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should women rule the world?


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I'd prefer ***** riot myself
But just as you don't get to choose the men in charge, neither do you get to choose the women.
Is it safe to presume "***** riot" is the proper noun for the group, & not some kind of vaginal violence?


Active Member
I think the world would be much, much better if men stopped ruling over women as well as over other men.... IMHO all leashes make both ends dumber, every time. I think patriarchy is just a sympton of a bigger problem, which is stupidity, and matriarchy might have less wars and sexual abuse, but would be just as stupid -- an improvement over patriarchy, but in the big scheme of things still too worthless to get excited about.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I think the world would be much, much better if men stopped ruling over women as well as over other men.... IMHO all leashes make both ends dumber, every time. I think patriarchy is just a sympton of a bigger problem, which is stupidity, and matriarchy might have less wars and sexual abuse, but would be just as stupid -- an improvement over patriarchy, but in the big scheme of things still too worthless to get excited about.

Most likely, I think. Although there are so very few true matriarchal cultures left in the world that surprisingly little is actually known about how they function.


Veteran Member
Sounds about right.

I was afraid I'd given Thatcher too much credit including her in the human category - even if only as a Zombie - but hey, one has to be charitable about these things :D

I disagree with the Iranian regime about almost everything imaginable but the one thing that they did which I admire was to rename the street on which the British embassy was located n their country 'Bobby Sands Road' with the express intention of ticking off Maggie.
I still appreciate that gesture.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I disagree with the Iranian regime about almost everything imaginable but the one thing that they did which I admire was to rename the street on which the British embassy was located n their country 'Bobby Sands Road' with the express intention of ticking off Maggie.
I still appreciate that gesture.

Touche, Maggie!

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member

Great article.

Interestingly, Canada has five female provincial premiers, out of 13 total. When I was born, there had been a total of zero in the entire history of our country. We're gaining on you, lads!

I think its great,if you look at the successful Women in business,Law,Medicine,Science i think it comes down to opportunity like the Women during WW1,before it a Woman doing a Mans job was unthinkable let alone doing it equally as good which they did,i think from then on you would eventually overtake us.

I think Hilary Clinton would have been a good choice for President of America,i think that when Women are given the opportunity in a very high profile position that they shine at it (this excludes Margeret Thatcher,old bag IMO) because a Woman challenging for a top job is going to face the big hurdle of descrimination,Hilary Clinton may have been a victim of it.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
...because a Woman challenging for a top job is going to face the big hurdle of descrimination,Hilary Clinton may have been a victim of it.

I think what prevented Clinton, more than anything else, from getting the presidential nod was her vote for the Iraq War -- which was an issue among Democratic primary voters. By now, though, they've probably forgiven her.


Well-Known Member
Queen Mary I and Queen Elizabeth I could both be considered tyrannical concerning their determination to convert their country to their respected religions, Catholicism and Protestant, respectively.
General Moa's wife, Jiang Qing, who was also a member of the "Gang of Four,"could be considered a dictator. Indira Gandhi took on a dictator-like reign during India's "state of emergency." Indira Gandhi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And one cannot forget Elizabeth Báthory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

After reading about these women alone, the least troubling was Indira Gandhi
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I am surprised of such discriminative question coming from you.

Must you know, she has nothing to envy male dictators

East Timor's First Female Dictator Hailed As Step Forward For Women | Video | The Onion - America's Finest News Source

Who is Amivi Gama? I can't find any information about here on anything other than the Onion, then a slew of websites quoting the Onion, who don't seem to realize that the Onion is a newspaper that makes stuff up for laughs...


"The Onion News Network is the daily video broadcast from The Onion, a fake news organization established in 1988 that satirizes international, national, sports, business, entertainment and made up news. The Onion News Network (ONN) was launched in 2007 and ever since then has grown to encompass several continuing series that focus on specific subjects, such as Today Now! which mocks morning news shows, In The Know With Clifford Banes, satirizing pundit shows, O-SPAN, which spoofs C-Span and ONN International, whose coverage includes "over 821 countries and 126 languages" lampooning CNN International.

The embedded video comes from the last of these ONN's series and is titled "East Timor's First Female Dictator Hailed as Step Forward For Women." It is a fake news reel, as is ONN's style, that satirizes both the commonality of coups d'estat in developing countries (the video uses East Timor), the behaviour of dictators, and the way that some people could make it seem as if a dictator's take-over is commendable just because the dictator happens to be a woman (the fictional Amivi Gama). Throughout the video, The ONN's also shows comedic captions regarding to Amivi's Gama's capabilities as a dictator and mother ("Gama Juggles Motherhood, Butchering Political Enemies"), and the ticker is continuously broadcasting other fake news (these include: "Lucasfilm Intern Discovers Only Job Responsibility is Fact-Checking Wookiepedia" and "From Lubbock, TX: Battle Between Humans and Armadillos Rages for 6th Consecutive Day.")

The Onion, Onion News Network, accessed Feb. 22, 2009, -http://www.theonion.com/content/video/east_timors_first_female_dictator?utm_source=a-section-"

Humor Database: The Onion News Network

I guess you are sexist for not acknowledging a fictitious dictator?

Me Myself

Back to my username
Geez, my apologies then, I guess I overestimaed onions capacity to make clear the whole message was tongue in cheek. :confused:

Me Myself

Back to my username
"The Onion News Network is the daily video broadcast from The Onion, a fake news organization established in 1988 that satirizes international, national, sports, business, entertainment and made up news. The Onion News Network (ONN) was launched in 2007 and ever since then has grown to encompass several continuing series that focus on specific subjects, such as Today Now! which mocks morning news shows, In The Know With Clifford Banes, satirizing pundit shows, O-SPAN, which spoofs C-Span and ONN International, whose coverage includes "over 821 countries and 126 languages" lampooning CNN International.

The embedded video comes from the last of these ONN's series and is titled "East Timor's First Female Dictator Hailed as Step Forward For Women." It is a fake news reel, as is ONN's style, that satirizes both the commonality of coups d'estat in developing countries (the video uses East Timor), the behaviour of dictators, and the way that some people could make it seem as if a dictator's take-over is commendable just because the dictator happens to be a woman (the fictional Amivi Gama). Throughout the video, The ONN's also shows comedic captions regarding to Amivi's Gama's capabilities as a dictator and mother ("Gama Juggles Motherhood, Butchering Political Enemies"), and the ticker is continuously broadcasting other fake news (these include: "Lucasfilm Intern Discovers Only Job Responsibility is Fact-Checking Wookiepedia" and "From Lubbock, TX: Battle Between Humans and Armadillos Rages for 6th Consecutive Day.")

The Onion, Onion News Network, accessed Feb. 22, 2009, -http://www.theonion.com/content/video/east_timors_first_female_dictator?utm_source=a-section-"

Humor Database: The Onion News Network

I guess you are sexist not acknowledging a fictitious dictator?

Again, my apologies, I thought it was obvious I was talking tongue in cheeck when I cited the onion o.o