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Simple Living and Higher Thinking


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Using oil in what context?
Energy to fuel vehicles & power plants.

Because if it weren't for NIMB syndrome, electricity could be a lot easier and cleaner than it is currently.
NIMB won't go away. We'd have to have a sea change in governmental orientation & power to quash their voice.

But nothing would happen overnite. Even a switch from IC engine powered vehicles to electric would take decades.
The vehicles would have to be manufactured to replace the current ones. But even if this were done, it would be
very expensive to make the vehicles, install the infrastructure, & build the needed power plants. I seriously doubt
that our economy is capable of doing that within 3 decades. It is certainly still an alternative which could be
implemented in the distant future.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
I think that human society would much happier spiritually and materially if we were to go back to living a more simple agrarian God-conscious lifestyle.
I'm all for simplifying life... I try to practice this principle everyday,. However, I don't think we can or should return to a purely agrarian lifestyle. It's simply not feasible for a population numbered in the several billion.

I don't think that technology has offered any significant benefit to human society. In fact it is destroying the planet.
I disagree... as someone who has a deep awareness of the millions of First Nations people wiped out by smallpox.... someone who would have died in childbirth had it not been for modern medicine, I rather think it's our application of technology in consumptive ways rather than sustainable ways that is the issue.

Technology gives us the ability to be more sustainable than in any point in our history. We can use less water, less energy and less land in destructive agriculture than ever before.

We have a choice to use technology in sustainable ways or in destructive ways no matter how far back in our history you go. Fire is used in slash and burn agriculture going back thousands of years... this is destructive agrarianism. We no longer need to use this method thanks to modern technology.

We can choose to use the best methods of both modern and ancient knowledge to maximize our productivity while minimizing our impact on the environment.

For example Growing my garden in the traditional mound plantings of the Iroquois maximizes my plants production while minimizing the need for fertilizers and pest control, but I use a passive solar greenhouse to extend my growing season into the winter months when the ground would otherwise be frozen. I can grow many cold tolerant crops like Kale and therefore reduce my need to import fresh vegetables from warmer climates.

Using solar hot water to reduce my need for energy and prevent myself from having to burn wood to heat water in the winter. The solar hot water system is a closed loop so no additional input into the system is needed except sunlight.

On a more practical note I think that adopting this lifestyle is a matter of survival for human society since we are completely dependent on oil at every level and when it runs out this current society will collapse.
I generally agree with this position as well... but again I would point out that proper application of technology is essential.
What we need isn't a shunning of technology but a more holistic approach to it's use. As well as a reduction in our consumerist driven economy.



Its only a Label
Friend I-Ching,

Simple Living and Higher Thinking
I think that human society would much happier spiritually and materially if we were to go back to living a more simple agrarian God-conscious lifestyle.

I don't think that technology has offered any significant benefit to human society. In fact it is destroying the planet.

On a more practical note I think that adopting this lifestyle is a matter of survival for human society since we are completely dependent on oil at every level and when it runs out this current society will collapse.

All of anyone's THINKING are assumptions/imaginery/illusional.
TRUTH is when the Mind STILLS [no thoughts]
One can never say "I think" when the mind is still.
Next, everything in existence is nothing but ENERGY which can never be created nor destroyed and it only changes form. So much so that few students in India are creating models of utilizing the energy getting wasted from people at GYM, creating windmills atop all trains, developing electricity from ceiling fans etc.

It is important to first follow a path,which is best and then inform others about it or else just thinking leads none to anywhere.

Love & rgds


Rolling Marble
I don't think that technology has offered any significant benefit to human society.
What about medical technology?
The Vedas offer a system called varna ashrama where human society is divided into four classes according to their talents: a priestly class, a warrior class, a merchant class and labourer class.
Sounds good - theory.
In practise this system has lead to untouchability and discrimination.
In Vedic times when saintly kings ruled the planet. There was no poverty. Nature supplied all our necessities in abundance because human society was God-conscious.
Do you have proof for this from academic sources?

