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Should Europe resist Islam?


Agnostic Pantheist
I think the west is beautiful, and itll be great if they all CHOSE to be Muslim.
A classic case of ill communication. if you think the west is beautiful you should respect it for what it is. trust me, another religion from the middle east is the last thing the majority of westerners need to convert to or can even relate to.
the Muslim world is so detached on so many levels from the western world, that your remark shows a complete breakdown of understanding and communication.


Reincarnation of 'Anti-religion'
Frankly speaking Islam has the following problems,the post from Amin makes it clear

1)It has a strong tendency to get itself involved politics.Probably,it is only political religion.IMHO,Any religion that brings upon social and political changes can be disastrous.
2)Being a muslim is advantageous than being a person from any other religion.Hence they proselytize.They get their ticket to heaven very easily.A muslim considers another muslim to be his brother/sister,but that not the case with non-muslims.
3)Islam has no provisions for Eastern religions,they only acknowledge Christianity and Judaism apart from their own religion.Eastern stuff is considered to be satanic.
4)Free-thinking or innovation is banned and many muslims cannot take any criticism on their religion.
5)Many muslims considers Atheist to be sub-human.Apostasy laws are insanely strict.They treat infidels like me with utter disdain.
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Devoid of Ettiquette
A classic case of ill communication. if you think the west is beautiful you should respect it for what it is. trust me, another religion from the middle east is the last thing the majority of westerners need to convert to or can even relate to.
the Muslim world is so detached on so many levels from the western world, that your remark shows a complete breakdown of understanding and communication.
Nah! We're about due for another millennium of Dark Age superstition. I expect to be beheaded or burned at the stake myself.


the bane of Europe in my view is Multiculturalism, the notion that all ways of life and belief systems are equally valid and that everyone can live happily together, was a big mistake. Unless people take some pride in their own achievements and those of their forefathers, societies will be in no shape to accommodate newcomers who reject out of hand the multicultural pieties because they know perfectly well that their own traditions are superior to all others.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
I think Europe should resist radical, violent, extremist groups, especially those who mix religion and politics into a volatile mixture of intolerance, and oppression.

If you or the group you're supporting doesn't fit this description, then you're not who I am talking about.


Grumpy Old Man
After a century of rationalism and secularism why would you want to revert back to the stone age? I have no problem with moderate muslims who are only muslims because they were brought up in their culture. But with it comes the theocracy that deems it is more important than the state. If it was demonstrated that integration can be successful as it is with the other groups you mention I would have no objection, my problem is the current evidence suggests that assimilation with the west is a pipe dream.
Admittedly Hari Chrishnas add some colour to cities. Hindus wear amazing saris, Sikhs have their turbans. Buddhists have their saffron robes and they all assimilate with western culture demonstrateably well.
If the new guinea Fore tribe wished to setup in Europe would you make an exception on religious grounds to allow cannibalism, which they consider the ultimate sign of their respect to their dead relations?

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God is the King
what do you dissagree with?
I don't disagree with anything, just cant believe it, just look at
the responses to my suggestion that people should CHOOSE to be Muslim,
so pessimistic, whats wrong with me wanting this.


Reincarnation of 'Anti-religion'
I don't disagree with anything, just cant believe it, just look at
the responses to my suggestion that people should CHOOSE to be Muslim,
so pessimistic, whats wrong with me wanting this.

You convert everyone to Islam bcos ,u see other religions to be wrong.Thats a very optimistic view.:clap


I don't disagree with anything, just cant believe it, just look at
the responses to my suggestion that people should CHOOSE to be Muslim,
so pessimistic, whats wrong with me wanting this.

perhaps people dont want to be a Muslim? are you unable to grasp this idea?why are you so offended by it? i dont see anything unbeleivable in that.


God is the King
You convert everyone to Islam bcos ,u see other religions to be wrong.Thats a very optimistic view.:clap
A Muslim respects everyone, but to deny that every religion claims to be true would
be childish, EVEN you as an Atheist believe every religion to be wrong besides your
view true?


Reincarnation of 'Anti-religion'
A Muslim respects everyone, but to deny that every religion claims to be true would be childish
Tough every religion claims itself to be true,only some religions like Islam ,claim that every other religion to be false.Hence,Islam is childish.
, EVEN you as an Atheist believe every religion to be wrong besides your
view true?

I am NOT an Atheist.Atheist dont have political motives like Islam nor do they proselytize like how muslims do.


Thats fine by me, but whats wrong with me wanting this?
Nothing as long as its not a goal of yours ,is it? Do you beleive that the whole world belongs to Allah and its your duty to return it to him?
I dont have any problem with this.
Im not offended at all, it just seems like doublestandered.

why is it a double standard?


Agnostic Pantheist
Its sad to say. but we need to read carefully the real gap between people right here in this thread and other threads.
I find it amazing that a person is offended that another person does not want to convert to his own personal beliefs, to me, this is selfishness and ignorance of the highest degree.
Europe is home of some of the world intellectuals, today's Islam has absolutely nothing to do with European thought.
Its very sad that people bury their head to the endless problems Muslims have in Europe in the face of European modernity, and actually dream about Europeans converting to Islam. the gap in communications should be observed right here.
Muslims must deal with the endless stream of problems their societies have, the fact that so many Muslims dream about converting others is a tragic testament to just how detached from reality so many people are.
Everyday we see Muslims argue about what is 'true Islam', we see countless conflicts between Muslims, why would anyone want to convert to all this suffering and strife?
Its time to admit to the hard fact, that no religion is ideal, nor perfect, no 'good', and its certainly not suitable for all human beings.


God is the King
why is it a double standard?
Because they say we Muslims are intolerant, but there responses prove that
they are intolerant.

Nothing as long as its not a goal of yours ,is it?

My Goal is ''Your duty is to convey the message clearly" Qurán
thats it nothing more.

Do you beleive that the whole world belongs to Allah and its your duty to return it to him?
"Allah to Whom Belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth" Qurán.
No its not my duty to return anything to Him, except my heart turned to Him sincerely.