Spirit is known to exist among those who experience it.
And what exactly is it to "exverience spirit"? What is the method to discern an imagined experience versus an authetic experience?
I am aware of altered states, like Native American sweat lodges and taking LSD or other hallucinogenics. Is this what you are talking about? I am also aware how the mind can create euphoric experiences at events, like revivals and even sports events, and this is caused by hormones in the blood that activate the reward center of the brain.
Inside looking out would be the observations of the spirit born mind.
OK, what is a "spirirt born mind" and what senses does it have that are better than our five senses? Use facts.
Human self will got us 9-11. Men forcing their will onto their idea of God. Atheist do the same kinds of things.
And how do ordinary mortals, like yourself, know the difference? Explain the reliable and objective method you use.
The existence of religion is the proof of the existence of faith in reality.
This is a claim. Where are the facts and explanation? We already know faith exists, and we can see how unreliable it is to determine truth. The 9-11 hijackers are an extreme example, but even far right Christians who behave in constrat to what Jesus taught are in the same category, albeit aren't murdering anyone. Mean, nasty, judgmental Christians show us how faith fails many believers. That religion exists only points to cultural traditions that linger.
It’s not a matter of being special, it’s a matter of an open mind verses stubborn obstinacy.
Yet critical thinkers are open minded but don't come to the same conclusions as theists, so that's not accurate. Critical thinkers give theists plenty of opportunities to offer evidence and explanations why their beliefs are true in reality, but we don't get adequate evidence nor rational explanations. Critical thinkers are often accused of "not getting it" but theists fail to explain what they "don't get".
If theists aren't special than anyone should be able to follow the method theists claim has allowed them some "spiritual experience", but it doesn't add up. Let's note the social science have observed religious behavior and have explanations why theists feel the eupohia of belief. As noted much of this is chemicals in the brain. Much of it is learned behavior due to social influences. This is why children born to Catholic parents will end up being Catholic themselves, and not Baptist, or Muslim, or Hindu. Science has also revealed the genetics of the human brain as it evolved to be tribal, and the "believing brain" was selected over many tens of thousands of years. Why was it selected? Because early humans who cooperated with the tribe had an advantage in survival. This meant to adopt tribal norms as a way to establish trust and belonging.
This is why today we see so much division among citizens of nations. We see unity when the nation is attacked or threatened, like back in September 11, 2001. Since then we have seen more rift in society and politics as there are fewer national enemies. The Russian invasion of Ukraine has created unity since Russia is our biggest adversary. But now we are seeing some of the far right in Congress saying they want to stop aid for Ukraine, and some are even pro-Russia. We humans have a hard time feeling unified when there is no clear enemy, so there is a motivation to create enemies.
Many of the right wing policies we see these days aim to marginalize groups of citizens, like women and their reproduction rights, trans people, gay marriage, the CRT hysteria that is baseless disinformation, banned books, labeling liberals as socialists/communists, indifference for healthcare reform, etc. Many of these policies are opposed by republicans just because democrats are working to expand more advantages to citizens, with healthcare being the biggest issue. What effect will eliminating Social Security and Medicare have on citizens? It will be a death sentence for many, driving them into poverty and no access to healthcare. That's your Christian nationalism, and how it indicates a complete failure of faith.