The Wizard

Active Member
I think that human society would much happier spiritually and materially if we were to go back to living a more simple agrarian God-conscious lifestyle.

I don't think that technology has offered any significant benefit to human society. In fact it is destroying the planet.

On a more practical note I think that adopting this lifestyle is a matter of survival for human society since we are completely dependent on oil at every level and when it runs out this current society will collapse.
Sign me up. Where is my mule...


Aspiring to Transcendence
I agree that God has representatives.
I do not agree that we cannot go directly to God ourselves.

Why do you believe that we cannot go directly to God?

If you are tied up only some who is free can untie you. In the same way we are tied up by the ropes of illusion and only someone who is liberated can untie us. Our hearts are covered by the karma of many lifetimes. We need to purify the heart through the process of bhakti-yoga before it will be possible to reliably connect with God directly. This is the goal but it can not be imitated.


Aspiring to Transcendence
Strange how the people decrying or dismissing science never follow their own convictions.

If you really think science is that bad, stop using it.
But then, stop using what it has given you as well.

That means; no more computer, no more internet, no more mobile phone, no more using modern means of transportation, no more using store bought clothes, no more buying store bought food, no more living in modern houses, no more access to medicine...
In short, it means moving out in to the woods and living the life of someone from the middle ages.

If you do not, then that just means that you are just another hypocrite.
And we have enough of those.

As I have already stated. I am using a thorn to take out a thorn.


Aspiring to Transcendence
I disagree... as someone who has a deep awareness of the millions of First Nations people wiped out by smallpox.... someone who would have died in childbirth had it not been for modern medicine, I rather think it's our application of technology in consumptive ways rather than sustainable ways that is the issue.

I think you underestimate the power of Vedic knowledge. Ayurveda was curing people of smallpox in 1500 BCE check on WikiWiki. I personally cured myself of chronic disease that i suffered with for 8 years with Ayurveda and the I-Ching.


Aspiring to Transcendence
All of anyone's THINKING are assumptions/imaginery/illusional.
TRUTH is when the Mind STILLS [no thoughts]
One can never say "I think" when the mind is still.
Next, everything in existence is nothing but ENERGY which can never be created nor destroyed and it only changes form. So much so that few students in India are creating models of utilizing the energy getting wasted from people at GYM, creating windmills atop all trains, developing electricity from ceiling fans etc.

It is important to first follow a path,which is best and then inform others about it or else just thinking leads none to anywhere.

Thinking is the boon of the human form of life. By your definition a stone is already enlightened.
Energy can not be created or destroyed by its quality degrades due to entropy.
I am starting to grow my own food. I am using the I-Ching to revive Vedic technology.


Aspiring to Transcendence
What about medical technology?
Ayurveda was curing people of smallpox in 1500 BCE check on Wiki. I personally cured myself of chronic disease that i suffered with for 8 years with Ayurveda and the I-Ching.

Sounds good - theory.
In practise this system has lead to untouchability and discrimination.
That is a perversion of the original system. Krishna says your class is according to your qualities and your work not according to birth. In a spiritual society the intelligent teach, the strong protect, the wealthy give. In our society everyone uses their talents to exploit.

Do you have proof for this from academic sources?
No my authority is the Vedas. Our history is limited by our limited senses.


Rogue Theologian
What do you think would the ideal for of governance in such a community?

The Vedas offer a system called varna ashrama where human society is divided into four classes according to their talents: a priestly class, a warrior class, a merchant class and labourer class.

Democracy is dysfunctional system of governance since the majority of people are not very intelligent and therefore not qualified to elect a proper leader. They will simply vote for whoever offers them the most sense gratification. Our current oil dilemma is an example. The majority are not going to vote for the person who is prepared to make the necessary changes for this inevitable future.

There are four basic motivations....
religion, politics, military, and monetary.

I see similarity in you list, without the mention of prevalence.

God first...and your fellow man will attempt to convince you...
God wants you to.
Then the politician....he has the plan...it's good for all.
Then the military.....and martial law.

