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Romance, the erie evidence of God.


Jesus 4 Profit.... =)~
I hold no intrest in this rapture, as I hold none in you.

We all know, you only hold interest in voicing your ideas and not actually taking anything from anyone.

This is the problem with the world, too many people "think" they are right and know better. Well guess what buddy, it's not just YOUR planet. In order to lve in harmony you must respect those ideas and thoughts of others. Which you do not.....

Oh well, not like we don't have enough ignorance in the world....:rolleyes:


Religion is to me fascinating and I am trying to understand more, and open minded to everyones views. I am simply having a hard time deciphering reality from allegories and narrow minded superstition. That somehow has stayed alive for so long.....:shrug: Is it myth or real? Is it deception and control or guidence and moral? It could be for many different reasons. Religion I believe has shaped the world more than most. Even if it all turns out to be a fallacy, it defines every aspect of human culture since the dawn of man. I could never deny that, in fact I even support that religion is in the most part the foundation of other big organizations.. i.e. government, schools, and more. It can be found within everything, even if it is not blatently stated so.....

A lot of this, how I would respond is going to depend upon which you are referring ... I have no issues with many of the eastern philosophical religions, and out of the three major religions, I have no issues with Biblical Judaism.

I do take issues w/ religions that use deception for gaining converts ... whilst riding on the backs of another people. That is not to say that I am against all those who would call themselves Christian ... I think my sister is not one, though she calls herself such. I would not recommend to anyone any religion except to the Christians I have recommended getting to know Judaism, and the Law of God (cause and effect), but only for their own good and not for the purposes of them being converted ...

but when so many are complaining of persecution, it would be good for them to see that they in fact have brought it upon themselves via faith, and upon many of the rest of us who have been spoon fed the fear, guilt, and shame since childhood. I did not mean to get back into Christianity (not BACK INTO as though I am one, but rather only involved into exploring it) ... but that I do I take as being done for purpose and I am determined this time to dig my way through it rather than ignoring the fear, guilt, and shame that they would otherwise love me to take back on as my own.

I can easily look at the gospel accounts as metaphorical ... and certainly, I do not believe that a man will rise literally from the grave one day. I know that my life pattern echoes that of Israel's ... and it is what brought me back to the Tanach ... and I am proud to lean on the law of God rather than on a man for my salvation. I am not one who believes that God left any of us void of anything we need here in life. Religion is man-made and the Scriptures were written by men, no matter what .. that is the bottom line. I take it as such, and with the Tanach, I have always found myself ... and in the teachings of Jesus I have found my way thus far to not lose that.

I do not believe that religion should be used in gov't here in the US of A, though I do believe the original documents were Divinely inspired as was the Tanach ... I think that the view of Christianity has ruined a lot of men into waiting for a man to save them (which is weird to me, being a woman), and becoming lazy in that way ... this disturbs me considering what I see going on around me ... but as far as faith, I keep that in God only ... it is all I have ever known to do, especially when as a woman, I wish there would be more men inspired of God in the way that great men once used to be. Rather than feeding their women and children to the blood thirsty mobs, they would protect that which God gave them ... I do not know of that sort personally.

My line of thinking is that we evolved as environments changed. For example if we settled as white people in Africa, maybe due to time and evolution. Our skin could have adapted to the climate. As in getting darker, or you could look at it like this. Your mother an dFather were white, and moved to the sunniest hottest place ever. They became tan and lived there very long before you came along. Your skin came out darker than their natural skin color because it knew to adapt. I have nothing to back this up though so......

Not sure, honestly. I am white ... Irish/Scots descent is as far back as we can be traced physically that I know of. My parents, Christian, are ironically enough missionaries to Africa though ... and it is what it is ... meaning, I won't comment on it any further than that. :)

I can understand this, and on some levels relate. I am a gay man, so that makes it a little more difficult than I guess a straight man. I don't know this to be true but imagine it so. Especially when it comes to the likings of religion. I am very niave, I have done my share of research, but I have found no matter how muhc research you have done.... it's never enough. I am trying to learn more and understand this, but something tells me as a gay man. It can't be right, it just can't.;)

I am not a gay man, but only a woman. I do not understand why men would bother with Christianity, as far as seeking it for salvation, since men should know better. Especially in the book of John, most of the teachings w/in are of Mary, his wife ... that is romantic, but it does seem weird that many Christian men (noticed from my time w/in the church) would get so emotional of Jesus as though they were seeking such a husband to take care of them in the same way (I am not referring to those who see him as a Jewish man, and are looking to defend his memory as such).

