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Scientific Evidence That Islam is the true religion


Well-Known Member
No but he would be better educated on what he is preaching.
Really? I think we have different opinions on this matter... You seem to believe memorizing words counts for something while I think knowing what the words means is really what you should know.

the reason is you kept asking me for how many pages instead of verses or the number of words or ayat. pages mean nothing to me. I have different translation with different number of pages but the ayat stays the same yet you did not ask me that. I only answered your question.
But you misrepresented yourself. I told you how many pages were in the bible and you made sure to make the Quran have a comparable number of pages when in fact this only happens with commentary.

If you want to compare the number of words... The Quran seems to have half the number of pages of the Bible... Now you say pages doesn't count, lets look at words.. Lets!
CLick on "Look Inside" then go to "excerpt" of each of these links... Compare the font size and number of words on each page of the Quran and the Bible... Notice that the Bible has WAY more words on each page than the Quran?


If it is so easy you go and do it then.
I have no reason to... I have, however, memorized many many math equations and proofs... I do have reason to do that.

The taliban did not author a part of our religion and the Sadduccees did in there's.
The taliban note was in comparision to your note talking about Crusaders... As far as I know, they did NOT author any part of the Bible. I'll quote these two statements for you if you like...

The Crusades are not in consistence with the teachings of Jesus didn't he say turn the other cheek.
And the Taliban are not consistant with the teachings of Mohammed. Your point?

Mujahid Mohammed

Well-Known Member
Ryan2065 said:
Really? I think we have different opinions on this matter... You seem to believe memorizing words counts for something while I think knowing what the words means is really what you should know.
What do you mean. It is written in English. If i speak english I should be able to understand what is said unless it is esoteric or occultic. Meaning hidden knowledge or meanings.

But you misrepresented yourself. I told you how many pages were in the bible and you made sure to make the Quran have a comparable number of pages when in fact this only happens with commentary.
As I told you pages mean nothing. You kept asking how many pages and i said they vary in terms or print size commentary etc. There are over 6000 verses in arabic.

If you want to compare the number of words... The Quran seems to have half the number of pages of the Bible... Now you say pages doesn't count, lets look at words.. Lets!
CLick on "Look Inside" then go to "excerpt" of each of these links... Compare the font size and number of words on each page of the Quran and the Bible... Notice that the Bible has WAY more words on each page than the Quran?
Ryan you are missing the point that it is impossible to compare the bible because you first need to specify WHICH ONE. THERE ARE MANY MANY VERSIONS. ALL DIFFERENT. Different number of words and letters phrases taken out. Old not being there just the new.
I have no reason to... I have, however, memorized many many math equations and proofs... I do have reason to do that.
good but you claim that this type of achievment is nothing when it is clear it is something that is to be recognized as a strange phenomenon. Many I mean many muslims have it memorized. It is common place with us. The Christians however is a scarcity for they do not even know what is the whole bible. They themselves are argueing about what is the bible. The Catholic version has 73 books Protestants 66 original KJ had 80. In the earliest of days like in the time of Marcion he had just the gospel of Luke and some of the letters of Paul and this was his Bible and there are many other examples of this.

The taliban note was in comparision to your note talking about Crusaders... As far as I know, they did NOT author any part of the Bible. I'll quote these two statements for you if you like...

The Crusades are not in consistence with the teachings of Jesus didn't he say turn the other cheek.
And the Taliban are not consistant with the teachings of Mohammed. Your point?
Again as I explained the Sadducees and the Pharisee authored the bible we have today and the Man who gave us the Message of the bible Jesus pbuh says they are the sons of the devil. Strange how can people who are sons of the devil help author the word of God according to God or jesus depending on which dogma you follow. In the Quran The Messenger is righteous his companions are righteous no change of deciet. That was my point as I had stated. This thought just came to mind why would an atheist support anything in the bible or use it as an evidence when you yourself do not accept it.


