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Should Scotland be Independent?

Should Scotland be Independent

  • Total voters

Secret Chief

It's not so much them coming here, taking our jobs, clogging up our NHS, filling our schools, it's the lying in gutters in pools of vomit after rendering themselves unconscious with Buckfast.


Veteran Member
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Although I haven't spoken with a single Scot (in Scotland) in over 20 years, I would guess that this vote is nothing..... absolutely nothing, like any vote that has been taken before.

It's so far beyond anything you might see in America as to be 'out of sight'. This isn't a short term election campaign, but a 'once and for all time' decision, so important that for the first time children can vote. Yes.... children of 16 can vote on the future of their land.

The US poll has not ever determined what currency will be used, whether nuclear bases will need to close, new passports for all, etc etc......... it is an all time life changing vote. And for the country to be showing a divide over this is very very sad. If at least 70% of the vote goes one way or t'other then at least Scotland can say that it made a strong decision.
I appreciate your point, and I wish the Scots a strong vote one way or the other.


In todays violent world, countries need all the friends they can get.
England is a nuclear power but Scotland is not.
England has got an Army, Navy and Air force but Scotland has not.
So Scotland needs England in case Putin sends a task force down the north sea from Murmansk to take them over..:)

PS- in the 60's Rhodesia went independent from England, and within 5 minutes the blacks had kicked out the white government and renamed it Zimbabwe, and it's now ruled by tinpot tyrant Mugabe.
England of course never lifted a finger to help the whites, why should they?
Scotland should remember that lesson from history..:)


Veteran Member
In todays violent world, countries need all the friends they can get.
England is a nuclear power but Scotland is not.
England has got an Army, Navy and Air force but Scotland has not.

If Scotland leaves the UK the navy will have nowhere to park its nuclear submarines. That seems like a good reason to vote yes straight off.


If Scotland leaves the UK the navy will have nowhere to park its nuclear submarines. That seems like a good reason to vote yes straight off.

England will simply park its subs in Plymouth and Portsmouth, Putin will hardly believe his good luck and will be in Scotland faster than he went into Crimea..:)
I can only suppose the Scots have gone soft and mush-brained if they vote for independence, for example I hear Edinburgh is the gay capital of Europe!
It's a pity the jocks are not made of sterner stuff like the Irish such as Spitfire pilot Paddy Finucane and SAS founder Paddy Mayne, they're the sort we want as our allies..:)


England had military bases and ports all over Scotland in WW2, so when Hitler tried bombing them we had to tackle the bombers because England and Scotland were united.
But if Scotland had been independent back then, we'd have simply said "None of our business" and let Hitler carry on bombing the krap out of them..:)

As Churchill once said- "In war, one has neither friends or enemies, only interests" so if Scotland goes independent soon, whatever happens to her (militarily, socially or economically) won't be our problem and she can't come running to mighty England to bail her out..:)
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Veteran Member
The closer we get to Thursday, and the closer the polls get the greater the outflow of anti-Scottish sentiment from the UK's establishment, media, and people. We have been continually slandered as a people. Called bigots by the likes of the BNP and UKIP. They have called us racists. We have been bombarded with accusations of "petty nationalism", "atavistic chauvinism" and "anti-English bigotry". They have deployed the same Imperial language against the Scottish movement for self-determination as was used against those in Kenya and India. Yet, not one of England's papers suggest that any single country that has broken free from London's grip did so out of anti-English hatred.


Veteran Member
The closer we get to Thursday, and the closer the polls get the greater the outflow of anti-Scottish sentiment from the UK's establishment, media, and people. We have been continually slandered as a people. Called bigots by the likes of the BNP and UKIP. They have called us racists. We have been bombarded with accusations of "petty nationalism", "atavistic chauvinism" and "anti-English bigotry". They have deployed the same Imperial language against the Scottish movement for self-determination as was used against those in Kenya and India. Yet, not one of England's papers suggest that any single country that has broken free from London's grip did so out of anti-English hatred.
I was having a conversation about the Scottish vote yesterday and the person I was chatting to made what I thought was a very good point. They reckoned that Cameron was more alike a manipulator in an abusive relationship than someone talking about a divorce.


Seeing as waffling politicians and people don't seem to know, maybe this simple crucially-important question could be fed into a computer-
"Will Scotland be better or worse off going independent?"

