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Scientific Evidence That Islam is the true religion


What is your apparent evidence for the written form 2 generations after his death. Because we have an evidence it was done in his lifetime.

Try investigating a non muslim source. I think you might find the Muslim sources have a vested interest. Some stuff was written down in his life time but it was not placed in one definative text. There were lots of copies and variations.


**as I have said before the sending down of iron refers mainly to the original creation of Earth
and before the creation of any living organism

( this is the opinion of Dr. zoghloul elnagar, a worldiwide famous geologist)

**in my opinion, the verse of (the expanding universe)
was not interpreted by muslims as a ( clear scientific dicovery)

I think they explained it differently
untill the true meaning was completely revealed
when the cosmological fact was dicovered

** someone says that the scientific facts in the quran may be becoz it was not completely in the life of muhammed

and I will not answer that by asserting that the Quran was completeley sent in the life of the prophet ( although it is absloutly true )

but I will tell him that some facts of the quran were only discoverd lately
for example , the detailed description of the embryologic stages is a very late


Active Member
Mujahid Mohammed said:
How would you know about it. I see what you are saying but the fact is the man did not have the knowledge neither did his people. Their gift and passion was poetry. Not science, not math or philosophy. They did whatever their ancestors did or told them. that was their problem
Er...just to say...in the previous post you said this:

Mujahid Mohammed said:
Plus many are unaware that muslims brought the concept of Algebra and Calculus.


Active Member
choirboy said:
bless you. Mohammed didn't have to learn them because he didn't write the Koran. Other learned people did. In fact there were a large number of ideas and beliefs about Islam that had to be written down because they were causing great rifts in the arab world. This was 2 generations after the death of Mohammed.

Its a bit like this translation into english of the koran thats currently going on. How many versions are there all with different wording to suit the latest scientific theories.

Even now muslims are rewriting the Koran.

The three Qurans I have in my house right now have the arabic text right next to the enhlish text. I have two of the same translations but one with commentary, and one different translation. Regardless of the two different English translations I have, the arabic text in both of them are exactly the same... not only is the arabic text the exact same in both books... but I will bet my house and family that the arabic text in my Quran is the same as every other Quran in the world. The first Quran ever compiled (which Muhammed was alive for) is on display in Turkey... and that Quran is identicle to the arabic text in my Quran... guranteed. You know why I can gurantee such a thing? Because people memorize the arabic form of the Quran... my dad memorizes it along with my brother... If my dad is praying with a bunch of group of muslims behind him, and while leading the prayer my dad makes ONE error, one error in pronounciation the people behind my dad will correct him immediately... this my friend is proof of the book not changing. Muhammed recited the Quran, he knew every verse, it was in his heart... he recited it and the people wrote it. The book isn't being changed choirboy, you've got it all wrong.

Go to a mosque on Friday and ask the people at the end of the prayer "Who here memorizes the Quran?" Many people will raise their hands... and even if everyone doesn't memorize it, many people will know the majority of the book (in arabic). If you go to a church on sunday, you wont see more than five people raise their hand to that question and the ones who do raise their hands are priests... too bad one priest will memorize a different version than the other. The arabic text of the Quran hasn't and wont be changed. It can't be done, because muslims all over the world will know.

The fact that my father who is far from educated can memorize that book and recite it with such grace and beauty, shows me the miracles of the Quran, and also brings strength to my belief of Muhammed reciting it and teaching it to the people. God made it easy on the tongue, and will keep it in our hearts, this was a promise God made to us... and I've seen that promise fulfilled through my brother, father and even myself.. I can't speak a spit of arabic but the verses I learn I can recite with ease, fluently and beautifully.

Can you explain how the book can possibly be changed when muslims around the world recite the verses everyday, five times a day? The arabic text can't be changed, nothing can be added to it or taken from it... impossible. The same way I recite the surah called "An-Nas" is the exact same way a muslim in China would recite it.

Hopefully you can understand why we muslims claim that the Quran is untouched, and cannot be changed... you can burn every Quran in the world, and it wouldn't stop us from being able to pray five times a day and recite the book, because it's memorized by millions. Word for word, even the way it's pronounced is to a tee and if done wrong would be corrected by someone praying with you.

Hope you learned something

Peace and Blessings


Active Member
Tiberius said:
People memorising a book is not evidence that the book is true.

I wasn't trying to prove the book to be true, I was proving the book to have not changed since it had been compiled... and that it's not changing as we speak like choirboy stated.


Well-Known Member
You don't think that reinterpreting what something means is functionally changing it?

There's a word in the new testement that refers in Roman times to people who show their interest in sex too publicly. It was translated into English as "effeminate". Later, the English word "effeminate" got attached to homosexuality and most modern translations of the NT say "homosexuals", even though that was clearly not the intent of a writer in Rome such as Paul.

We still have some pretty old manuscripts, and the words in them have not changed, but we have changed the meaning.

No one read the Quran to say that the universe was expanding. Then we discovered the universe was expanding and suddenly that was what the verse ment. The words have not been changed, but their use has.

For something to demonstrate knowledge, it must be establishable priori. You've reinterpreted cherry-picked poetic text to make it match the facts as you know them. That's rationalizing.


unless i see see in plain er arabic a clear statement, such as Humans start as an embryo then develope ect, i wil not be convinced. It is all a matter of interpetation. My copy of moby dick also outlines the mysteries of the universe if I look hard enough


The Expansion of the Universe

The expansion of the universe is the most imposing discovery of modern science. Today it is a firmly established concept and the only debate centres around the way this is taking place.