AS for what you say, "but I have found no matter how much research you have done ... it is never enough" ... is that in reference to me? (that sounds weird to ask it, i know, but you did word it as such). Well, lately, it would not surprise me and so, to answer as though it were, I do not know what I am looking for ... and not really anything in particular (except in the way of what is Truth that is relevant for us today) ... I am afforded the opportunity to seek and even drawn on a certain path, and I learn much along the way, though as long as I keep the Law of God (cause and effect) at the forefront of mind and consider what I research w/in my heart. I do not doubt that there is the Creator personally ... I just do not understand Him, or why I am unable to speak what I have observed lately. It seems best for me thus far to keep observing though, and I only bother to speak anymore when it comes out freely ...

It should be said, I am not looking for personal salvation or for religion .... I do not care for such, and even look forward to a rest as I have never known such in my life, but I do very much care for my children and their well-being .. as well as I care for others. I know that many are simply reacting "naturally" (they do not know how to think it seems) to very unnatural circumstances and I for one believe that all should be offered the knowledge of the Truth, but it seems few are open to it. I have for the moment put off really even trying to share what seems to me the most obvious way for others to see the truth (even it would be the obvious answer no matter how it is they might be seeking it), and this because people are quick to abandon, or tear down, just to not have to see it. Being a woman, that takes its own kind of effect for the way in which I am viewing the world, and people in general. :sad:
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Jesus 4 Profit.... =)~
A lot of this, how I would respond is going to depend upon which you are referring ... I have no issues with many of the eastern philosophical religions, and out of the three major religions, I have no issues with Biblical Judaism.

I do take issues w/ religions that use deception for gaining converts ... whilst riding on the backs of another people. That is not to say that I am against all those who would call themselves Christian ... I think my sister is not one, though she calls herself such. I would not recommend to anyone any religion except to the Christians I have recommended getting to know Judaism, and the Law of God (cause and effect), but only for their own good and not for the purposes of them being converted ...

but when so many are complaining of persecution, it would be good for them to see that they in fact have brought it upon themselves via faith, and upon many of the rest of us who have been spoon fed the fear, guilt, and shame since childhood. I did not mean to get back into Christianity (not BACK INTO as though I am one, but rather only involved into exploring it) ... but that I do I take as being done for purpose and I am determined this time to dig my way through it rather than ignoring the fear, guilt, and shame that they would otherwise love me to take back on as my own.

I can easily look at the gospel accounts as metaphorical ... and certainly, I do not believe that a man will rise literally from the grave one day. I know that my life pattern echoes that of Israel's ... and it is what brought me back to the Tanach ... and I am proud to lean on the law of God rather than on a man for my salvation. I am not one who believes that God left any of us void of anything we need here in life. Religion is man-made and the Scriptures were written by men, no matter what .. that is the bottom line. I take it as such, and with the Tanach, I have always found myself ... and in the teachings of Jesus I have found my way thus far to not lose that.

I do not believe that religion should be used in gov't here in the US of A, though I do believe the original documents were Divinely inspired as was the Tanach ... I think that the view of Christianity has ruined a lot of men into waiting for a man to save them (which is weird to me, being a woman), and becoming lazy in that way ... this disturbs me considering what I see going on around me ... but as far as faith, I keep that in God only ... it is all I have ever known to do, especially when as a woman, I wish there would be more men inspired of God in the way that great men once used to be. Rather than feeding their women and children to the blood thirsty mobs, they would protect that which God gave them ... I do not know of that sort personally.