PS- I hear the 50-odd Scottish members of parliament will be kicked out of Westminster if it's a yes vote, haha..:)

PS again- Saw on TV yesterday a Scottish guy in Scotland who said he's going to vote "No", but he's afraid to tell anybody in case "Yes" supporters throw a brick through his window.
I suppose that sums up many "yessers" as just thugs like separatists the world over..:)

PS yet again- A sensible Scotsman said on TV that he's going to vote "No" because "Scotland is already the greatest country in the world and we don't need to go independent to prove it"
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Veteran Member
I was having a conversation about the Scottish vote yesterday and the person I was chatting to made what I thought was a very good point. They reckoned that Cameron was more alike a manipulator in an abusive relationship than someone talking about a divorce.
My girlfriend said the same thing this morning.

He and others continue to point out that this separation is forever. This is apparently a scare tactic. If it goes wrong, we're still out. But we can already see the huge group of countries that have previously "walked out" of this "marriage", the nearest (geographically) being Ireland. And we do not see a clamour for "going back". No-one ever wants to take Westminster back. Ireland doesn't, we won't and neither will Wales when it goes.


But if they split, Scotland won't have any armed forces unless they rent a couple of Sopwith Camels, buy some ex-Butlins rowing boats, and arm a bunch of crofters with pitchforks, that'll be all they can afford..:)


Dominus Deus tuus ignis consumens est
Staff member
Premium Member
No-one ever wants to take Westminster back. Ireland doesn't, we won't and neither will Wales when it goes.

Who is the 'we'? And why are you so certain that Wales or Scotland will 'go'?

You speak as if the break up of the UK is a foregone conclusion. When at least 50% of the population of Scotland is Unionist and the polls indicate that the campaigns are neck and neck, I have a hard time understanding such confidence - extending even to Wales, which is a different nation from ours. Its almost as if supporters of the Union such as myself don't count? :eek:
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Skanky Old Mongrel!
As an Englishman I couldn't care less if Scotland votes for independence, it's no skin off our nose.
It's the jocks living in England who I'll feel sorry for, because they'll be classed as "immigrants" and the english will feel colder towards them for coming here taking our jobs, houses and welfare, and will start telling them to go back to Scotland..;)

Bulldust. Do you do that to Irishmen from the Republic? They're great guys as well.
And it'll be a lot of skin off our noses (since you put it that way) if Scotland separates because we go back a fair way now, and we are friends.


Skanky Old Mongrel!
It's not so much them coming here, taking our jobs, clogging up our NHS, filling our schools, it's the lying in gutters in pools of vomit after rendering themselves unconscious with Buckfast.

Are you West Midlands? :)
Those aren't Scots lying in puddles of vomit and defecation....... they're Brummies..... :D

Wot's that about NHS? Scots pay NIS, don't they?


Bulldust. Do you do that to Irishmen from the Republic? They're great guys as well.
And it'll be a lot of skin off our noses (since you put it that way) if Scotland separates because we go back a fair way now, and we are friends.

Nah, if Scotland buggers off, we English won't bat an eye, why should we?..:)
As for the Irish Republican immigrants living in England, now that you mention it I'm thinking they ought to bugger off back to their own country too, so should the Welsh immigrants.
I mean, what cheek to desert their own countries and dump themselves on us!


Skanky Old Mongrel!
In todays violent world, countries need all the friends they can get.
England is a nuclear power but Scotland is not.
England has got an Army, Navy and Air force but Scotland has not.
So Scotland needs England in case Putin sends a task force down the north sea from Murmansk to take them over..:)

Rubbish..... A white paper provides four Frigates, a squadron of Typhoons and Scotlands own and very fine regiments in the event of independence.


Skanky Old Mongrel!
England will simply park its subs in Plymouth and Portsmouth, Putin will hardly believe his good luck and will be in Scotland faster than he went into Crimea..:)
Have you ever heard of deep channel navigation?

I can only suppose the Scots have gone soft and mush-brained if they vote for independence, for example I hear Edinburgh is the gay capital of Europe!
Have you ever heard of Brighton? The one in Sussex? You should go there.... you could watch the Gay Pride parades.... you could take part if you wanted.

It's a pity the jocks are not made of sterner stuff like the Irish such as Spitfire pilot Paddy Finucane and SAS founder Paddy Mayne, they're the sort we want as our allies..:)
Drivvle....... Have you ever heard of Hadrian's Wall? The Romans were tough, but......