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Scientific Evidence That Islam is the true religion


Active Member
Tiberius said:
Again, people memorising a book is not evidence that the book is true, even if that book contains a promise that people will be able to memorise it.

People have memorised the Bible. You claim that not even the pope has. Even if this unsubstantiated claim is true, does that mean that no one else can memorise it? Many fundamentalist christians, I am sure, have memorised the Bible.

People have also memorised the digits of Pi. i think the record is about 30,000 digits of Pi. Does this tell us that the math gods are true?

And if the harry potter books have the line, "Your story is so remarkable, harry, that it wouldn't surprise me if one day everyone knew your story off by heart", would that mean that the Harry potter series is true if people memorise it?

And in any case, if you are too accept Islam as true because people have memorised the holy text of that faith, then should you accept that any religion is true if people have memorised that religion's holy text?

Man... are you actually reading what we are saying or just scanning through our posts as fast as you can just so you can write something to go against it? No one said that the fact that people memorise the Quran that it's the truth without a doubt.... the only reason i brought up the fact that sooo many people memorize the Quran is to prove that it hasn't been changed since the time of Muhammed. The way that I recite the Fatiha, sura Al-Nas ,sura Al-Falaq , sura Al-Masad , sura An-Nas, sura Al-Kafirun, (the ones I know) are the exact same way Muhammed recited them.. now obviously I don't sound as nice as the prophet probobly did, but it isn't said any different. So I'll repeat one last time, it proves the book hasn't and cannot change.

People may have memorized the Bible... but a Christian from one church memorises a verse in John and another Christian from a different Church memorises that same verse... do you think it is gonna be recited the exact same way? I'll bet my house that it's not word for word the same when they recite.... but if The Truth and Myself, Mujahid and Myself, or Maro and Myself get asked to recite the sura called An-Nas... we will all say it EXACTLY the same way.. without error... 100% percent guranteed. The people who memorize the Bible more than likely don't say it verbatim... hence why God made sure it was revelaed in arabic, and never changed it's arabic text. He made it easy for us to memorize... so that we can all recite the word of God the way it was meant to be said.

You also mentioned that someone memorised some 30 000 digits of Pi... could any joe schmo do that? Could a young kid do it? Could an un-educated person do it? Possbily... but I bet they would learn to recite Quran easier than the digits.

For anyone who doesn't believe that young kids six or seven years old aren't memorizing the Quran and reciting a language they don't even speak... there is proof... I will find it by the end of this weekend, but there are many videos of young kids reciting Quran beautifully... there is actually one video with a kid from Africa I believe, and the people randomly pick suras and then the Kid recites them in Arabic, a crazy video. I've mentioned it before but my father is not educated... he came to canada when hee was 17 and didn't even graduate highschool but he memorizes the Quran and recites it beautifully... my brother who was born and raised in Canada can't speak arabic at all but he memorized the Quran and recites it as if he is fluent... I myself can't speak arabic and the suras I mentioned above are memorized and recited as if I can speak arabic. Have you ever seen a chinese person from China reite Quran in arabic? Pretty cool thing to see.

jewscout said:
how many muslims actually have the Quran memorized? i some how doubt a majority do....

I dont know if it's majority... but I'm willing to bet that more muslims memorize the Quran than any other faiths people memorizing their book of guidance.... and even if you did research how people memorized portions of their book... muslims would be # 1... You can't pray unless you memorize suras from the Quran in arabic.

So I'm not saying that this is the proof of The Quran being the word of God... never have I stated this in any post, and I'm not about to start now.... but I am saying that this is proof of the book not changing... my Grandpa taught me the first sura I ever memorized after the fatiha... that should show you how things don't change.

Peace and Blessings


Well-Known Member
Islam said:
More scientific proof that Islam is the true relegion
Ohhh, flashy site... Pretty... Must be true!

Hrm... they say that in one verse about the moon they get 1390. We all know the year 1390 is 1969 ... But wait... I have now checked 3 different converters and 1390 actually means 1970... So why would they lie to us?

Another miracle is that the number 19 can be found every now and then in the Quran! Wow!

Hrm... this is nice from that site... The site lets us know that the earth has 7 atmospheres because the Quran says so... Yet science says the earth has 5 atmosphere... Whoops, better update the site!

