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Should Scotland be Independent?

Should Scotland be Independent

  • Total voters


Skanky Old Mongrel!
You mean like the gratitude you just showed to the many non-Britons who defended both Scotland and England in the Battle of Britain by making it out as a purely English favour to Scotland?

It would be impossible to forget the bravery of so many other pilots, such as the Canadians. We certainly cannot forget your contributions this year since your Lancaster is flying all over Britain with ours.

I missed its flight over Herne Bay...... called off for bad weather. I will see it somehow! :)


Skanky Old Mongrel!
England had military bases and ports all over Scotland in WW2, so when Hitler tried bombing them we had to tackle the bombers because England and Scotland were united.
But if Scotland had been independent back then, we'd have simply said "None of our business" and let Hitler carry on bombing the krap out of them..:)

As Churchill once said- "In war, one has neither friends or enemies, only interests" so if Scotland goes independent soon, whatever happens to her (militarily, socially or economically) won't be our problem and she can't come running to mighty England to bail her out..:)

More drivvle......... :cupcake:


Skanky Old Mongrel!
The closer we get to Thursday, and the closer the polls get the greater the outflow of anti-Scottish sentiment from the UK's establishment, media, and people. We have been continually slandered as a people. Called bigots by the likes of the BNP and UKIP. They have called us racists. We have been bombarded with accusations of "petty nationalism", "atavistic chauvinism" and "anti-English bigotry". They have deployed the same Imperial language against the Scottish movement for self-determination as was used against those in Kenya and India. Yet, not one of England's papers suggest that any single country that has broken free from London's grip did so out of anti-English hatred.

Scotland will always have English friends...... I'm sorry about the tw-ts.... we've got so many..... :D


Skanky Old Mongrel!
I was having a conversation about the Scottish vote yesterday and the person I was chatting to made what I thought was a very good point. They reckoned that Cameron was more alike a manipulator in an abusive relationship than someone talking about a divorce.

Cameron may be dealing in double-think.
If Scotland leaves, the conservatives could well rule for yonks and yonks.
Could Cameron be working a class acting role here?


Skanky Old Mongrel!
Nah, if Scotland buggers off, we English won't bat an eye, why should we?..:)
As for the Irish Republican immigrants living in England, now that you mention it I'm thinking they ought to bugger off back to their own country too, so should the Welsh immigrants.
I mean, what cheek to desert their own countries and dump themselves on us!

Who'd pay your job-seekers?
........... housing benefit?
..... Gawd, you could be on the streets with a tin whistle.


Here's a thought- maybe most of the "Yes" brigade are closet commies and lefty riffraff who want to deliberately wreck Scotland?


Veteran Member
Cameron may be dealing in double-think.
If Scotland leaves, the conservatives could well rule for yonks and yonks.
Could Cameron be working a class acting role here?
This is a myth. Scotland does vote Labour but this has had effect on which party governs the UK on only two occasions since WW2.

Besides, if England votes Tory it should get Tory. No?


Veteran Member
You speak as if the break up of the UK is a foregone conclusion. When at least 50% of the population of Scotland is Unionist and the polls indicate that the campaigns are neck and neck, I have a hard time understanding such confidence - extending even to Wales, which is a different nation from ours. Its almost as if supporters of the Union such as myself don't count? :eek:
Sorry, I should have said, if we go.

I'm not actually confident that a Yes vote will be secured.


Veteran Member
I personally do no want membership of NATO. If Putin sees us as strategically important I doubt that NATO will ignore us, however.


Ukraine is not a member of NATO which is why Putin is throwing his weight around in there..:)
Anyway Putin aside, there are other countries that'd like to muscle in on Scotlands north sea oil and gas fields and her fishing rights etc, they'll just go in and take them over and there won't be a thing Scotland can do to stop them.

PS- as a --ahem-- champion wargamer I can see how vulnerable Scotland will be on her own. For 300 years she's been a mate of her big powerful friend England to protect her from schoolyard bullies, but on her own the bullies will move in.
In today's world nobody should cut loose from their pals to go it alone..

Secret Chief

Are you West Midlands? :)
Those aren't Scots lying in puddles of vomit and defecation....... they're Brummies..... :D

Wot's that about NHS? Scots pay NIS, don't they?

Yep, and I'm only joshing.

I can see both sides: the urge for self determination and rejection of Toryism, but then I 'm sort of against lines on maps; greater global fragmentation will lead to more conflicts.


England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have been a winning team for donkeys years so the Scots should remember you don't change a winning team..;)


Advaita Vedanta, Theosophy, Spiritualism
Premium Member
Should Scotland be Independent?

My initial thought is it is better to be part of a greater union and this is a bad and messy idea. There is small talk of Texas wanting to succeed by some in the USA. God forbid if the USA turned into 50 countries!I admit to not knowing the arguments of the separatist side. What are some of the strongest reasons given for succession?

Scotish independence would seem like a logistic nightmare. Why does the UK let them vote to succeed? It seems like the momentum of the moment could carry the election.

Vote No....

Desert Snake

Veteran Member
Should Scotland be Independent?

My initial thought is it is better to be part of a greater union and this is a bad and messy idea. There is small talk of Texas wanting to succeed by some in the USA. God forbid if the USA turned into 50 countries!I admit to not knowing the arguments of the separatist side. What are some of the strongest reasons given for succession?

Scotish independence would seem like a logistic nightmare. Why does the UK let them vote to succeed? It seems like the momentum of the moment could carry the election.

Vote No....

you cant compare texas to scotland.


..Why does the UK let them vote to succeed?...

Perhaps Prime Minister Cameron SECRETLY wants them to split away from England to get them out of our hair!
Perhaps him and his financial advisers have sat down with a calculator and worked out that England will save money if the jocks bugger off..:)


Skanky Old Mongrel!
This is a myth. Scotland does vote Labour but this has had effect on which party governs the UK on only two occasions since WW2.

Besides, if England votes Tory it should get Tory. No?

..... it was a question. How can a question be a myth? :biglaugh: