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Same Sex Marriage

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
There are 12, but I don't have them on the tip of my tongue. The big one that comes up all the time is about Sodom of course. Maybe someone else knows them by heart, otherwise I'll see what I can dig up when I have the time.
Actually, there are only 6, and even they are open to interpretation. For example, none of those verses are talking about loving, committed relationships, but rape, adultery, idol worship, etc.

Never mind, you found them.

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
As a Muslim:
Having sex outside of marriage is a sin.
Fornication is a sin.
Adultery is a sin.
Homosexuality is a sin.
Same sex marriage is a sin.
So what's a gay Muslim to do? Stay celibate and lonely all their life? Or pretend to be straight and marry someone of the opposite sex and live a lie? Or I guess they could leave Islam? But Muslims are killed for that aren't they? But then they are killed for being gay too. So again, what's a gay Muslim to do?

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
The terms "same-sex marriage" and "gay marriage"
are oxymorons. There is no such thing. Never has
been and never will be.
Of course there is, don't be silly. The millions of same sex couples worldwide who are married would seem to contradict your claim.

An oxymoron: A rhetorical figure in which incongruous or contradictory terms are combined, as in a deafening silence and a mournful optimist.

So what about "gay" and "marriage" do you think are incompatible?

Christian Pilgrim

Active Member
You're preaching to the choir. :D You'll have to ask the Christians these questions.

Are you giving me your permission to preach Christ and crucified to you? When you take all of biblical revelation as a whole and understand the central themes of the Bible, the difficult verses fall into place in context with the entire Bible. Heck, there is an account in the OT of people eating their infants. The Bible is redemptive history of sinful mankind. It doesn't matter if you are straight or gay, all people are called to repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ for forgiveness of sin, reconciliation with God, and adoption to the family of God. God does not not discriminate sexually; God calls all homosexuals and all heterosexuals sinners in need of redemption. The One True God commands everyone (straight and gay) to repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ.

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. - Gal 3:28
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Active Member
Homosexuality is immoral, unnatural and abberant
human behavior. It is an objectively evil live style
that can never be justified for any reason.
All of us must live chaste lives whether we are single
or married(man and women).
No judge, no legislature, no governor and not even the
President can justify it.
Scripture tells us: "Woe to those who call good, evil:
and evil, good."

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
Homosexuality is immoral, unnatural and abberant
human behavior. It is an objectively evil live style
that can never be justified for any reason.
All of us must live chaste lives whether we are single
or married(man and women).
No judge, no legislature, no governor and not even the
President can justify it.
Scripture tells us: "Woe to those who call good, evil:
and evil, good."

Do you have anything meaningful to add to this discussion or are you just here to flamebait?

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
Homosexuality is immoral, unnatural and abberant
human behavior.
Someone has never actually studied nature have they?

It is an objectively evil live style
that can never be justified for any reason.
Oh the evil that is love... We should go back to the good old days when women were chattle to be traded between men.

All of us must live chaste lives whether we are single
or married(man and women).
That's right... no sex for anyone... god hates sex... that's why he made orgasms so terrible.

No judge, no legislature, no governor and not even the
President can justify it.
Good thing it's not about justification but justice... and God has nothing to do with Justice. (look at slavery, Womens' rights, freedom of speech, religion, ownership...)

Scripture tells us: "Woe to those who call good, evil:
and evil, good."
It also says "love thy neighbor" and "render unto Ceaser"... along with a few other choice ideas... like the abomination that is a Shrimp Cocktail.



1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Homosexuality is immoral, unnatural and abberant
human behavior. It is an objectively evil live style
that can never be justified for any reason.
All of us must live chaste lives whether we are single
or married(man and women).
No judge, no legislature, no governor and not even the
President can justify it.
Scripture tells us: "Woe to those who call good, evil:
and evil, good."
And yet here you are, calling love "objectively evil". Physician, heal thyself.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Homosexuality is immoral, unnatural and abberant
human behavior. It is an objectively evil live style
that can never be justified for any reason.

I beg to strongly disagree. There is nothing whatsoever objectivelly evil about homosexuality.

Nor is it immoral or unnatural either. Aberrant? I suppose by the most abrangent understanding of that word, but that is a stretch. Homosexuality occurs quite naturally in pretty much all known cultures. It is no more "unnatural" than left-handedness or type AB blood.

It is not even a lifestyle. It is a personal characteristic, that does exist even if it is not expressed.

All of us must live chaste lives whether we are single
or married(man and women).


No judge, no legislature, no governor and not even the
President can justify it.
Scripture tells us: "Woe to those who call good, evil:
and evil, good."

I would say that wanting to trouble peaceful couples who just want to live in commited relationships is evil. Wouldn't you?


If you believe in the word of god then gay is evil ,if you dont believe in the word of god then its not going to be evil.to you


Intentionally Blank
btw, for katzpur, who asked why there are more gay atheists than theists, here you go. Look at gsusfrk's logic: If you believe "the word of God," then gay is evil. I know for a fact that gay is not evil, therefore I do not believe the word of God.

It's kind of like evolution vs. YEC creationism. If you assert that you cannot believe in God and accept evolution, you have to become atheist, because evolution is patently and obviously true.


then your letting your self guide you not the word of god,my life and experences tell me I am full of evil. rotten to the core. yea it says that in the bible to.romans 1:27 i didnt make these rules and some of them I really dont like. but im working on overcoming that problem. all is in the new testament that is needed for salvation you just have to read it ,,,,,,,alot

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
then your letting your self guide you not the word of god,my life and experences tell me I am full of evil. rotten to the core. yea it says that in the bible to.romans 1:27 i didnt make these rules and some of them I really dont like. but im working on overcoming that problem. all is in the new testament that is needed for salvation you just have to read it ,,,,,,,alot
I really feel sorry for you.

Yes, I am guiding myself, and that's how it should be. I am not full of evil or rotten to the core. Anyone who believes that about themselves is a very sad person. Again, I feel sorry for you.