Why don't you pick something that you believe to be true Islam and let us know which miracle it is from that site...

Mujahid Mohammed

Well-Known Member
Ryan2065 said:
You made the claim that Muslims can memorize the Quran and Christians cannot memorize the Bible... I would expect you to back up your claim and not expect me to supply your evidence...
No I said who has memorized the bible, how many christians do you know who have memorized the Bible, just name one person in christianity who has the whole book memorized cover to cover. Name one please. you want to see a muslim who has Arees Institute

thats my teacher

Mujahid Mohammed

Well-Known Member
Ryan2065 said:
*Sigh* I guess I will do your research for you...

Tons of people have made up systems to memorize the entire bible... If it wasn't possible, one would think they wouldn't create the systems. Here is one such system.

you are talking about systems to memorize I said give me one example of one person who has the whole bible memorized cover to cover. Name 10 in the whole world. One is all i ask but I can name hundreds of muslims you may never meet who have.

Mujahid Mohammed

Well-Known Member
Tiberius said:
And if we can't name them, then they don't exist?
I am just asking for one. Surely there is one person out there who claims it and has been proven. I gave you an evidence watch the video of my teacher on this link Arees Institute He is hafiz and there are others Shiekh walid, Shiekh Saad al Ghamidi. Go to this link where it says recitors. Aswat Al-Islam.net (www.aswatalislam.net) - Quran - Saad Ghamdi
There are many I am giving you examples I just want one that is all. Just one.


Well-Known Member
Mujahid Mohammed said:
I am just asking for one. Surely there is one person out there who claims it and has been proven. I gave you an evidence watch the video of my teacher on this link Arees Institute He is hafiz and there are others Shiekh walid, Shiekh Saad al Ghamidi. Go to this link where it says recitors. Aswat Al-Islam.net (www.aswatalislam.net) - Quran - Saad Ghamdi
There are many I am giving you examples I just want one that is all. Just one.
Someone who has the bible memorized would know that you are not supposed to brag about such things =)

Also... are you talking the old with the new testament or just the new testament?

Mujahid Mohammed

Well-Known Member
Ryan2065 said:
Someone who has the bible memorized would know that you are not supposed to brag about such things =)

Also... are you talking the old with the new testament or just the new testament?
but it would not escape the knowledge of the people he teaches if he gives obscure references to many things people would begin to ask do you have it memorized or how much. Many people used to ask that about a biblical and Quranic scholar who passed Ahmed Deedat but he would always reply in the negative but he was a hafiz of Quran. My sheihk does not brag He showed us in class his certificate who is teachers where and his teachers teachers all the way to the Messenger pbu. yes I mean the whole book. A hafiz has the whole Quran memorized. Or Ill make it easy give me one person who has the whole old or new testament memorized.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Mujahid Mohammed said:
Bible to Muslims?
Don't the Muslims believe Jesus was a great prophet and the Bible is a good book to draw knowledge from? Thats what the Christians feel about the Old Testament... They follow Jesus' teachings but Jesus formed a "new covenant" with the Jews so they follow different rules and laws.

Thats why many people sell the New Testament by itself.

Mujahid Mohammed

Well-Known Member
Ryan2065 said:
The reason I asked this question is because the Old Testament is to the Christians like the Bible is to the Muslims.
#3 shows Rabbi's have memorized the entire old testament.
who, what rabbi. it is a general statement give me an example. I said muslims have memorized the whole quran and i gave you examples that is what i am looking for.

And here are monks who have done the impossible by memorizing the book of Psalms and the entire new testament in a year.
Monks living in the 4th century. the bible we have today was not even compiled yet. How much of the current new testament did they have. Where is their book they learned from. How much of the one they have today did they have then.

Mujahid Mohammed

Well-Known Member
Ryan2065 said:
Don't the Muslims believe Jesus was a great prophet

and the Bible is a good book to draw knowledge from?
Yes and no. Take only what is affirmed in the Quran if the quran supports a biblical verse then it can be accepted. But no it is still being altered changed, and misrepresented so muslims are not advised to use it. Because if it the bible was sufficient Allah would not have sent us the Quran.
Thats what the Christians feel about the Old Testament... They follow Jesus' teachings but Jesus formed a "new covenant" with the Jews so they follow different rules and laws.

