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Same Sex Marriage


Intentionally Blank
Youre right , Jesus doesnt agree with divorce, but what you can plainly extralolate from His statement is that God designed men to be married to women.
Well, that's your personal, odd, interpretation. Clearly Jesus had nothing against Gay people, as He never mentioned them. If you want to take a passage that speaks against divorce, and stretch it to condemn homosexuality, which it's not about, all the while condoning divorce, including among the same Christians who are using the passage to condemn Gay people, well all I can say is the whole lot of you are in excellent training for the Hypocrite Olympics.
Jesus would have considered homosexual behavior an abomination.
So nice of you to drop in and tell us what Jesus would have thought. I think Jesus came here personally to tell us what He actually thought, and suggest you deal with that, and yourself, before worrying about what you think He thought about other people. In fact, didn't He say something about that?
Any time in the bible where its talking about homosexual behavior its made very clear that God disapproves of it. Its a sexual perversion. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God.
Sorry, mistranslation there. There was no Greek word for "homosexual," so it couldn't have said that. Actually, we're not sure what that passage was about.

The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member
One of the problems if we were to legalize gay marriage is that it would actually threaten to take away religious freedoms becasue pastors could get into trouble for discrimination if they refused to marry a gay couple for religious convictions and it may become labeled as "hate speech" for a pastor to teach that homosexuality is a sin, as has happened in Canada.

You seem to be forgetting that there is a big difference between church and state. A law about gay marriages does not have anything to do with the church because they arent the law.

The church isnt in charge, the church doesnt hold the patents for morality, goodness, proprietariness. There are many more religions out there that believe different to you guys, just because you have the most people doesnt make you right, its more of a statement on your insecure recruiting techniques.



1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Youre right , Jesus doesnt agree with divorce, but what you can plainly extralolate from His statement is that God designed men to be married to women.
But here's the thing: for a gay man or a lesbian woman, the question isn't whether they should marry someone of the same sex or someone of the opposite. In reality, the question is whether they should marry someone of the same sex or nobody at all. You argue that Jesus' preffered living arrangement is opposite sex marriage; well, that's completely irrelevant since it's not even one of the available options.

You're trying to twist the meaning of that passage to make it say that Jesus prefers gay and lesbian people to live unmarried instead of a same sex marriage, but this is purely conjecture on your part.


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
But here's the thing: for a gay man or a lesbian woman, the question isn't whether they should marry someone of the same sex or someone of the opposite. In reality, the question is whether they should marry someone of the same sex or nobody at all. You argue that Jesus' preffered living arrangement is opposite sex marriage; well, that's completely irrelevant since it's not even one of the available options.

You're trying to twist the meaning of that passage to make it say that Jesus prefers gay and lesbian people to live unmarried instead of a same sex marriage, but this is purely conjecture on your part.

Serious question here. No sarcasm intended. So a gay person would not marry a person of the opposite sex if they fell in love with each other?

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
It has been known to happen...
Just like strait people can fall in love with people of the same gender and want to marry.



Serious question here. No sarcasm intended. So a gay person would not marry a person of the opposite sex if they fell in love with each other?

The human brain is an interesting thing. We're not split into hetero-, bi- (equally) and homosexuals, but rather it's a spectrum. Most of us are way off to one side of the spectrum, but that doesn't make even us a hundred percent heterosexual. I'm assuming the person you're describing would want the same rights no matter who they wanted to marry.


Flaming Queer
honestly, i'd have to decline to vote on principal. because i can't say "live and let live and let God convict people" and actively try to illegalize gay marriage with my vote at the same time. that would be hypocritical.

they do believe that, and i am aware of that. but their relationship is not something God has ordered, permitted, or blessed. a Christ-follower goes based on what God's Son has said and done in the Gospels. Jesus refers not only to the Gensis account of the creation on man and woman, but to the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. this may be difficult for many Christians to accept, but it's there. either a Christian follows Christ and shares His view on discipleship and sin, or they don't. one can't follow Him 90% of the way and chose to ignore the 10% they find difficult and still call themselves a comitted Christian.

of course there are many practicing gay and lesbian couples who also adhere to Christian faith in some form. but their living in what is essentially sin and still claiming to love and follow God with all their heart and soul and might presents a contradiction.

