I don't, and I've posted other studies that show the same general trend. When you don't have a god or religion, once it's known, it's not uncommon for some to react negatively. To some, just being atheist alone means you aren't a good person. We also had the recent thread about the atheist billboard came down after a week or two, and it offended some so deeply they declared they would do collateral damage to party that wasn't involved with it (the gas station they said they wouldn't do business with anymore). Even when you're agnostic, people hate the idea of someone being godless so much that they get lumped with atheists, or are met with a kind of "well, at least you believe in something" type of mentality, both of which are bad because there is nothing wrong with being atheists and the aren't the inherently bad people many think they are, and it ignores the position of ignorance that agnostics adhere to. I posted a link that mentioned non-theists being not being treated as well, and in my experience I've seen "unknown" put down as my religious preference/affiliation instead of "none" which is what I told them.
Many churches are like that. The last one I went to, the pastor seemed fond out pointing why Methodists and Catholics and Lutherans and everybody else who isn't Baptist is wrong and going to Hell.
You cannot prove this claim, and there is more than sufficient evidence to support he is. Plus, it's not even your place to decide that anyways, but god's.