See to me you're not even discussing faith (trust), you're discussing religious practises as being faith...
Faith to me would be Catholics who go out in dangerous environments to help the needy, because they believe Yeshua and God are watching over them....That was what the Bible calls 'faith leading to works'.
Going to mass, doing holy communion, ceremonial prayer, confession, etc, are religious rituals, and don't necessarily have anything to do with trust/faith.
Plus if you understood what Yeshua was saying, you'd see what I'm questioning, is the exact same issue he had with the Pharisees, as is now being discussed about the Catholics.
Yeshua was saying about faith to go the extra mile, to learn more talents, to share everything we have, as God would provide; not some superficial religious practise to look good before others.
Trust doesn't need any religious practises, it is just a switch in our hearts....
Like some people will say it takes work to have trust in someone, and yet it doesn't, it is just a choice.
I practise skateboarding, even bought some drift skates lately, and tho they look sort of scary, I've got faith that it will all go OK without much practise.
Now if someone wrote a book, and said it is the ultimate guide for skateboarding, and without it, we've not got faith to skate, we'd say they were mad.
You just do it, if you want to have enlightenment, 'seek and you shall find', 'knock and the door shall open', that is faith.