Well-Known Member
Mujahid Mohammed said:
What do you mean. It is written in English. If i speak english I should be able to understand what is said unless it is esoteric or occultic. Meaning hidden knowledge or meanings.
So everyone who speaks arabic and has read the Quran knows what the Quran means? Is the Taliban right when they say the Quran backs up their actions?

Mujahid Mohammed said:
As I told you pages mean nothing. You kept asking how many pages and i said they vary in terms or print size commentary etc. There are over 6000 verses in arabic.
Right, I gave you an example of the Quran from a website, that even let you look inside the book and you could see that this 600 page book's font size was WAY bigger than the Bibles 1300 pages. Or does this not matter also?

Mujahid Mohammed said:
Ryan you are missing the point that it is impossible to compare the bible because you first need to specify WHICH ONE. THERE ARE MANY MANY VERSIONS. ALL DIFFERENT. Different number of words and letters phrases taken out. Old not being there just the new.
Most are approximately the same size also. I did a search on Amazon and linked the most popular one that we could look inside (one of the top 10). I myself have 3 different bibles, all approximately the same number of pages, and all of them have the same small font size as the one that I linked. So lets go with the approximation of 1300 pages.

Why do you think I linked a "look inside" of each book? It was to show that the Bible is at least 3 times as long as the Quran (2 times in pages and then there is the font size and not writing in verse).

Mujahid Mohammed said:
good but you claim that this type of achievment is nothing when it is clear it is something that is to be recognized as a strange phenomenon. Many I mean many muslims have it memorized. It is common place with us.
Yes, a book that is written in verse that Muslims read all the time would be hard to memorize? Look how many songs the American public has memorized. Things written in verse are amazingly easy to memorize... In fact many older stories and what not are written in verse because they knew this was easier to memorize.

Mujahid Mohammed said:
The Christians however is a scarcity for they do not even know what is the whole bible. They themselves are argueing about what is the bible. The Catholic version has 73 books Protestants 66 original KJ had 80. In the earliest of days like in the time of Marcion he had just the gospel of Luke and some of the letters of Paul and this was his Bible and there are many other examples of this.
Yes, different sects of the same religion... Jesus never wrote the Bible so we need to pick and choose the writings of his followers... Aren't there different branches of Islam that use different books?

Mujahid Mohammed said:
Again as I explained the Sadducees and the Pharisee authored the bible we have today and the Man who gave us the Message of the bible Jesus pbuh says they are the sons of the devil.
Funny, I thought Jesus' followers authored the Bible... The Old Testament was done by the Sadducees and the Pharisees but not the New Testament. Hense the New Testament holding more weight than the Old Testament for Christians.

Mujahid Mohammed said:
Strange how can people who are sons of the devil help author the word of God according to God or jesus depending on which dogma you follow
So do you have any quote from Jesus saying what you are claiming? Merely: "Every Saudducee and Pharisee that has ever lived was the son of the devil" or do you maybe thing he was talking about the ones who would in the end play a part in his death?

Mujahid Mohammed said:
In the Quran The Messenger is righteous his companions are righteous no change of deciet.
In the Bible Jesus is righteous and his companions are righteous.

Mujahid Mohammed said:
This thought just came to mind why would an atheist support anything in the bible or use it as an evidence when you yourself do not accept it.
Just because I don't believe the Bible is the word of god doesn't mean I don't think the Bible has no facts in it. Why would a Muslim reject what the Bible says on something so trivial as wether Rabbis have or haven't memorized the scriptures of that day?

Just a quick question... Have you ever read the Bible?


