Its sad to say. but we need to read carefully the real gap between people right here in this thread and other threads.
I find it amazing that a person is offended that another person does not want to convert to his own personal beliefs, to me, this is selfishness and ignorance of the highest degree.
Europe is home of some of the world intellectuals, today's Islam has absolutely nothing to do with European thought.
Its very sad that people bury their head to the endless problems Muslims have in Europe in the face of European modernity, and actually dream about Europeans converting to Islam. the gap in communications should be observed right here.
Muslims must deal with the endless stream of problems their societies have, the fact that so many Muslims dream about converting others is a tragic testament to just how detached from reality so many people are.
Everyday we see Muslims argue about what is 'true Islam', we see countless conflicts between Muslims, why would anyone want to convert to all this suffering and strife?
Its time to admit to the hard fact, that no religion is ideal, nor perfect, no 'good', and its certainly not suitable for all human beings.