Which puts them on par with 100% of all other Christians.


But here's the thing: for a gay man or a lesbian woman, the question isn't whether they should marry someone of the same sex or someone of the opposite. In reality, the question is whether they should marry someone of the same sex or nobody at all. You argue that Jesus' preffered living arrangement is opposite sex marriage; well, that's completely irrelevant since it's not even one of the available options.

You're trying to twist the meaning of that passage to make it say that Jesus prefers gay and lesbian people to live unmarried instead of a same sex marriage, but this is purely conjecture on your part.
the bible say's it would be better not to marry.! corinthian's 7;32-34.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Serious question here. No sarcasm intended. So a gay person would not marry a person of the opposite sex if they fell in love with each other?
That assumes that a gay person would fall in love with someone of the opposite sex.

Tell me: can you picture yourself falling in love with someone of the same sex?

the bible say's it would be better not to marry.! corinthian's 7;32-34.
So apparently Paul disagrees with Jesus.


Question Everything
For the gay or lesbian Christians out there, do you think God honors same sex marriages, why or why not?

scriptures clearly outline what the christian God thinks about the subject.
See also Adultery; Sensual, Sensuality
Sexual association of individuals of the same gender. God forbids sexual activity of this kind.

Bring them out unto us, that we may know them, Gen. 19:1–11 (Moses 5:51–53). Thou shalt not lie with mankind; it is an abomination, Lev. 18:22 (Lev. 20:13). There shall be no sodomite of the sons of Israel, Deut. 23:17. They declare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not, Isa. 3:9 (2 Ne. 13:9). Men burned in their lust one toward another, Rom. 1:27. Abusers of themselves with mankind will not inherit the kingdom of God, 1 Cor. 6:9–10. The law is not made for a righteous man, but for them that defile themselves with mankind, 1 Tim. 1:9–10. Those who go after strange flesh are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire, Jude 1:7.
(Guide to the Scriptures | H Homosexuality.:Entry)

Homosexuality (see also Chastity; Sexual Immorality)
Gen. 19:5 bring them out unto us, that we may know them
Lev. 18:22 (20:13) Thou shalt not lie with mankind ... it is abomination
Deut. 23:17 there shall be no ... sodomite of the sons of Israel
Isa. 3:9 (2 Ne. 13:9) declare their sin as Sodom
Rom. 1:27 men ... burned in their lust one toward another
1 Cor. 6:9 nor abusers of themselves with mankind
1 Tim. 1:10 them that defile themselves with mankind
Jude 1:7 as Sodom and Gomorrha ... going after strange flesh
2 Ne. 13:9 doth declare their sin to be even as Sodom
See also
Gen. 13:13; 18:20; Isa. 3:9; Ezek. 16:50; 2 Tim. 3:3; 2 Pet. 2:10; 2 Ne. 9:40.
(Topical Guide | H Homosexuality:Entry)

As to me, every person is created by a male and a female. Nothing will change this. One parent is not a test toob. Marriage between a male and a female allows the female to connect with the male half of herself, and visa versa. Males and females are different, physically, emotionally, genetically different. Marriage between men and women help close the gap between the sexes.
sorry to kind of jump in here,but religious followers make me angry when they use religion to block the rights of others."christian values say same sex marriage is wrong".okay.christian values also say muslims are wrong,shall we outlaw them too?


Question Everything
Jesus prefers gay and lesbian people to live unmarried instead of a same sex marriage

I agree, Jesus prefers gay and lesbian people to live unmarried.

Marriage is defined as being between a man and a woman. There is no such thing as "same sex marriage" in the Bible.