Pneumatic Spiritualist
Mujahid Mohammed said:
That is not true this was a period during the dark ages. And if the world had it the arabs did not. People did not go to arabia they thought they were barbarians. They were known to be thieves because the bedowins before Islam used to acquire wealth through the raiding of caravans. When the Roman empire fell and was split alot of the knowledge they acquired was lost

I don't think you know your history very well. This was indeed a period during the Dark Ages, the EUROPEAN Dark Ages. The term "Dark Ages" refers SPECIFICALLY to the European Early Ages and was coined by Pletrarch. He used the terminology to counter Christian writers of the time who asserted that Classical Antiquity was a "dark age" for its lack of Christianity, he reversed that view and saw that era as the age of "light" because of cultural advancments something he felt was lacking from his own time. The fall of the Roman Empire was felt far worse in the Wesern parts of the empire then the East, which would cntinue to thrive as the Byzantine Empire for the next thousand years. None of this really matters, as we where comparing the "scientific" validity of the Bible versus the Qur'an, both of which originate from Semitic people that origanally come from the Arabian Pennisula. So again I say, OF COURSE the Qur'an has more accurate scientific content then the Bible, it was composed MUCH later.


lol not to offend anyone but lets see, islam was invented by a drunk guy that married with a rich widow 20 years older than him (mmm maybe some interest in the fortune of the woman for his future religion-world domination making plans), you see its funny how he lived out of a rich woman and in the coran he treaths them like dirt, maybe some personal payback....u can go all divine and try to explain the mystics of the religions but if you center into the human nature you will find alot more answers....i mean at least jesus (im not saying he was gods son) but at least he was a strong moral person.... all religions have a purpose for when they were made, lets analize the 3 main
Jew religion: for its origin it was the first world wide religion being based on hope coming out of desesperation from first human tribes, it was an answer to their dispair
Christian religion: made out to lift the best of human feelings, someone (jesus) analysed the human nature and rightfully took out the best human feelings and printed them to his teachings, the main purpose of christianity is to be a better person to be a better society

Islamic religion: This religion is based on power interests, it is like the whole opposite of christian religion being based on of course a little hope but its mixed with alot of anger...

this is all the nonesense i dear to say =P


Active Member
Since your Islamic you think the koran is true if your christian you think the bible is true i am hindu i think the vedas is true, if predicting little things like that makes a religion true, i might aswell be satans chef while im ahead. Like the vedas predicted chariots cars planes etc. This doesent make it the one and only true way of life! Who told you that the koran is the word of god any evidence to prove it? No. No religion has concrete evidence, its really only faith which keeps it alive. How sad, miracles have to be shown to prove the word of god. Personally (no offence) i take that as a joke, god should be taken aboard with love not hatred or knowing that he will make u rich! How is the koran a miracle, what has proven it, i understand not everything has to be proven but certain things like that to be proven.


Active Member
Idontknow said:
lol not to offend anyone but lets see, islam was invented by a drunk guy that married with a rich widow 20 years older than him (mmm maybe some interest in the fortune of the woman for his future religion-world domination making plans), you see its funny how he lived out of a rich woman and in the coran he treaths them like dirt, maybe some personal payback....u can go all divine and try to explain the mystics of the religions but if you center into the human nature you will find alot more answers....i mean at least jesus (im not saying he was gods son) but at least he was a strong moral person.... all religions have a purpose for when they were made, lets analize the 3 main
Jew religion: for its origin it was the first world wide religion being based on hope coming out of desesperation from first human tribes, it was an answer to their dispair
Christian religion: made out to lift the best of human feelings, someone (jesus) analysed the human nature and rightfully took out the best human feelings and printed them to his teachings, the main purpose of christianity is to be a better person to be a better society

Islamic religion: This religion is based on power interests, it is like the whole opposite of christian religion being based on of course a little hope but its mixed with alot of anger...

this is all the nonesense i dear to say =P

I counld not agree pretty much more. Let's hear a story told my a little muslim toddler taught to hate jews. Mohammed went out one day. A jew woman passed him saying come to my house to eat. He agreed. Mohammed asked the jew simply because she was a jew if there was poison in the food, she replied yes, she asked why? She answered by saying if you are a true prophet of god your allah will save you, mohammed knowing he would die ordered his companions to kill her. A little extreme for a peace-making loving man? When those pictures of mohammede went out all the muslims went maaaad! When a stamp in Britain was released of two hindu deity's giving birth to christ was issued we didnt want to kill anyone. We protested and got what we wanted without causing an uproar, i wish you could do that.


