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Saddam is gone!


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
You guys are too cynical! Now that we've executed Saddam, the Iraqis are sure to start throwing flowers at the feet of our soldiers, just like Honest Dick Cheney promised us would happen when we first went into the country. His execution is gonna bring about democracy in Iraq. You'll see!


Reason, and reason again
I have a feeling Saddam isn't as set in martyrdom as Osama would be by a long shot. From what I've read even his closest advisers feared for their lives -- Osama paints himself as a hero for Islam while Saddam looked like he's more interested in himself.

Of course I've never been a member of the Ba'ath Party.


Deviled Hen
Sunstone said:
You guys are too cynical! Now that we've executed Saddam, the Iraqis are sure to start throwing flowers at the feet of our soldiers, just like Honest Dick Cheney promised us would happen when we first went into the country. His execution is gonna bring about democracy in Iraq. You'll see!

What about the candy?!? I'm holding out for the candy!!!


Deviled Hen
Sunstone said:
You're in luck! Haliburton just got a no bid contract to supply the candy at a mere $10.59 per piece.

You could've let me know earlier today, when there was still time to call my broker!

Quoth The Raven

Half Arsed Muse
My first thought was,'Are we going to now go out, depose every murderous despot, give them a fair trial, halt their appeal in it's tracks and then hang them in order to bring democracy to the oppressed peoples and save the lives of countless innocents?'
I think not. There are plenty of murderous despots out there about which we're doing basically - as my nan would have so accurately have put it - sweet FA, which to me makes this whole exercise little more than a monumental wank.


Reason, and reason again
On CNN they showed up to the point where they have the noose around his neck. You know, part of me wants all of it to be shown, so people get an understanding of what it really looks like -- I think too many people believe the neck just snaps and that's it. Even done correctly the process takes a few seconds.

I feel horrible for their family. Even our "liberal" media is glorifying murder.... *Pukes*


Charismatic Enigma
Sunstone said:
So far, It's taken about 4,000 American lives and over a half trillion dollars to hang him. That's not counting British lives and wealth. And it's not counting Iraqi lives and wealth.

What a deal.

From what I have read in papers, George bush's 'war on terror' has cost more soldiers lives then the ones lost in 9/11, yup real great maths there george and for what? Still no Bin Laden, oh no that would be too easy.
I'm not a fence sitter on the death penalty issue, he shouldn't have been killed plain and simple, an eye for an eye is not the way a civilised society works and not the way the 21st century should be going, I thought we evolved from animals along time ago but with people rejoycing in death it sometimes makes me wonder!

I am not a liker of saddam or his ways but nobody has the right to put anyone to death no matter what the circumstances, if anyone had a moral bone in their body they would not agree with the death penalty!


Charismatic Enigma
Sunstone said:
You guys are too cynical! Now that we've executed Saddam, the Iraqis are sure to start throwing flowers at the feet of our soldiers, just like Honest Dick Cheney promised us would happen when we first went into the country. His execution is gonna bring about democracy in Iraq. You'll see!

If that were really going to happen it would have when he was captured, I think it would be wise to get yours and our troops out of their before any more lives are lost on this so called 'war on terror', I swear everytime bush makes that speach i want someone to shove a mirror in his face while he does it!
So lets say I can agree with the death penalty, when is Bush going to get punished for his war crimes and his illegal war that wasn't even sanctioned by anyone? Oops my bad, george is god and shouldn't be argued with as we are all wrong and he's right!


Well-Known Member
Saddam was gone 3 years ago. Now they bring him back for a ritual killing rich in democratic symbolism according to our leaders. What codswallop!


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Gentoo said:
Despite all that's happened, I still feel sorry for him...

You feel sorry for a mass murderer ? who has been given a very quick and easy death ?........I don't believe in capital punishment; he should habve been made to spend the rest of the days of his life understanding what a monster he was, and regretting it.

Purple Thyme

Active Member
He never would have got it - I'm glad he is dead. Just wished he died when we found him so we didn't have to endure his rants during his trial. I'm sure he didn't feel sorry for all the people he killed. As far as hanging, I think he should have endured even a longer more painful death for what he has done to others. Sorry no remorse here that he is gone.


Well-Known Member
Ozzie said:
Saddam was gone 3 years ago. Now they bring him back for a ritual killing rich in democratic symbolism according to our leaders. What codswallop!

Agreed: I haven't seen execution tapes yet, but I'm sure a cursory investigation of the symbolism involved will reveal a lot...


Reason, and reason again
michel said:
You feel sorry for a mass murderer ? who has been given a very quick and easy death ?........I don't believe in capital punishment; he should habve been made to spend the rest of the days of his life understanding what a monster he was, and regretting it.

“While there is a lower class I am in it; while there is a criminal element I am of it; while there is a soul in prison, I am not free”
- Eugene Debs


Well-Known Member
GeneCosta said:
“While there is a lower class I am in it; while there is a criminal element I am of it; while there is a soul in prison, I am not free”
- Eugene Debs

No wonder the guy was never picked for President depsite trying 5 times.


Reason, and reason again
Ciscokid said:
No wonder the guy was never picked for President depsite trying 5 times.


“I don't want you to follow me or anyone else. I would not lead you into the promised land if I could, because if I could lead you in, somebody else would lead you out.”

Radio Frequency X

World Leader Pretend
Ciscokid said:
No wonder the guy was never picked for President depsite trying 5 times.

lol - Zen-politics never succeeds. The public wants a leader with at least one foot on the ground, though we rarely hope for two.