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Same Sex Marriage


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
Not wrong, but definitely silly. I'm afraid you are out of luck, sorry. Bi is a whole different story, though.

Yes, you are crap out of luck. If a guy asked you out, would you say yes? I'm assuming you wouldn't, so I'm wondering why you would think there's any chance of a lesbian getting involved with you romantically?

It's really simple. Gay people are attracted to members of the same sex. Straight people are attracted to members of the opposite sex. That's all there is to it.

Your correct, if a guy asked me out on a romantic date, I would have to turn him down. Kk I am out of luck then. Dang. Oh well thanks for answering though your input is appreciated.

So what exactly distinguishes gay from bi other than the obvious which is sexual attraction? My first fiance lived with another woman for 7 years and openly called herself a lesbian. They broke up, and after about a year of flying solo she met me, and we was together for 5 years. After we split up she met another guy and has been with him since, we are still friends to this day. So was she wrongly calling herself a lesbian and just being bi the whole time or? I know you cannot read her mind and know her thoughts. I am just asking for your honest opinion.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
Your correct, if a guy asked me out on a romantic date, I would have to turn him down. Kk I am out of luck then. Dang. Oh well thanks for answering though your input is appreciated.
No problem. :)

So what exactly distinguishes gay from bi other than the obvious which is sexual attraction?
What an odd question. What distinguishes gay from straight, other than the obvious? The only point I can discern in this question is the implication that bis don't really love, only lust, but I rather doubt that coming from you. :confused:

My first fiance lived with another woman for 7 years and openly called herself a lesbian. They broke up, and after about a year of flying solo she met me, and we was together for 5 years. After we split up she met another guy and has been with him since, we are still friends to this day. So was she wrongly calling herself a lesbian and just being bi the whole time or? I know you cannot read her mind and know her thoughts. I am just asking for your honest opinion.
I would say she was bi the whole time.

One of the unique problems bis face is the pressure to "pick a side," and some try. I'd say that was the case here.


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
What an odd question. What distinguishes gay from straight, other than the obvious? The only point I can discern in this question is the implication that bis don't really love, only lust, but I rather doubt that coming from you. :confused:

Sorry, I will try to think of a better way to ask that question after I get some sleep, will PM it to you if I can. I do not want to imply that bi's only lust instead of love, because I know that is not true.

I would say she was bi the whole time.

One of the unique problems bis face is the pressure to "pick a side," and some try. I'd say that was the case here.

Understood. I thank you again for answering my questions. Must be very tough being bi from what I can see, compared to being hetero or homo that is.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
Sorry, I will try to think of a better way to ask that question after I get some sleep, will PM it to you if I can. I do not want to imply that bi's only lust instead of love, because I know that is not true.
I didn't really think so. :)

Understood. I thank you again for answering my questions. Must be very tough being bi from what I can see, compared to being hetero or homo that is.
Well, I don't mean to whine, or say we're worse off than gays.
Christians are against same-sex-marriage. The Sacrament of Matrimony is administered by the Church. If you disagree, you can leave.

Why people don't realize that homosexualitty is not only morally wrong, but physically, I do not know.

If it isn't wrong, why aren't babies conceived from homosexual intercourse?

I am speaking biology of course, brecause I'm pretty sure everybody has heard that homosexuallity is wrong in the Eyes of God.



ThrUU the Looking Glass
Christians are against same-sex-marriage.
Not all of them.

The Sacrament of Matrimony is administered by the Church. If you disagree, you can leave.
Problem is, marriage is also a legal contract administered by the government, which has no right to discriminate agains same sex couples.

Why people don't realize that homosexualitty is not only morally wrong, but physically, I do not know.
Because it isn't. Morally: harms no one. Physically: give me a break. Just because something isn't to your taste doesn't make it wrong or unnatural.

If it isn't wrong, why aren't babies conceived from homosexual intercourse?

I am speaking biology of course, brecause I'm pretty sure everybody has heard that homosexuallity is wrong in the Eyes of God.
The Bible is not God.



1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Christians are against same-sex-marriage.
Not all of them.

The Sacrament of Matrimony is administered by the Church.
Many Christians also either don't believe in sacraments or don't believe that marriage is one of them.