Last but not least, money.
There's money in it for me, a paycheck for you...the timeclock is over there....so says the rich man.

True enough the 'system' is failing. The failing cannot be stopped.
Chaos is pending.

Perhaps the only discussion would be....how do you want to die?
Last edited:


Krishna was wise and he was a strategist too in a positive way. He had stabilized the world he was in with his wisdom.

The Mahabharata is such a beautiful book I find no comparison in this world, and what I like of this great epic is the characters in the book are so so wonderfully presented by Vyasa, the author of this great epic that they are un-mythical, real and one can come across them in every step of life. I find the characters of the Pandavas quite realistic. I have read a great number of epics, theologies, mythologies and yet I can hardly come across the books that can be compared with the Mahabharata.
When it comes to philosophy one can hardly come across any compared with the Upanishads.

I have read recently read the God Delusion by Richard Dawkins and had he read the Upanishads and understood the core philosophy of the Upanishads his book would have taken a different direction.


Aspiring to Transcendence
There are four basic motivations....
religion, politics, military, and monetary.

I see similarity in you list, without the mention of prevalence.

God first...and your fellow man will attempt to convince you...
God wants you to.
Then the politician....he has the plan...it's good for all.
Then the military.....and martial law.

Last but not least, money.
There's money in it for me, a paycheck for you...the timeclock is over there....so says the rich man.

True enough the 'system' is failing. The failing cannot be stopped.
Chaos is pending.

Perhaps the only discussion would be....how do you want to die?

It can be stopped!
Just take shelter of God's Will and it will be stopped.


Rogue Theologian
It can be stopped!
Just take shelter of God's Will and it will be stopped.

Choose any recourse you prefer.
As the population expands and resources dwindle...(you mentioned oil)
the whole thing will come to a screeching halt.
Then the chaos.

Got bullets?


Aspiring to Transcendence
Choose any recourse you prefer.
As the population expands and resources dwindle...(you mentioned oil)
the whole thing will come to a screeching halt.
Then the chaos.

Got bullets?

The planet could support double the population if people stopped eating meat. There is more a problem of over-concentration than over-population.
We don't need oil if we live a simple agrarian lifestyle.


Rogue Theologian
The planet could support double the population if people stopped eating meat. There is more a problem of over-concentration than over-population.
We don't need oil if we live a simple agrarian lifestyle.

And your canine teeth are good for what?

And what then about all other animals? eating the same food sources we would be eating?
(suggesting that humans become vegans is all fine and good)
but have you really thought how far that will go?

China has more than a billion people...and no EPA.
Their water sources are in trouble....then what?

Double the human population?....then what?

No oil?
No commute to work...no paycheck....no insurance....
grocery stores?....public facilities?....etc...etc...etc...


Aspiring to Transcendence
And your canine teeth are good for what?

And what then about all other animals?
As a human being you can choose to be compassionate you are not forced.

Cattle are already eating all our food, it is a hugely inefficient process.

China has more than a billion people...and no EPA.
Their water sources are in trouble....then what?

Double the human population?....then what?
I'm suggesting we double the population all I am saying is there is enough. When human beings worship God then nature will supply her resources in abundance. Nature is being controlled by higher beings.

No oil?
No commute to work...no paycheck....no insurance....
grocery stores?....public facilities?....etc...etc...etc...
Yes. Peacefulness and happiness. Self-realization.


Rolling Marble
Ayurveda was curing people of smallpox in 1500 BCE check on Wiki. I personally cured myself of chronic disease that i suffered with for 8 years with Ayurveda and the I-Ching.
What about brain-tumors, schizophrenia, chronic heart disease, bone marrow damage, etc., how can Ayurveda cure this?
In a spiritual society the intelligent teach, the strong protect, the wealthy give.
Who decides who is intelligent enough to teach, strong enough to protect, or wealthy enough to protect?
Who decides who is nothing of that and has to do labour work?