Active Member
Ezzedean said:
I see what you're saying and agree with you a bit, but you can't deny that in that verse God is trying to explain how we are created. God is telling us the steps in this verse, so can you tell me how you would interpret this verse?

" We created man from an extract of clay. Then We made him as a drop in a place of settlement, firmly fixed. Then We made the drop into an alaqah (leech, suspended thing, and blood clot), then We made the alaqah into a mudghah (chewed substance)... " (Quran, 23:12-14)

The english translations use those words (leech, suspended thing, blood clot and chewed substance) so how else would you interpret that verse when it is clear as day that they match scientific pictures of the process which takes place in the womens body?

Does the interpretation given in the previous post not seem to be the most logical? You have to remember God couldn't sit and give all the scientific terms and difficult explanations, due to the fact that the word is for everyone and not just the intelligent people. Can you atleast agree that it does make sense for it to be explaining the stages of birth? And that it could actually be a pretty accurate description of the process (how it looks)? There are many books written on the scientific aspect of the Quran, written by non-muslim scientists who agree that there are many descriptions within the text of the Quran were in no way possible for anyone to know about during the time it was written. It seems clear to me... but I'm a muslim, but from what I've read in legit books (not just internet websites) experienced and respected scientists agree.

Peace and Blessings.

If it helps I became a Muslim after studying science at University.


Active Member
gracie said:
i'm pretty sure the answer is "no", as Muhammad could not read or write, and since the Quran was compiled into writing by disciples after the fact.

but it would be interesting to know how old the oldest Quran is.

As far I know the text has not been altered from its' original.


Active Member
Dare I ask you why you started this thread?

People have more access to information now then they ever did. I really don't feel that it is appropriate to discuss this statement. Everyone has a right to follow what they believe and if people really wanted to find out more about Islam they only need to do their own research or encourage dialogue with Muslims.

I don't think there is any need to justify your own belief. Be happy with yours and let others be happy with theirs, that's my philosophy anyway.

Mujahid Mohammed

Well-Known Member
spacemonkey said:
I don't think you know your history very well. This was indeed a period during the Dark Ages, the EUROPEAN Dark Ages. The term "Dark Ages" refers SPECIFICALLY to the European Early Ages and was coined by Pletrarch. He used the terminology to counter Christian writers of the time who asserted that Classical Antiquity was a "dark age" for its lack of Christianity, he reversed that view and saw that era as the age of "light" because of cultural advancments something he felt was lacking from his own time. The fall of the Roman Empire was felt far worse in the Wesern parts of the empire then the East,
I agree with you but you are missing the fact that the bible is wrong on many scientific issues. Is this not why Galileo was persecuted by the church for enlightning the world on certain scientific ideas.

OF COURSE the Qur'an has more accurate scientific content then the Bible, it was composed MUCH later.
The reason it is more accurate is because it came from Allah the source of all knowledge, and the bible is a written testament of a man's (paul and other) personal interpretation on who and what God is. It is not the literal words of God. it is more accurate because of the source and not the time because Muhammed did not know these concepts so regardless if they may have existed prior he never had the information nor did any of his people. The question should be asked who gave him his information. People at that time were very ignorant. That is why this period of time before islam was called Jahiliya "ignorance". Muhammed and his people had very pagan philosophies on how the world came about. That is why it is in the Quran to tell them something they did not know before and to correct them in terms of the understanding of the Creator and his creation.


Well-Known Member
I agree with you but you are missing the fact that the bible is wrong on many scientific issues.
So is the quran. For example: people don't form from blood clots.

