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Senate Republicans oppose Reproductive Freedom for Women.

Do you support access to reproductive healthcare, including abortion rights and contraception.

  • Total voters


Admiral Obvious
Bleh, standard anti-life BS. Abortions have killed MILLIONS more lives than abortion. From what I have read, we are talking about ~1% of such cases.

Please correct me if I am wrong.

Murder is always wrong. IMHO
Abortions have killed millions more lives than abortion?

I agree that murder is wrong.

Now all you have to do is explain WTF murder has to do with abortion...

And if all you have is your personal feelings, you can save that crap for the choir.
Murder is an 'illegal killing'.
Abortion is legal. (for now, in some places)
So the whole abortion is murder mantra is nothing more than an appeal to emotion fallacy.
And if that is all you got, you are wasting your time.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Liberal word games tend to misrepresent what they are selling. Where is the consumer protection agency when you need it. Project 2025 may have to restructure all the hack agencies the Left has created that tend to play favorites; NPR or national public radio.

Yep, Trump fascists hate NPR and also helping people in need. Instead, let the money go to the billionaires and multimillionaires as they certainly need it more.



Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
@Revoltingest, see what you started? Are you proud of yourself?

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
That 'many disagree' does not mean that I am wrong.
I didn't say otherwise. I said it's not your call. You only get an opinion, not the power to decide for others.
That anyone would argue that killing an unborn child is healthcare is shocking and disgusting
You've likely been conditioned thusly. Your opinion clusters in the Abrahamic religions. That's a pretty reliable indication that your outrage is manufactured by indoctrination, literally - their doctrine has been put in you.
Yes, a tiny minority of cases where the mother's life is at risk: a separate issue.
Why? Why make a distinction between such cases and others? If you feel so strongly about the fetus, why aren't you willing to let pregnant mothers-to-be die as your god intended? I guess it's not murder to you to abort such a "child." Your definitions are arbitrary and complicated by religious beliefs.

Why do none of you care about people outside your religion? Why do you consider it appropriate that your church run their lives at all? Rhetorical question. We know. Still, it useful to keep reinforcing what a bad neighbor this church is.

My wife read me an anecdote about a couple living next to a yellow house that they insisted the neighbor get repainted. The neighbor refused and asked them to mind their own business, but they wouldn't. One week, while the owner of the yellow house was gone, the neighbors had it painted gray. That's what a bad neighbor looks like - meddling in your life and imposing their will on you. The offenders went so far as to sue for their expense repainting that house. That's how I view American Christianity - just like that neighbor. Get out of my life!

And I say the same to each of you here defending your church doing that. You're no friend of mine or your non-Christian neighbors. Au contraire. You're an enemy of my and their freedom. You find abortion shocking and disgusting. I just told you what I find shocking and disgusting.

Here's what your neighbors think:


Didn't you take an oath to do no harm?
Yes, and I never deliberately harmed anybody. Nor did I or would I perform abortions. But forcing an unwanted child on a mother is harming her, too, and I favor her needs over the those of the fetus. I support secularism and freedom, not religious restrictions. I will never support an idea because somebody else thinks their god wants them to hold it. And I will oppose the church for as long as it has power over nonconsenting citizens.
Republicans are for reproductive freedom. They are against killing the unborn and ending reproduction ... Technically, the freedom not to reproduce, has been preserved, since it can be done in ways without killing babies. That freedom is still there and was never touched.
That's not what's being referred to by the phrase. It's not just about being able to reproduce. It's also about preventing a pregnancy from coming to term, just as freedom of religion also means freedom from religion.
Abortion has nothing to with reproduction.
Anything that facilitates or prevents reproduction has to do with reproduction including intercourse, abstinence, contraception, and abortion. And we can include things like prenatal vitamins and smoking or drinking while pregnant.
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Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
You did not answer the question again, did you? SOP for you -- switch topics and hope the nasty question goes away. Really, really tiresome.
I didn't switch. I just addressed your moaning here. If you moan about something then either you're just going to continue on moaning and whining over it, or you're going to do something about it hence my response.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
It's not eugenics.
Merely that unwanted children suffer,
& are more likely to commit crimes.

Let's not ignore reality just because
it works against one's political agenda.
That is eugenics; the idea that certain classes of people shouldn't reproduce because of undesirable traits among them, such as criminality. The eugenics movement would often use such arguments as to why the birthrate of the poor and minorites should be kept down.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
That is not eugenics, it is simply another one of the positive effects that occur when people have control over their own bodies and their own lives.

Or one of the negative effects when they don't.
It is, regardless of how you wish to gloss it to pretty it up. The abortion movement is a product of the eugenics movement in the first place.