"The heaven, We have built it with power. Verily, We are expanding it." (51:47) (Holly Quran) ‘We are expanding it’ is the translation of the plural present particle musi’una of the verb ausa’a meaning "to make wider, more spacious, to extend, to expand." Some translators were unable to grasp the meaning and provided mistaken translations. Others sense the meaning, but were afraid to commit themselves eg. Hamidullah talks of the widening of the heavens and space, but he includes a question mark. Zidan & Zidan, and The Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs refer to the expansion of the universe in totally unambiguous terms. [1,2]

Mujahid Mohammed

Well-Known Member
uumckk16 said:
Er...just to say...in the previous post you said this:

This is before Islam came. in the beginning yes. But after the message spread and the muslim nation grew. Then the changes in their understanding of the world which then brought the idea of the math and science i was referring to. In the time of the Messenger the era before Islam was called the Jahiliya. or the age of ignorance. peace

Mujahid Mohammed

Well-Known Member
Tiberius said:
People memorising a book is not evidence that the book is true.
True but Allah said it would be easy for us to remember and I know 6 and 7 year old kids who have it memorized. How many of the other faiths have the book memorized VERBATIM. 114 chapters. over 6000 ayat. come one. Not even the pope has the whole bible memorized.


Well-Known Member
Mujahid Mohammed said:
True but Allah said it would be easy for us to remember and I know 6 and 7 year old kids who have it memorized. How many of the other faiths have the book memorized VERBATIM. 114 chapters. over 6000 ayat. come one. Not even the pope has the whole bible memorized.
Er, do you have any evidence for that claim? Both that no one in the world has the bible memorized and that 6 and 7 year old kids have it memorized? I have seen some people know the bible front to back (say you ask them to recite a passage and they can)


Religious Zionist
Mujahid Mohammed said:
True but Allah said it would be easy for us to remember and I know 6 and 7 year old kids who have it memorized. How many of the other faiths have the book memorized VERBATIM. 114 chapters. over 6000 ayat. come one. Not even the pope has the whole bible memorized.

how many muslims actually have the Quran memorized? i some how doubt a majority do...

in defense...it is not necessary for the Torah to be memorized as we are instructed to study it's words...no promise from Hashem that it would be easily memorized tho i have met many a fine Yeshiva student get up and lain w/o having to prepare for that shabbat's torah service.


Well-Known Member
YUSUFALI: With power and skill did We construct the Firmament: for it is We Who create the vastness of pace.
PICKTHAL: We have built the heaven with might, and We it is Who make the vast extent (thereof).
SHAKIR: And the heaven, We raised it high with power, and most surely We are the makers of things ample.
YUSUFALI: And We have spread out the (spacious) earth: How excellently We do spread out!
PICKTHAL: And the earth have We laid out, how gracious is the Spreader (thereof)!
SHAKIR: And the earth, We have made it a wide extent; how well have We then spread (it) out.
I have a question about these passages... Is the same word used to describe the creation of earth as the creation of the universe? In these english versions it looks like you should believe the earth is expanding as well as the universe if you translate it like that... The way each sentence is made is the same... Fist past tense, then present tense.
Tiberius said:
People memorising a book is not evidence that the book is true.

you have just sent one post, and you've already falsified half of these posts:tuna:

hats off to you, hats off to you :clap you have the privilege of looking at my signature:woohoo:


Well-Known Member
Mujahid Mohammed said:
True but Allah said it would be easy for us to remember and I know 6 and 7 year old kids who have it memorized. How many of the other faiths have the book memorized VERBATIM. 114 chapters. over 6000 ayat. come one. Not even the pope has the whole bible memorized.

Again, people memorising a book is not evidence that the book is true, even if that book contains a promise that people will be able to memorise it.

People have memorised the Bible. You claim that not even the pope has. Even if this unsubstantiated claim is true, does that mean that no one else can memorise it? Many fundamentalist christians, I am sure, have memorised the Bible.

People have also memorised the digits of Pi. i think the record is about 30,000 digits of Pi. Does this tell us that the math gods are true?

And if the harry potter books have the line, "Your story is so remarkable, harry, that it wouldn't surprise me if one day everyone knew your story off by heart", would that mean that the Harry potter series is true if people memorise it?

And in any case, if you are too accept Islam as true because people have memorised the holy text of that faith, then should you accept that any religion is true if people have memorised that religion's holy text?


Ryan2065 said:
Er, do you have any evidence for that claim? Both that no one in the world has the bible memorized and that 6 and 7 year old kids have it memorized? I have seen some people know the bible front to back (say you ask them to recite a passage and they can)

I don't know what evidence u want
but actually my five years brother recites a very big portion of the quran, Already
and in islamic countries , it's very common to have competitions ( with symbolic prizes) for the recitation of the Quaran for both kids and adults

u can go to any mosque in ur country ( if u have one ) and ask about that


jewscout said:
how many muslims actually have the Quran memorized? i some how doubt a majority do...

in defense...it is not necessary for the Torah to be memorized as we are instructed to study it's words...no promise from Hashem that it would be easily memorized tho i have met many a fine Yeshiva student get up and lain w/o having to prepare for that shabbat's torah service.

actually ,the majority of muslims do memorize the quran
not only that
they also recite parts of it, daily , in their five prayers


Ryan2065 said:
I have a question about these passages... Is the same word used to describe the creation of earth as the creation of the universe? In these english versions it looks like you should believe the earth is expanding as well as the universe if you translate it like that... The way each sentence is made is the same... Fist past tense, then present tense.

it's really hard to try to explain arabic to someone who doesn't know arabic
but I will try , as Allah helps me

verse 47 contains the noun ( mosee3oon)

verse 48 contains the noun ( farshnaha)

mosee3oon , means to make some thing bigger than it is
and we don't use it for any other meaning , in our daily life

Farashnaha , means to spread something
and to make the picture closer
I will tell u how we may use it in our daily life
we may use it for the (blanket of the bed) for example

hope this helps