The reason it is more accurate is because it came from Allah the source of all knowledge
Positive claim: please prove.

it is more accurate because of the source and not the time because Muhammed did not know these concepts so regardless if they may have existed prior he never had the information nor did any of his people.
The Arabs most certainly did have access to Greek and Roman knowledge; it is from the Muslims that the Europeans reaccessed this knowledge after the European Dark ages.

Further, your claim is self-contrary. Whether you believe he knew the Earth was round because the Greeks established it, or because Allah told him, he still new it. Your claim that he did not is obviously false and in direct conflict with your claim that God told him.


Pneumatic Spiritualist
Mujahid Mohammed said:
The reason it is more accurate is because it came from Allah the source of all knowledge, and the bible is a written testament of a man's (paul and other) personal interpretation on who and what God is. It is not the literal words of God. it is more accurate because of the source and not the time because Muhammed did not know these concepts so regardless if they may have existed prior he never had the information nor did any of his people. The question should be asked who gave him his information. People at that time were very ignorant. That is why this period of time before islam was called Jahiliya "ignorance". Muhammed and his people had very pagan philosophies on how the world came about. That is why it is in the Quran to tell them something they did not know before and to correct them in terms of the understanding of the Creator and his creation.

The Qur'an came from Mohammed, and if you believe his story he got it from GABRIEL. If I remember correctly Gabriel is an angel and is NOT Allah.


Well-Known Member
But the book, Ok'd by Abu, who heard it from Muhammed, who heard it from Gabriel, who didn't say who he heard it from but that he had heard that God had said it...

Mujahid Mohammed

Well-Known Member
JerryL said:
So is the quran. For example: people don't form from blood clots.

Positive claim: please prove.
when you look at the human in the earliest of stages it looks like a blood clot. There are many scientific references you can go look up.

The Arabs most certainly did have access to Greek and Roman knowledge; it is from the Muslims that the Europeans reaccessed this knowledge after the European Dark ages.
Who from the Arabs what is your evidence. They were merchants not scientific thinkers. If and when they went to Rome or Greece they were not there to learn but to sell their merchandise. And many people stayed out of Arabia because of Fear. Fear the bedouins would raid them which is what happened many times.

Further, your claim is self-contrary. Whether you believe he knew the Earth was round because the Greeks established it, or because Allah told him, he still new it. Your claim that he did not is obviously false and in direct conflict with your claim that God told him.
How is it false, what is your evidence. Just because others may have known the idea does not mean it cannot be foreign to someone else. Look at how many people are totally ignorant about the teachings of the Quran and Muhammed with all these advanced schools and ways of getting information to people. They did not have internet or other information highways back then. Allah says in the Quran he did not know this. Now you said it is self contrary because Allah told him, he still knew it. But yes he knew it after Allah told him, no one else from amongst his people knew these things.

Mujahid Mohammed

Well-Known Member
spacemonkey said:
The Qur'an came from Mohammed, and if you believe his story he got it from GABRIEL. If I remember correctly Gabriel is an angel and is NOT Allah.
Come on now in all the semitic religions Gabriel is who Allah sends to the messengers. Jesus, Mary, Lot, etc. Allah sent Gabriel to Muhammed with a message from Allah. The Quran did not come from Muhammed it was delivered by Muhammed from Allah through the Angel Gabriel.

Mujahid Mohammed

Well-Known Member
JerryL said:
But the book, Ok'd by Abu, who heard it from Muhammed, who heard it from Gabriel, who didn't say who he heard it from but that he had heard that God had said it...
Ok'd by Abu who is this you speak of. And if it is from Gabriel who else can send or command the Angel Gabriel to do anything other than Allah.


Religious Zionist
Mujahid Mohammed said:
Come on now in all the semitic religions Gabriel is who Allah sends to the messengers. Jesus, Mary, Lot, etc. Allah sent Gabriel to Muhammed with a message from Allah. The Quran did not come from Muhammed it was delivered by Muhammed from Allah through the Angel Gabriel.

that's what Islam teaches...not necessarily what others teach.