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Same Sex Marriage


Well-Known Member
"".okay.christian values also say muslims are wrong,shall we outlaw them too?"

Indeed they would had they the power. The evidence is the fact that when and where they could - they DID.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Muslims agree that marriage is between a man and a woman - if I am not mistaken. Most religious faiths agree on this point.
Christianity doesn't agree on this point. The largest Protestant denomination in my country accepts same-sex marriage, as do many others around the world.


Resident Liberal Hippie
I agree, Jesus prefers gay and lesbian people to live unmarried.

Marriage is defined as being between a man and a woman. There is no such thing as "same sex marriage" in the Bible.

True, good thing we have the Constitution as our rule of law instead of the Bible.

Amendment 1-
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Amendment 9-The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Amendment 14...... No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
true, good thing we have the constitution as our rule of law instead of the bible.

amendment 1-congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

amendment 9-the enumeration in the constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

amendment 14...... no state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the united states; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
It has been known to happen...
Just like strait people can fall in love with people of the same gender and want to marry.


The human brain is an interesting thing. We're not split into hetero-, bi- (equally) and homosexuals, but rather it's a spectrum. Most of us are way off to one side of the spectrum, but that doesn't make even us a hundred percent heterosexual. I'm assuming the person you're describing would want the same rights no matter who they wanted to marry.

Kk thanks for answering. Not trying to make a point on the sly was just curious. And... yes...to the same rights question.


Intentionally Blank
Serious question here. No sarcasm intended. So a gay person would not marry a person of the opposite sex if they fell in love with each other?

Why would a Gay person fall in love with a person of the opposite sex? That's what you call an oxymoron.


Intentionally Blank
I agree, Jesus prefers gay and lesbian people to live unmarried.

Marriage is defined as being between a man and a woman. There is no such thing as "same sex marriage" in the Bible.

11 Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord.
12 For as the woman is of the man, even so is the man also by the woman; but all things of God.
(New Testament | 1 Corinthians11:11 - 12)

here we go:
11 But he said unto them, All men cannot receive this saying, save they to whom it is given.
12 For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.
(New Testament | Matthew19:11 - 12)

talking about marriage, he states "all men cannot receve it". Those who are able to marry should marry. Those who are unable to in this life, will be blessed in the next life with a family.

I thought you said marriage is defined as between a man and a woman? Aren't you going to quote the scripture that limits marriage this way?


ThrUU the Looking Glass
I agree, Jesus prefers gay and lesbian people to live unmarried.
No, He preferred ALL people to live unmarried. Of course, you'll never admit such an inconvenient fact.

Marriage is defined as being between a man and a woman. There is no such thing as "same sex marriage" in the Bible.
As Penguin said (I think), if it isn't mentioned, it can't be prohibited.

talking about marriage, he states "all men cannot receve it". Those who are able to marry should marry. Those who are unable to in this life, will be blessed in the next life with a family.

So, according to your teachings, God will rectify your bigotry and allow same sex couple equality? That's nice, but wouldn't it be even better to rectify it in this world?



Intentionally Blank
So I'm working on this project for me Denver Gay Parenting Examiner. It's a list of gay-welcoming places of worship in the Denver metro area. What I'm finding, to my surprise, is that it's taking me hours and hours because there are so many of them. Lutheran, Episcopal, United Church of Christ, Methodist--pretty mainstream Christian denominations. Dozens of them. Why do I not hear about this side of the debate? Why is it depicted as Gay vs. Christian? Apparently there is a huge segment of the Christians that support Gay rights and Gay marriage. What's the deal?


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
So I'm working on this project for me Denver Gay Parenting Examiner. It's a list of gay-welcoming places of worship in the Denver metro area. What I'm finding, to my surprise, is that it's taking me hours and hours because there are so many of them. Lutheran, Episcopal, United Church of Christ, Methodist--pretty mainstream Christian denominations. Dozens of them. Why do I not hear about this side of the debate? Why is it depicted as Gay vs. Christian?
Here's my somewhat cynical opinion:

When it's depicted that way, anti-same-sex Christians get to cast themselves as "clearly" on the side of God, and therefore on the side of all that's good, right, pure, just, etc.

When they acknowledge that there are faithful Christians on both sides of the issue, then it stops being a clear black-and-white matter and becomes one of nuance, where they have to acknowledge that faithful interpretation, reflection and prayer can lead to the opposite conclusion they've made. IOW, they'd have to acknowledge that the other side has some merit.


Intentionally Blank
That and apparently they're much louder than the Gay-positive Christians. Also maybe the media is not too subtle in how they portray it?


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
That and apparently they're much louder than the Gay-positive Christians.

Yeah... At least here, the churches that support same-sex marriage are generally the ones that tend to be quiet anyhow, like the United Church and the Quakers.

Also maybe the media is not too subtle in how they portray it?
I have noticed lately that the media will seem to pick a narrative pattern for a story and then fit the reporting to it. And not just with same-sex marriage.


Done here.
So I'm working on this project for me Denver Gay Parenting Examiner. It's a list of gay-welcoming places of worship in the Denver metro area. What I'm finding, to my surprise, is that it's taking me hours and hours because there are so many of them. Lutheran, Episcopal, United Church of Christ, Methodist--pretty mainstream Christian denominations. Dozens of them. Why do I not hear about this side of the debate? Why is it depicted as Gay vs. Christian? Apparently there is a huge segment of the Christians that support Gay rights and Gay marriage. What's the deal?
Welcoming congregations are a step in the right direction, but it's usually a qualified welcome. Ask them whether gay people can be ordained, and whether gay weddings can be celebrated in the church by the minister of the congregation.


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
Why would a Gay person fall in love with a person of the opposite sex? That's what you call an oxymoron.

