How old are you? Roughly? You don't have to give anything away.So again, going back to the Recapitulation theory, when it was taught as truth it wasn't really the whole truth and nothing but? Also, now that I'm looking at it, school children were taught as if it were beyond doubt that Pluto was a planet, now they are not. Realizing that 'things' change (not calling them facts or truth), clearly what has been taught as true and sure may not be really true and sure.
The mineral composition of the human body is a fact. It varies around established parameters, but it is objective information. There is a difference between facts and the conclusions about those facts. Recapitulation was based on observations, facts, and was an attempt to explain those facts.
Many people are under the mistaken impression that public education in the United States is homogenous and the education is the same whether received in Washington, Montana, Missouri, Ohio or Florida. This is incorrect. I cannot say that some curriculum somewhere in this country in fairly recent memory did not include the teaching of Recapitulation theory as you claim. But I find that difficult to believe outside of teaching it as part of the history of biology. Of course, you may not be from this country. I have not looked to see if that information is available.