11 Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord.
12 For as the woman is of the man, even so is the man also by the woman; but all things of God.
(New Testament | 1 Corinthians 11:11 - 12)

here we go:
11 But he said unto them, All men cannot receive this saying, save they to whom it is given.
12 For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.
(New Testament | Matthew 19:11 - 12)

talking about marriage, he states "all men cannot receve it". Those who are able to marry should marry. Those who are unable to in this life, will be blessed in the next life with a family.



Question Everything
sorry to kind of jump in here,but religious followers make me angry when they use religion to block the rights of others."christian values say same sex marriage is wrong".okay.christian values also say muslims are wrong,shall we outlaw them too?

Muslims agree that marriage is between a man and a woman - if I am not mistaken. Most religious faiths agree on this point.


Islamic views on homosexuality are influenced by the rulings prescribed by the Qur'an and the teachings of the Islamic prophet Muhammed. Qur'anic verses and hadith condemn sexual acts between members of the same sex. Islam, one of the Abrahamic religions along with Judaism and Christianity, rejected homosexuality from the religion's beginning.
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Well-Known Member
scriptures clearly outline what the christian God thinks about the subject.

As to me, every person is created by a male and a female. Nothing will change this. One parent is not a test toob. Marriage between a male and a female allows the female to connect with the male half of herself, and visa versa. Males and females are different, physically, emotionally, genetically different. Marriage between men and women help close the gap between the sexes.


Read it.

Anyone who keeps making the claim that they know the difference about males and females need to read it.

I figure I would give it one more shot.
idea, you missed my point.i am saying that your personal beliefs as a christian disagree with the personal beliefs of muslims.you want to outlaw same sex marriage because it does not agree with your personal beliefs,so why not outlaw the muslims?they disagree with your religion as well.


Guardian of Asgaard
idea, you missed my point.i am saying that your personal beliefs as a christian disagree with the personal beliefs of muslims.you want to outlaw same sex marriage because it does not agree with your personal beliefs,so why not outlaw the muslims?they disagree with your religion as well.

Christians are good at picking a choosing :rolleyes:

Theres a lot of inconvenient laws in their bible they conveniently ignore. Does it suprise you at all really?

(Disclaimer: not all christians are like this)


Well-Known Member
Muslims agree that marriage is between a man and a woman - if I am not mistaken. Most religious faiths agree on this point.

Homosexuality and Islam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Islamic views on homosexuality are influenced by the rulings prescribed by the Qur'an and the teachings of the Islamic prophet Muhammed. Qur'anic verses and hadith condemn sexual acts between members of the same sex. Islam, one of the Abrahamic religions along with Judaism and Christianity, rejected homosexuality from the religion's beginning.

That's three. With one God. Somewhat.

Here's more gods representing a wide range of religious beliefs. What do they say about homosexuality? Set up with a nice comparison of the difference between my atheism and yours.
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Christians are good at picking a choosing :rolleyes:

Theres a lot of inconvenient laws in their bible they conveniently ignore. Does it suprise you at all really?

(Disclaimer: not all christians are like this)
no,it does not suprise me.the reason i brought it up is that far too many religions (not just christianity) pretend their books of faith constitute correct law.


Guardian of Asgaard
no,it does not suprise me.the reason i brought it up is that far too many religions (not just christianity) pretend their books of faith constitute correct law.

Agreed, but correct law is subjective. Do you know many christians who follow the bible down to the smallest detail? I'm very cynnical of the homosexual position from christians who choose to enter this debate when they can conveniently ignore so much else that causes controversy. It appears that they can only focus on a single issue at a time.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
I agree, Jesus prefers gay and lesbian people to live unmarried.
Thank you for quoting me out of context. :rolleyes:

Marriage is defined as being between a man and a woman. There is no such thing as "same sex marriage" in the Bible.
Well, if there's no such thing as same sex marriage in the Bible, then it can't very well contain any sort of prohibition on it, can it?