Why people don't realize that homosexualitty is not only morally wrong, but physically, I do not know.
Well, the big tip-off for many people is that it's not.

If it isn't wrong, why aren't babies conceived from homosexual intercourse?
Because despite what the Church says, sexuality and procreation do not have to be inexorably linked all the time.

I am speaking biology of course, brecause I'm pretty sure everybody has heard that homosexuallity is wrong in the Eyes of God.
I've heard lots of things. Hearing doesn't make 'em true, though.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
Christians are against same-sex-marriage. The Sacrament of Matrimony is administered by the Church. If you disagree, you can leave.

Yes, you can leave that particular church. However, we're not talking about your sacrament. We're talking about a legal contract with legal rights. It has nothing to do with your or any other church.

Why people don't realize that homosexualitty is not only morally wrong, but physically, I do not know.

Probably because it's neither of those things. Why don't you realize that there's nothing wrong with it other than you find it icky?

If it isn't wrong, why aren't babies conceived from homosexual intercourse?

Then I guess oral sex is wrong, too. I guess sex between sterile people is wrong, too. I mean, neither of them produce offspring either.

I am speaking biology of course, brecause I'm pretty sure everybody has heard that homosexuallity is wrong in the Eyes of God.


No, everyone has heard that homosexuality is wrong in the eyes of some religious people and their version of God.

If you think homosexuality is immoral, good for you. Don't have homosexual relations, then. There's no objective reason to think so, though. It may seem unnatural to you, but it's definitely not to homosexuals. Even if it was unnatural, there are plenty of things (like the aforementioned oral sex) which are just as unnatural that are perfectly acceptable to almost everyone. The bottom line is that whether or not you find it immoral is irrelevant to the question of same sex marriage. All it means is that you should not do it yourself. You should still let others do it.


Intentionally Blank
Yes I am heterosexual. I don't think so. But the reason I ask is because I have a habit of being attracted to gay or bi girls. I cannot help it. I like independent woman, who are confident and can take care of themselves. I am not too much into prissy princess type girls who require a ton of maintenance, time, and money because of their low self esteem issues. Which regardless to say there are not many straight independent women out there anymore. (In my age range that is. I am 31. Plenty of 40+ out there like that but not many under 40.)

If I do find someone who is my kind of gal yet they identify themselves as gay am I wrong to ask them out? Is it silly of me to think that they could fall for me even though I am a dude? Or am I crap out of luck?

Oh, I see. You might like the movie, Chasing Amy. On the one hand, no harm in asking as long as you don't mind hearing "No," some of the time. OTOH, sounds like you might be setting yourself up for potential heartache. I guess I would say there are lots of independent heterosexual tomboys and one of them will probably be thrilled and fortunate to hook up with you.


Intentionally Blank
Your correct, if a guy asked me out on a romantic date, I would have to turn him down. Kk I am out of luck then. Dang. Oh well thanks for answering though your input is appreciated.

So what exactly distinguishes gay from bi other than the obvious which is sexual attraction? My first fiance lived with another woman for 7 years and openly called herself a lesbian. They broke up, and after about a year of flying solo she met me, and we was together for 5 years. After we split up she met another guy and has been with him since, we are still friends to this day. So was she wrongly calling herself a lesbian and just being bi the whole time or? I know you cannot read her mind and know her thoughts. I am just asking for your honest opinion.

I agree, Enoch. Many women are flexible in the heart's orientation. This fact is often not recognized or considered politically correct, but anyone who knows a lot of lesbians knows this to be true. I'm sorry you will never be able to get inside a woman's head, but that's part of the fun, isn't it?


Intentionally Blank
Christians are against same-sex-marriage. The Sacrament of Matrimony is administered by the Church. If you disagree, you can leave.
So someone made you spokesperson for the official Christian position? And the thousands of Gay churches that adminster Gay marriage are what, not really Christian?

Why people don't realize that homosexualitty is not only morally wrong, but physically, I do not know.
Because it isn't. That's easy.

