It was Asia for Asians.

-All the cold war battles (i.e. Vietnam and Korea ) was capitalism vs communism.

-Even Serbia was religious but it was about having a Christian state and killing Muslims. It was again Christian Nationalism.

-Al Qaeda wants an Islamic caliphate, again it’s Islamic Nationalism.

There is just one common denominator Extreme patriotism. Not religion!

You're absolutely right. And wasn't Stalin an atheist? To me, that seems to say that the proclivity to reject differences in people; and to kill, to ostracise and cause suffering because of those differences is a part of human nature. The suffering that religion seems to cause is only an indirect result of the human condition, and not the direct result of religious belief itself.
You're absolutely right. And wasn't Stalin an atheist? To me, that seems to say that the proclivity to reject differences in people; and to kill, to ostracise and cause suffering because of those differences is a part of human nature. The suffering that religion seems to cause is only an indirect result of the human condition, and not the direct result of religious belief itself.

Unless a religious person commits an act of wrong with the direct intention of creating suffering. Think 9/11.

Wannabe Yogi

Well-Known Member
TRUE Christianity is the character of God in you, and when you have that, you are free of all the paraphernalia that religion has accumulated, it is an intimate thing. And is manifested in love you neighbour.

TRUE Christianity is the character of God in you, and when you have that, you are free of all the paraphernalia that religion has accumulated, it is an intimate thing. And is manifested in love you neighbour.

True Hinduism ( Advaita Vedanta ) is the direct realization of our identity with God. You are free from even the scriptures you can’t sin because you are one with God.

True Buddhism is the character of your inherent buddha nature discovered in your self and the cosmos.

All faiths have that direct relationship with the divine. Thats what religions teach.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
You're absolutely right. And wasn't Stalin an atheist? To me, that seems to say that the proclivity to reject differences in people; and to kill, to ostracise and cause suffering because of those differences is a part of human nature. The suffering that religion seems to cause is only an indirect result of the human condition, and not the direct result of religious belief itself.

Unless a religious person commits an act of wrong with the direct intention of creating suffering. Think 9/11.
How is that not a result of the human condition? Or are you trying to say that religion is responsible for the evils done in its name, while giving atheism a pass?
[SIZE=3 said:
TRUE Christianity is the character of God in you, and when you have that, you are free of all the paraphernalia that religion has accumulated, it is an intimate thing. And is manifested in love you neighbour. [/SIZE]

Change that to TRUE "Sprituality"... and it would read much closer to the mark.
How is that not a result of the human condition? Or are you trying to say that religion is responsible for the evils done in its name, while giving atheism a pass?

It's both combined. Have to have a "human condition" to begin with right? Religion (or world view) for some is an extension I guess you'd say. A person's view of the world (religion, belief system, lack there of.. pick one) is by no means irrelevant just because the human condition exists.
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