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Senate Republicans oppose Reproductive Freedom for Women.

Do you support access to reproductive healthcare, including abortion rights and contraception.

  • Total voters

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
You're the one assuming this means they shouldn't reproduce.
Recognizing this reality doesn't prevent anyone from reproducing.
Are you seriously trying to turn this on me when you're the one touting this as beneficial in the first place? I'm just informing you of what it is.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Are you seriously trying to turn this on me....
You mis-characterize my recognizing the reality of awful
consequences of denying abortion rights as "eugenics".
You don't address these consequences.
You oppose reproductive autonomy, thereby putting
government in charge of it.

Yeah, I'm turning this authoritarian thuggery on you.
BTW, you've not even provided any cromulent
argument for denying women this right.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
It wasn't a point, it was a distraction. Either you support people having freedom over their own bodies, or you don't. I see that you don't. Eugenics has nothing to do with it. Supporting choice is not supporting Eugenics.
Just keep repeating slogans. That's all you're doing.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
You mis-characterize my recognizing the reality of awful
consequences of denying abortion rights as "eugenics".
You don't address these consequences.
You oppose reproductive autonomy, thereby putting
government in charge of it.

Yeah, I'm turning this authoritarian thuggery on you.
BTW, you've not even provided any cromulent
argument for denying women this right.
It's still eugenics. That's my whole point.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
You missed his point that something today
isn't necessarily something from history.
Your suggestion that abortion rights are
eugenics is absurd because no one is being
denied the right to reproduce.
Some demographics are being pressured to have abortions, though. There's what's called negative and positive eugenics. Positive is when certain groups are encouraged or discouraged from having children, negative is when they use literal force such as sterilization. The use of force doesn't look good these days, so they rely on propaganda. I go to the "bad areas" and there's abortion clinics and pro-abortion posters that treat it like it was a great choice with no emotional fallout. I've never seen that in other, wealthier areas.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Who? How? Where? When?

If you have any evidence of this, I am strongly opposed to it.

The whole point is that people should be free to make their own choice, freely.

Btw, forcing people to have children against their will is eugenics.
I already gave an example.

I've not heard of one case of a woman being forced into giving birth, but I know of multiple examples of women being forced into abortions. That's almost always what's going on, when it comes to force with this issue.


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
That 'many disagree' does not mean that I am wrong. That anyone would argue that killing an unborn child is healthcare is shocking and disgusting. Yes, a tiny minority of cases where the mother's life is at risk: a separate issue. I am talking about the 99% of actual cases. Didn't you take an oath to do no harm?
Is an "unborn child" really a child? Would you buy an unblown vase, an unglazed plate, or an unmade table? All these things are works in progress, but that vase is not a vase while it's a blob of glass on the end of the blowpipe, the plate that hasn't had glaze applied and fixed in the kiln isn't yet dinnerware, nor the table without legs, stain and varnish a table.

Nobody would feel a thing if that vase was abandoned because it wasn't going the way the artist wanted it, nor the plate that developed a crack before applying glaze, nor the table if the maker no longer liked the design. And nature itself frequently abandons a "work-in-progress" in the womb -- as I said, around 30-50% of all successful fertilizations -- without human interference. Your beliefs ought to tell you that that must therefore be considered part of the design, part of the plan. You just balk when a human, rather than nature, makes the decision.

But we that all the time! We put up lightning rods to thwart nature's desire to burn our house or barn down. We develop treatments for cancer, which seems to be a particular favourite of the Creators because, like beetles, there are so bloody many of them. And that doesn't bother you!

Ah, but you'll allow for "the tiny minority where the mother's life is at risk." But not where her mental or emotional health is at risk. You put yourself in the position of deciding FOR HER how much she can bear -- and that is one of those places that I object so strenuously to religion. That your belief takes precedence over the private decisions of another person.

When any religion provide proof of God, and proof of commandments by God, I'll listen. Until then, it's your belief, your creed, your understanding -- and not a single thing more than that. In exactly the same way that once upon a time, there were people who believed that if they failed to cut the heart out of a living child, the gods would be angry and the rain wouldn't come.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Can't argue with that....cuz you present no argument.
Why do you so fervently oppose abortion rights?
I tried to present an argument but you didn't play your part to allow an argument to develop, so you get what you give. I'm not putting in all the work in a discussion.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Some demographics are being pressured to have abortions, though.
People have the right to resist social pressure.
But you would use government backed up by
threat of violence to "pressure" women to give
birth when they want otherwise.
There's what's called negative and positive eugenics.
That's what I call specious labeling.
Positive is when certain groups are encouraged or discouraged from having children, negative is when they use literal force such as sterilization.
Why don't you support your claim of forced
sterilization being a consequence of abortion
The use of force doesn't look good these days, so they rely on propaganda. I go to the "bad areas" and there's abortion clinics and pro-abortion posters that treat it like it was a great choice with no emotional fallout. I've never seen that in other, wealthier areas.
So you would deny all women abortion rights
simply because of your social engineering agenda
to populate the country with more people from
"bad areas"?


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
I already gave an example.

I've not heard of one case of a woman being forced into giving birth, but I know of multiple examples of women being forced into abortions. That's almost always what's going on, when it comes to force with this issue.
Really? Have you looked? You seem to be able to Google anything else you want.


fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
I already gave an example.

I've not heard of one case of a woman being forced into giving birth,
Then you have not been paying attention.

but I know of multiple examples of women being forced into abortions.
Are you talking about women being forced into abortions by the state? In the U.S.? Recently? If so that is horrible and should be opposed strongly. But not by denying other women control over their bodies.