If it isn't wrong, why aren't babies conceived from homosexual intercourse?
Did you notice the utter absence of logic here? Yeah, Gay sex isn't procreative. Neither are lots of other things, but that doesn't make them wrong. Unless you're trying to argue that the only sex that is moral is if you're trying to get pregnant? What would be the logic there? Wouldn't be much then, would there?

I am speaking biology of course, brecause I'm pretty sure everybody has heard that homosexuallity is wrong in the Eyes of God.
Well I've heard it, but only from people who don't know God's views on the matter any more than you do.


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
I agree, Enoch. Many women are flexible in the heart's orientation. This fact is often not recognized or considered politically correct, but anyone who knows a lot of lesbians knows this to be true. I'm sorry you will never be able to get inside a woman's head, but that's part of the fun, isn't it?

Very true, nor would I want to get too far inside a womans head, less I risk my sanity. :bonk: I asked her this myself once. And she said it " I like you because you are who you are, regardless of if you have a >-----< or a >-----<." So I just always assumed she was bi originally like Storm said. But that is why I asked you guys just to see if I was right or not. Thanks again for putting up with these silly questions.

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
Many women are flexible in the heart's orientation. This fact is often not recognized or considered politically correct, but anyone who knows a lot of lesbians knows this to be true.

I think this is becoming increasingly recognized in recent years. Apart from the skanks who make-out in bars to get attention from guys, I know a substantially larger number of females who identify to varying degress as bi, that would not have even entertained the possibility 10 or 15 years ago. It may not be completely "politically correct", but I think people, male and female, are opening up to the idea that, for many women, sexuality is much more fluid than for most men. Although, I may be biased, as every quality relationship I've had has been with women who were bisexual.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
I think this is becoming increasingly recognized in recent years. Apart from the skanks who make-out in bars to get attention from guys, I know a substantially larger number of females who identify to varying degress as bi, that would not have even entertained the possibility 10 or 15 years ago. It may not be completely "politically correct", but I think people, male and female, are opening up to the idea that, for many women, sexuality is much more fluid than for most men. Although, I may be biased, as every quality relationship I've had has been with women who were bisexual.

I think this is mainly because female-to-female attraction is seen as sexy by most guys and it's "OK" for a girl to say they find another girl attractive or that she would participate in a threesome with another girl.

I think in future years, as male-male attraction become less taboo (and it is moving in that direction), there will be many more openly bi guys. I think it' more of a question of being able to be open about it and admit it than anything.

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
I think this is mainly because female-to-female attraction is seen as sexy by most guys and it's "OK" for a girl to say they find another girl attractive or that she would participate in a threesome with another girl.

I think in future years, as male-male attraction become less taboo (and it is moving in that direction), there will be many more openly bi guys. I think it' more of a question of being able to be open about it and admit it than anything.

Yeah, this doesn't jive with my experiences. I think men and women are wired differently.


Hey there Anth, I haven't read this topic in a few days, so I didn't know I had a fan. But thanks for the kind response. I'm a pretty big fan of equal human rights, I mean, we're all members of the human race, right? How is it justified to deny gays the same rights that heterosexual people have? And since marriage is a legal contract sanctioned by the government which only usually takes place in churches, it makes even less sense to deny those equal rights. Also, for those who take the Bible literally, do you know how OLD that book is? Many of its ideas are OUTDATED. I'll repeat it, OUTDATED. I'm an agnostic, so I don't disbelieve in God, but I've no evidence to the contrary either, and wasn't raised religiously, so that leap of faith hasn't presented itself to me. But I think it very clear that if we really want to advance as a species, as a whole, we have to let long standing, ancient prejudices fall by the wayside. It's just something that isn't okay, and never was in the first place.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
I know a few bi guys... but most of them identify as gay or are currently in male-male relationships.
Bisexuals are not always viewed that positively in gay/lesbian communities... I think the pressure is to identify as either gay or lesbian.. Just from personal experience.



The Guy Who Waves
Oh, there's no question about that. In this case, though, I think a big part of it is that it's more acceptable for women to be bi than it is for men.

This is very much true, however, it comes at the cost of being considered "inferior" and "fragile" and "delicate" and the list goes on.

While women are more accepted when bisexual than bisexual men, they do have their downs in the "social scale" thingy.