Thats why many people sell the New Testament by itself.
Doesn't change the fact that they included it from the beginning (old testament) since it is there we have to accept it as part of the testimony and a witness. It is a witness to itself. If they do not agree then that is for the christians to try and figure it out. We have a clear evidence and a clear understanding on how we are supposed to interpret our Quran and religion. Now some people choose not to do this and that is why we have all these different concepts. But the evidence against all the misconceptions and flat out lies is there. You just need to know who to ask or where to look. peace.


Well-Known Member
who, what rabbi. it is a general statement give me an example. I said muslims have memorized the whole quran and i gave you examples that is what i am looking for.
Er... You said no one ever claimed to be able to memorize the bible or even the New Testament or Old... I now give you examples and you want names of the Rabbi's who had it memorized... Sigh... I suppose even if I give you names of the people you are next going to want a video of them as evidence...

Monks living in the 4th century. the bible we have today was not even compiled yet. How much of the current new testament did they have. Where is their book they learned from. How much of the one they have today did they have then.
Yea... they memorized all the books... That would be all the gospels describing Jesus' life... Do you want an example of someone memorizing the current New Testament rather than monks who went above and WAY beyond the memorization of just the current New Testament?

Mujahid Mohammed

Well-Known Member
Ryan2065 said:
Er... You said no one ever claimed to be able to memorize the bible or even the New Testament or Old... I now give you examples and you want names of the Rabbi's who had it memorized... Sigh... I suppose even if I give you names of the people you are next going to want a video of them as evidence...
i said give me an evidence of someone who has memorized the whole bible. Saying people have done it and actually having the testimony of some witness is something else. Here Elvis lives on the moon. in order for you to believe me you would need an evidence. And you say example what example. Who is the example Rabbi's what rabbis. I know some and they do not even read from the christian bible. Who are these rabbis I would like to know them so mashallah I could go talk to them and see what they say about the scriptures. I am a student of knowledge so if you have the names that would help further me in my studies. and no the names would be sufficient.

Yea... they memorized all the books... That would be all the gospels describing Jesus' life... Do you want an example of someone memorizing the current New Testament rather than monks who went above and WAY beyond the memorization of just the current New Testament?
Now verify it. Let me see there books. For example the Vulgate and the geneva and later on the KJV have very different versions of the same text. I am asking which because in that time especially in Egypt there were different groups of Christians all reading and interpreting different canon scriptures. The bible was not even compiled yet. Different groups referred to certain Scriptures as the single narration and canon. But later on after the church decided to put the 4 canons together to try and make everyone happy. Certain groups ascribed to certain gospels. The Gnostics to one, the jewish-Christian adoptionists another , Marcionite christians another etc. but if you could I would like some more current examples. I could tell you one of the great scholars Imam Ashafie memorized the whole Quran at the age of 7. He had a photographic memory and had to read one page at a time because he never wanted to mix 2 pages together. Is that sufficient for you as an example probably not. So i think a modern representation should be given for the whole bible memorization. Since my teacher who i see every weekend currently has it memorized as do a few brothers in the class. if you do not mind.


Well-Known Member
I'm bowing out of this "my religion can memorize our scripture faster than yours so we are right" argument. Ive already given you evidence of people memorizing their own scripture in Christianity and this apparently isn't enough for you. If you really are in search of knowledge as you say you would go out yourself and search for someone as you say rather than ask someone to hand you the information.

Mujahid Mohammed

Well-Known Member
Ryan2065 said:
I'm bowing out of this "my religion can memorize our scripture faster than yours so we are right" argument. Ive already given you evidence of people memorizing their own scripture in Christianity and this apparently isn't enough for you. If you really are in search of knowledge as you say you would go out yourself and search for someone as you say rather than ask someone to hand you the information.
you have given me no such evidence. You just made a statement not supported by anything substantial. It is O.K. finding someone who has memorized the bible would be difficult with all the different versions. And this was not about my religion memorize scripture faster than your so we are right. I have asked around and I found one in my area one who claim he had. I met him he has memorized quite a bit of the new testament but not the whole thing. I am looking for evidence you have still not given me any. Stop with the general statemets. " Rabbis memorized the bible. " is not an evidence. All i asked for was ONE NAME ONE SINGLE NAME and it is a shame you could not answer it. If that is your idea of evidence you should just believe anything anybody tells you.