The Son, in my previous post, is not Jesus. The Son is the Eternal Son in heaven, God and the Mother Spirit's first created being.
The Holy Spirit, I call Mother Spirit, is a mysterious thing. It originated with God but was separated into a being all it's own in order to bring about other beings, the first was and still is the Eternal Son. The Mother Spirit is a being but an associative being, one who does what is needed and not necessarily one who plans or makes universal decisions.
Jesus is the architect of our universe. He is also God's Son but He was sent out of heaven to design our universe and open the gateway to heaven and control who goes through it. This is why Jesus said "Only through me can you get to heaven". This gateway could only be opened after Jesus completed His bestowal mission on the earth, that is why people think that Jesus came to absolve us of our sins and save us. He didn't. We were always absolved, always saved. Jesus, once He completed His earthly mission, opened the doorway and began allowing the awakened sleeping survivors through. Jesus is not all knowing because even though he has access to all information regarding this universe he does not have access to what occurs in other universes.