Not sure, honestly. I am white ... Irish/Scots descent is as far back as we can be traced physically that I know of. My parents, Christian, are ironically enough missionaries to Africa though ... and it is what it is ... meaning, I won't comment on it any further than that. :)

I am not a gay man, but only a woman. I do not understand why men would bother with Christianity, as far as seeking it for salvation, since men should know better. Especially in the book of John, most of the teachings w/in are of Mary, his wife ... that is romantic, but it does seem weird that many Christian men (noticed from my time w/in the church) would get so emotional of Jesus as though they were seeking such a husband to take care of them in the same way (I am not referring to those who see him as a Jewish man, and are looking to defend his memory as such).

AS for what you say, "but I have found no matter how much research you have done ... it is never enough" ... is that in reference to me? (that sounds weird to ask it, i know, but you did word it as such). Well, lately, it would not surprise me and so, to answer as though it were, I do not know what I am looking for ... and not really anything in particular (except in the way of what is Truth that is relevant for us today) ... I am afforded the opportunity to seek and even drawn on a certain path, and I learn much along the way, though as long as I keep the Law of God (cause and effect) at the forefront of mind and consider what I research w/in my heart. I do not doubt that there is the Creator personally ... I just do not understand Him, or why I am unable to speak what I have observed lately. It seems best for me thus far to keep observing though, and I only bother to speak anymore when it comes out freely ...

It should be said, I am not looking for personal salvation or for religion .... I do not care for such, and even look forward to a rest as I have never known such in my life, but I do very much care for my children and their well-being .. as well as I care for others. I know that many are simply reacting "naturally" (they do not know how to think it seems) to very unnatural circumstances and I for one believe that all should be offered the knowledge of the Truth, but it seems few are open to it. I have for the moment put off really even trying to share what seems to me the most obvious way for others to see the truth (even it would be the obvious answer no matter how it is they might be seeking it), and this because people are quick to abandon, or tear down, just to not have to see it. Being a woman, that takes its own kind of effect for the way in which I am viewing the world, and people in general. :sad:
I wanted to acknowledge your post, but today or this morning I am running ragged. I wanted to respond however to my remark about never enough research. That is more so to everyone, no matter what you know we cannot and probably will not ever know the truth. The beginning, the middle or the end. It's out of our comprehension is all I was saying.

Good post, :D


Well-Known Member
Romance, the erie evidence of God. Its erie how Romance reminds me of God, It pictures him so very much, he just makes people fall for him, or hate him.



Well-Known Member
There are times that we sit alone in our place and just look up at the stars and wonder just whats out there, if God is real. So much in this world is against him being real, it batters those moments as we comptemplate. But just like when you long to be with someone you really like, you think of them in intense romantic intrest, this is how you meditate on God.

Its a longing, an intense desire that superseeds all other influences that tell you not to get involved. Then you enter an area of Love, the longing turns to Love, and you now believe.

Romance then has now become proof of God to YOU! Because the Romance is now with him, and nothing can defer you now.

And I want to go into that.



Jesus 4 Profit.... =)~
:DRomance, a human emotion created by society and NOT A GOD. What erie evidence of the cookie monster and not god...


Well-Known Member
Romance can be a very strong " Pull", OH how that describes God, fingerprints him even in him hiding himself. We are pulled toward people in Romance, and so it is with God.

We are pulled toward him or away from him.

This " Pulling" is proof of God.



Well-Known Member
The pulling, which even draws on the dead. Such raw power, pure romance at its finest.


Nothing is like this.



Well-Known Member
In John 3:16;" For God so Loved the world that he GAVE his only begotten Son."

God gave the world Jesus.

I tell you, Romance at its finest, when you start giving your children away.



Superabacus Mystic
Actually, I get it now! I understand what mickiel is talking about, since he mentioned Big Brother.

Big Brother, and the Party, stand by three things, and one of them is very relevant here. :D


Well-Known Member
Romance is what is relevant, and its erie proof of God. There are plenty of women who actually pray to God about their men. Its a wonderful thing really. They go directly to the source of Power, and appeal to him about their men.

Very moving evidence of God.