Well I have heard from a few gay people that being gay is not necessarily not about sex or sin, but love. Maybe they are wrong, or maybe I grossly misunderstood them.

So my question was could a gay person fall in love someone of the opposite sex just as easily as someone of the same sex, since as stated before its about loving the inner self instead of the physical body. I see no reason why someone who identifies as gay could not fall in love with someone of the opposite sex. But then again I could be wrong, so I ask for some input. Just trying to understand better is all I am doing.


The Guy Who Waves
First things first, to those who "know" that either heterosexual sex or homosexual sex outside of marriage is a sin, you only THINK that it's a sin. You don't truly know anything about the matter at all, because you only choose to believe in some words in a book. Also, it's just sex. It's a naturally occurring thing in nature that helps to propagate not only the human race, but all other living things on Earth as well. I don't see how it can be a sin, besides the conditions that it's not consenual, or with a minor. As for gay marriage. Well, let's consider marriage. Sure, you can consider marriage a religious sacrament, but let's consider this: people were getting married and becoming couples long before Christianity even existed. That's right, at one point, Christianity didn't exist. SHOCK AND AWE! So you can have anyone at all marry you. You can get married by a Buddhist or a Hindu, and you'll be married, and get the same benefits as a couple who was married in a Christian church. As for why people want to get married, marriage carries benefits. As for why secular, gay couples want to be married, it's for equality. Yes, they can get civil unions, which confer the same benefits, but not being able to be officially married isn't recognizing them as human beings with the same rights as all others in the same country. I mean, seriously, who are you religious people who are against it to say what another human being should or should not be granted? You don't get that right. You can have your opinion, but that doesn't make it right, it just means that like buttholes, everyone's got one. So come on, people, grow up, learn compassion and empathy, and come on out of the stone age. The rest of the world is waiting for you.

OMG, you are officially my hero!:bow:


From heterosexuality to homosexuality, it is an event that occurs naturally. Animals are sometimes gay, humans, as (somewhat) animals all the same, can be gay. Sexuality is not an option (I have no/little evidence to suggest this, however, no one has any valid, hard evidence to disprove it.) One simply doesn't wake up one day and decide "Hey, I'm gay for the rest of my life."

No.:no: It just doesn't work that way. Plain and simple.

As for marriage, I personally think that legal marriage should occur. Not any sort of "near" or "equal to" marriage, I mean marriage. As for private organizations that marry people in spiritual union, that's up to them; it's their organization, they can do what they want with them.

As for whoever said that "things have come a long way", or something to that effect, coming a long way, even close is not good enough.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
Well I have heard from a few gay people that being gay is not necessarily not about sex or sin, but love. Maybe they are wrong, or maybe I grossly misunderstood them.

So my question was could a gay person fall in love someone of the opposite sex just as easily as someone of the same sex, since as stated before its about loving the inner self instead of the physical body. I see no reason why someone who identifies as gay could not fall in love with someone of the opposite sex. But then again I could be wrong, so I ask for some input. Just trying to understand better is all I am doing.

Well, the best way to understand is to turn it around. Could you fall in love with someone of the same sex? (I'm assuming you're heterosexual)


Intentionally Blank
Well I have heard from a few gay people that being gay is not necessarily not about sex or sin, but love. Maybe they are wrong, or maybe I grossly misunderstood them.
Exactly. I fall in love with a woman, not a man. That's why I'm a lesbian.

So my question was could a gay person fall in love someone of the opposite sex just as easily as someone of the same sex, since as stated before its about loving the inner self instead of the physical body. I see no reason why someone who identifies as gay could not fall in love with someone of the opposite sex. But then again I could be wrong, so I ask for some input. Just trying to understand better is all I am doing.
No, falling in love is with a whole package, body, mind and soul.

It's not that complicated, Enoch. Just like you wouldn't suddenly fall in love with a man; neither would I.


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
Well, the best way to understand is to turn it around. Could you fall in love with someone of the same sex? (I'm assuming you're heterosexual)

Yes I am heterosexual. I don't think so. But the reason I ask is because I have a habit of being attracted to gay or bi girls. I cannot help it. I like independent woman, who are confident and can take care of themselves. I am not too much into prissy princess type girls who require a ton of maintenance, time, and money because of their low self esteem issues. Which regardless to say there are not many straight independent women out there anymore. (In my age range that is. I am 31. Plenty of 40+ out there like that but not many under 40.)

If I do find someone who is my kind of gal yet they identify themselves as gay am I wrong to ask them out? Is it silly of me to think that they could fall for me even though I am a dude? Or am I crap out of luck?


ThrUU the Looking Glass
Yes I am heterosexual. I don't think so. But the reason I ask is because I have a habit of being attracted to gay or bi girls. I cannot help it. I like independent woman, who are confident and can take care of themselves. I am not too much into prissy princess type girls who require a ton of maintenance, time, and money because of their low self esteem issues. Which regardless to say there are not many straight independent women out there anymore. (In my age range that is. I am 31. Plenty of 40+ out there like that but not many under 40.)

If I do find someone who is my kind of gal yet they identify themselves as gay am I wrong to ask them out? Is it silly of me to think that they could fall for me even though I am a dude? Or am I crap out of luck?
Not wrong, but definitely silly. I'm afraid you are out of luck, sorry. Bi is a whole different story, though.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
If I do find someone who is my kind of gal yet they identify themselves as gay am I wrong to ask them out? Is it silly of me to think that they could fall for me even though I am a dude? Or am I crap out of luck?

Yes, you are crap out of luck. If a guy asked you out, would you say yes? I'm assuming you wouldn't, so I'm wondering why you would think there's any chance of a lesbian getting involved with you romantically?

It's really simple. Gay people are attracted to members of the same sex. Straight people are attracted to members of the opposite sex. That's all there is to it.