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Should Scotland be Independent?

Should Scotland be Independent

  • Total voters


Oldest Heretic
The Empire has been dead for decades....... :shrug:

And Scotland self-determines its future today. :yes:
It's not about the English.... it's about whether Scots want to be British.

There is not a gene filter fine enough to separate the Scots from the rest of the UK.

I feel sorry for the 20% of scots who are working abroad who can not vote.
First and second generation Expats probably nearly equal those living in Scotland.
If you include third generation or longer Expats with a scottish heritage it would far exceed those with the vote.

Were you to include Just those living in the rest of the UK, who had some Scottish blood. you would probably be adding 80% of the entire population of the UK.

Scotland might go its own way, but it can never separate its heritage in people.


Skanky Old Mongrel!
What I can't figure out is..... if Scotland decides 'Yes' and separates, can everyone in Scotland apply for a Scot passport? Recent immigrants etc? And can expats apply for a passport? Will Brits working in Scotland who don't have a Brit passport have to apply for one?
How will the two Navies, Armies and Air Forces separate their officers and rankers?

What happens to the NHS in Scotland? This year my wife had two operations, spent weeks in Critical Care, Intensive care and High dependency wards, with many weeks on standard wards....... and I reckon it cost the NHS £150,000 to save her life. Have the Scots figured out their own NHS system?

The questions increase and increase in numbers, but one thing is for sure, all the smart-Alec foreigners pushing them to go independent won't be spending too many minutes worrying about these issues if they do leave.


Skanky Old Mongrel!
Wales might be next.

No..... Scotland might be next. We'll know tomorrow morning.

At the end of the day, if folks don't want to be us then it's best if they go, but if they decide that they need to be with us we'll open our arms to them.

I'm surprised at how many US citizens hate the Federal powers and controls..... maybe you're just in knee jerk reactions when others need to decide. :)


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
The Empire has been dead for decades....... :shrug:

And Scotland self-determines its future today. :yes:
It's not about the English.... it's about whether Scots want to be British.
This referendum won't move Scotland. It'll always be part of Britain (literally - "Britain" is just the island). This referendum is about governance.


Skanky Old Mongrel!
This referendum won't move Scotland. It'll always be part of Britain (literally - "Britain" is just the island). This referendum is about governance.

Do you understand the meaning of the name 'Great Britain'? It's nothing to do with our international clout...... or our Geography..... it's all to do with the relationship between England Wales and Scotland.

Let's leave 'UK' to one side just now...


Oldest Heretic
This referendum won't move Scotland. It'll always be part of Britain (literally - "Britain" is just the island). This referendum is about governance.

That is True.

But no one has worked out any of the details of how it will work.

Scots working and living in England will vote and be English in every legal way.
English living in Scotland have the vote and will be Scottish.
Those in Scotland will not be in The EU or Nato nor have a recognised currency.
Who will honour state or company pensions.?

At the moment all service men make their oath to the Queen, her heirs and successors.... not to a country.

There are far too many questions unanswered.

I would certainly not sign even a simple contract like that, let alone sign away my future, Just on the word of a politician, who has nothing sorted.


Oldest Heretic
Do you understand the meaning of the name 'Great Britain'? It's nothing to do with our international clout...... or our Geography..... it's all to do with the relationship between England Wales and Scotland.

Let's leave 'UK' to one side just now...

Great Britain distinguishes us from Brittany.


Satyameva Jayate
Premium Member

It's no.

I am amazed at how fast and sporty they counted the vote! Good show!


pro scapegoat
I would hate to be a pensioner, or on disability in Scotland. They must be terrified about what happens to their UK pensions when the UK is no longer responsible for them.

Property prices changes with the new currency could have a devastating impact.


Heretic and part-time (skinny) Santa impersonator
Should Scotland be Independent? There is a referendum for Scottish Independence, in September 2014.
If any Scottish are around here, what are the reason you would want Scotland to be independent or remain in UK?

I honestly do not know.

While true that I am a direct descendant of Scotch/Irish progeny, this is not the same issue it may have been 100 /200 years ago. Many issues of independence, soverignty, and economic consequences remain to be resolved.

I was asked the other day though, as an American descendant of those imigrants...whether or not I would or should accept the notion of a monarchy as ruler or "king"of "America", and the answer then became obvious to me.

WE kinda "been there, done that" back in the late 1700s.

Thank you for your "protections"... but (ahem)...No.


Satyameva Jayate
Premium Member
I don't get you Buny. The no vote just won. That is what I am saying, No Won.

So there won't be an issue.

ALL is well by me.

On another note -
(Does the 55% to 45% Referendum Foretell a 55% to 48% Romney Victory?)

Moments before hearing the rounded tally on the Independence Referendum, an occult thing happened.

An old uncle was reading the cards (tarot), he happens to be psychic with ESP powers.

"ShivaFan, I had to call you! I did the cards, at the fortune was a cryptic forecast!"

"ok, ok, you old **** just get to it..."

"It said 55 your alive, 48 in the lower 48!"

"What? My ***! That is almost EXACTLY the percentages of the No Victory!"

"ShivaFan, wait! There I drew the Hierophant to Holy Ghost the top cross card over the Hanging Man! And by *** the crown card was The Wheel of Fortune! Holy Mother of Heaven! "

"Well! my favorite card! The Hierophant."

"Yes but man alive, then came out the X of Swords! The Cross card under the Hierophant was the Hanging Man! Do you understand what this means ShivaFan! Does your little green man speak?! "

"I think I know where your going with this .... wait. Got it. ... Ten. The Wheel of Fortune card has four corners. So does the Hanging Man! That adds up to 18. The letter R is 18. The Wheel means the time for R spins towards us. The Hanging Man is the loser before the R. And factor in 55 your alive 48 in the lower 48, ah, LOWER 48 States!.... obviously! It means this No Victory also forecasts a Romney the Hierophant victory 55% to Hillary's 48% in the lower 48 and she is the Hanging Man, a Romney victory in 2016! It's obvious!"

"Yeeeeesiiireee bob!"

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Satyameva Jayate
Premium Member
"Uncle, this is ShivaFan again..."


"55 plus 48 is 103."

"No. The extra 3 is the illegal alien vote."

"Got it."


Satyameva Jayate
Premium Member
I just found out most bagpipes are made in Pakistan!

I wonder if this fact (check it out yourself on the internet) had any impact on the outcome of the vote?